Chapter 12: Playing Dirty

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I have been dreading today all weekend.


And not just because it's, well— Monday. But because it means school and school means people. I don't want to deal with people today.

Rays, a momentary lapse of bad decision last Friday at the football game has had me on edge all weekend. It doesn't help that rumours of Ray and Lily's breakup have spread like wildfire. Nearly every second conversation I hear walking down the hallway is about it; everyone is stunned that the school's golden couple has broken up.

And I am the reason why.

I shrink in my hoodie, but no one spares me a second glance. I shiver slightly at the sight of girls wearing short skirts and low tops regardless of this cold day. I am wearing my favourite stained hoodie that is currently soaking wet from my lovely walk here in the rain. My hair is plastered to my face and my cheeks are flushed from the cold. I was so close to staying in bed, I wanted so bad to stay in my warm bed. But Greg has been a pain in my arse lately, so school is a good way to avoid him. He has been pulling some serious threats to get me into his dodgy shit. I know he is looking for something to hold over me—something to blackmail me with, that might be a bit of a struggle though as I don't have much.

Then locker slams shut with a loud thump. "What?!" Mal exclaims, "You... got a kitten?"

I sigh rubbing the back of my neck. I found a stray kitten on the weekend and he was hungry and cold and I couldn't ignore him. He just looked so innocent, so helpless—abandoned.

"I couldn't just leave him, Mal, he looked so lonely"

She shakes her head disbelieving, "Girl you can barely look after yourself and now you have to look after a cat too?"

She has a good point, but I grin anyway. "Just wait till you see him, Mal, you will fall in love with him as soon as he uses his big adorable eyes on you"

She rolls her eyes. "Your such a softie Tate, but a cat is a big responsibility. I mean who is going to look after him when we are at camp?"

I ran a hand through my hair, "Shit I forgot about that.."

We have the senior camp next week. We have to go camping out in the wilderness for two nights in a bug-infested forest. The seniors always came back with bags under their eyes, angry red bug bites across their faces, and one hell of a story.

The hall quietens with hushes drawing Mal and I's attention. Lily has entered the hallway and all eyes are on her.

She looks a mess.

But even though a mess she is still pretty. She has bags under her eyes and her clothing rumpled and creased which is very unlike her. His hair is in a messy bun rather than her tidy sleek ponytail. Her eyes look sad and I feel... guilty.

I can't believe Ray actually went through with this. I don't know what was running through his mind when he broke up with her.

As soon as she sees Mal and I, she rushes over to us. "Tate, Mal, I have the worst news! Ray broke up with me!!" She exclaims frantically, her eyes watering.

I wince and Mal shoots me a surprised look. "He did?"

"Yes." She grits out, "Now every girl in the school thinks he's on the fucking market. But he is not! He is mine."

My eyebrows raise, I have never seen her so vicious.

Mal suppress her smile, "Maybe he found his match?"

Lily scowls, her pretty face quickly turning ugly.

"He said he did, but he and I, we are made for each other. We agreed to reject our matches so we could be together! I am going to win him back-"

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