Chapter 10: The Game

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The stadium is fully packed today. It's kind of ridiculous how crowded it is, I didn't realise so many people were into high school football.

Mal, I shuffle to our seats squeezing through bodies. The whole school is buzzing with excitement. I am not so much excited, but more annoyed. I stupidly said to Rebecca and Ray I would come, and I am one to keep my word. Plus Mal basically dragged me here offering to buy me some hot chips. Kyles is on the football team so she wants to watch him, like the supportive girlfriend she is- gag.

I came to a realisation before the game, that this is the most normal teenage thing I have done in a long time. And that kind of sucks. I like normalcy. I want normalcy. Normal is so underrated. So maybe this is a good thing, maybe my life is kind of fucked up sometimes, but maybe it can have normal teenage things in it too?

I don't really understand what is happening in the game except there are some muscular men running around in some tight pants. I do notice a number being called out a lot, number 21. There are lots of posters with the number 21 covered in hearts and kisses.  

I nudge Mal, "Hey, who's number 21?"

She looks at me, baffled. "Tate, that is Ray! How do you not know that? He is like famous for his football!"

I shrug, making a mental note in my head to not watch number 21. The game continues with lots of roaring from the crowd every time our school's team scores a goal. Our school seems to be in the lead and while I have been trying to avoid watching stupid number 21, he has the ball majority of the fucking time. So unless I don't want to watch the game, I am kind of forced to watch him. Watch him and his stupid good football skills in his stupid tight pants.

Lily and her cheerleading squad are on the sideline looking pretty and perky, making me want to slam my head against a wall repeatedly, especially when she blows Ray a kiss I can tell she just adores him though, with the way she squeals every time he receives the ball and how she is constantly cheering his name. It takes some serious control on my behalf to not roll my eyes every time she does.

But overall the game is cool to watch. The team is good, real good. As much as I hate to say it, Ray is pretty good too. He has scored most of the points for our team, and every time he does he looks up to the crowd, eyes scanning the stand. But whatever he is trying to find he never finds and it makes him annoyed. I know it does, because he looks tenser than usual, clenching his fists. I wish I could make him relax and I hate that I think like that.

I am thankful when It is nearly half-time, Mal and I are planning to go get some coke and chips in the break thank god because I have been craving chips this whole game.

Some commotion happening on the field draws my attention back. There is a heated discussion between one of our opposing team players. One of our school's players starts to walk away, but he doesn't make it far before he is shoved roughly from behind by the other player.

Suddenly number 21 is in the face of the guy who shoved our team's player. The whistle is being blown repeatedly and two players of the opposing team and in each other's faces. Whatever the guy says makes Ray angry, because he lands a right hook on the side of the guy's face. The guy stumbles back a few steps from the impact and the crowd is going wild.

My eyes are wide, lips parted.

Because Ray Preston punched someone... 

Everyone else seems to be shocked too because everyone knows Ray is a pretty rational guy. So whatever that guy said must have really pissed him off because I have never seen him be violent before.

Thankfully half time is called and the teams separate off to their designated sides and the cheerleaders go onto the centre of the field and start their dances.

Ray storms off the field looking absolutely furious.

Mal is already standing up, she grabs my arm, "Come on we need to go see if Kyle is alright!" And that is when I realise Kyle was the one who was shoved. 

Ray punched the guy who shoved Kyle...

I struggle to keep up with Mal's fast pace as she hurries down the stairs especially since it has only been a few days since the waterfall accident. My grazes and wrist is feeling a lot better, but my ribs have been a pain. I didn't realise how much movement requires your abdomen.

Mal pushes through some people and I apologise on her behalf. Soon we make it near where the team is situated. Kyle is sitting down on the bench. His head perks up when he sees Mal, his frustrated expression instantly relaxing a bit. He walks up to her and engulfs her in his arms and I can't help the smile that comes to my face.

I stand by awkwardly at their side waiting for them to stop embracing, the two so emerged in each other. They finally break away and Mal is quick to speak.

"What was that about?" Mal asks, her eyebrows furrowed.

He sighs, "Just some dick being racist" 

I frown, Kyle has a darker skin complexion due his African American parents. 

"Ray heard what he said and got pretty pissed about it..."Kyle finishes, smiling slightly. Like he is flattered that Ray defended him, my cold heart warms slightly at that. 

My eyes look back to the players, I can't help but see if Ray is okay. 

He is currently in a heated discussion with the coach, he looks frustrated and disheveled from head to toe. He runs a hand through his messy hair before nodding a focussed and frustrated expression on his face.

I am not used to seeing him without his usual smile on his face. I just want to ease the tension between his brows. But I am not the right person to comfort him, Lily is. Speaking of which she is performing with the cheerleading girls right now, probably wishing she could comfort Ray. Her hair sways as she dances, she looks beautiful. Her movements flow naturally and look effortless as she does so. 

She is perfect, no wonder he chose her.

I bite my lip, I wonder if Ray feels that way too? If he is so awed by her beauty like everyone else. They are called the golden couple for a reason because they are both flawless, beautiful humans that look like they belong together. They are the 'It' couple. The coupe that everyone wishes they could be.

I look back at him. His jaw is set and he is undeniably mad. His eyes dark and a scowl on his handsome face, the guy looks beyond intimating. If only Lily didn't have to perform her cheerleading routine then she could comfort him. Maybe it is good that he rejected me, I am not very good at comforting people. 

I am not good with people fullstop. 

Like an invisible force making him his head turns and our eyes connect. He says a few more words to the coach not breaking eye contact with me before turning and heading directly in my direction.

I quickly divert my gaze, embarrassed I was caught staring at him for so long. I quickly try to listen back in on Mal's and Kyle's conversation.But I don't get a word in because Ray storms over to us nodding at Kyle briefly who thanks Ray for standing up for him. 

Ray gives him a tight lip smile, "That guy was a dick, don't listen to a word he says"

Kyle nods.

Then Ray fixates his eyes on me, a fire in his eyes. I shrink a little avoiding his eyes.

"Tate, a word." He grunts, demanding. He doesn't give me a chance to respond because he has clasped my arm in his grip without hesitation. he then proceeds to half lead- half drags me in the opposite direction of the field.

Too shocked and confused I let him pull me along wondering what the fuck he is doing. 

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