Chapter Eleven

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Verity's POV

"Sit down and tell me exactly what happened" my dad instructed pointing to the kitchen stool. "Wheres loverboy?" I asked, "working sit still" he said placing cotton wool on my cut lip. I winced because it stung like a bitch, "sorry" he said. "I didn't start it, I was just sitting in the canteen eating when she yelled at me across the room. I asked what she wanted and she was like you slept with my boyfriend your a whore" I started as he hmmed and dabbed at the cut.

"I was like no I didn't, you know Im not like that. She went youre a liar and flew at me. She pushed me to the floor and started hitting me, I hit her back and said some stuff but she wouldn't give up" I carried on. "Close your eyes" he said placing the cotton wool on it, "so we ended up fighting in the canteen I didn't even hit her that much I only scratched her face and hit her in the nose" I explained.

He threw the cotton wool in the bin and sat opposite me, "I hope you realise im going to have to ground you for this" he said. "Yeah I get it dad, do you want my phone?" I asked. "Yes please im taking it for a week ok?" he said, I pulled it from my pocket and handed it to him. "Fine by me now are we done?" I questioned, "yes" he answered.

"Good can I go to bed now?" I asked, "at half past three?" he questioned raising an eyebrow as I nodded and headed to my room. I slid my jacket off and lifted my top slightly, dark bruises were starting to form over my ribs. I touched them gently with my fingertips as my breath hissed through my teeth. Fucking bitch, I didn't hit her that much.

Everything fucking hurt, why did I decide being friends with that guy was a good idea. Never again, I crawled onto my bed and wrapped my arms around the pillow and pulled it close to me. I figured I must have fallen asleep, I was awoken by someone calling my name. I turned and groaned quietly seeing my dad sitting on the bed, "hey sleepyhead" he said quietly moving my fringe from my face.

"Hi" I said quietly, "are you coming down for dinner? he asked. I sat up and winced as my dad raised an eyebrow, "are you ok" he asked. "No it hurts dad" I said quietly, "what does?" he asked. I lifted my top and showed him the bruises, "she did that?!" he asked as I nodded. "Its only small nothing to worry about" I replied, "that's not small come on we need to get you some pain killers or something for that" he told me.

"Urgh fine" I answered as I stood up and followed him downstairs, he handed me the box as I took them and sat at the table. Sauli wouldn't be home for a few hours yet so I got to spend time with my dad on his own. "What do you think of mr Ratliff?" he asked as my fork paused in mid air. "What about him?" I asked, "what do you think of him. Hes pretty cute don't you think?" he asked.

"Dad seriously hes married and you've got a boyfriend" I told him. He blushed and looked down at the plate. "I can still look, he plays guitar you know. I could use him in my band" he mused. "You could but youre forgetting his daughter hates me, shes not going to be over the moon that youre hanging with her dad" I replied. "I suppose not but Im going to see if he wants to audition just in case" he told me.

"If that's what you want then I wont stop you, but you cant date him. Hes not even gay" I said. "You don't know that I saw the way he looked at me" he said, "oh dad stop please im trying to eat here" I said shuddering. "Alright sorry not cool" he said smirking, "youre a total dork dad" I replied as he crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue. "Idiot" I said smiling and going back to my food.

"I thought I was meant to be in the dog house" I said, "you are but it doesn't mean I have to ignore you. You've been given your punishment and youre willing to do it. Youve also been in your room all day, so I didnt have to tell you to go there. So I see no other reason as to why I need to yell at you anymore, besides youre a teenager it just goes in one ear and out the other. But that attitude or yours needs to go" he explained.

"Yes I know, I need to stop being so rude to that finnish piece of ass youre with" I said rolling my eyes. "That finnish piece of ass has a name you know" he nagged, "sorry Sauli" I said emphasising its name. "Attitude see I told you!" he said, I stuck my tongue out at him as he smirked. "Your so damn cocky" he told me, "that's how my daddy raised me" I said smirking.

"You have way too much sass little girl" he commented, "oh I could take you on" I warned. He laughed loudly, "oh yes as if youre not bruised enough you cheeky so and so" he said putting the cutlery down. "I suppose I better wash up" he said stretching, "I suppose I can do it" I said picking up the plates. "Are you sure you can manage I an you don't do chores" he said crossing his arms.

"Oh youre a regular lee evans aren't you im sure I can manage to wash a few plates up" I said. I washed them up as he dried them and put them away, I heard the key in the front door turn as I looked up from the sink. "Oh joy dad your piece of ass is home" I called into the garden. "Shut up verity" he said a ghost of a smile on his lips, I watched as they embraced and made out.

"Ok well this is all very lovely but this is where I say adieu I don't wanna see that thanks ive just eaten" I said. "Stop with the sass" my dad warned, "yes sir" I replied smirking as I left them to their vile snogging.

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