Chapter 20: Body Heat

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I feel very warm. Hot even.

Which is weird, because I am never warm. I'm cold. I'm the person who piles a million blankets on their bed because their body can't seem to produce heat. The person who wears two jackets because they get so cold. The person who gets purple lips if they are in the pool for too long.

But I'm warm. Really warm.

It's nice. A comforting embrace. I sigh in contentment, gravitating closer to the warmth. I want to crawl into the warmth and never leave. Fuck the cold, warmth is so much better.

It takes a second before it kicks in. Before where kicks in. Then who does and suddenly I am wide awake.

I try to escape. My body thinks I am crazy trying to escape the warmth, but heart is dying laying in the comforts of his skin and my mind is freaking the fuck out.

But, harder said than done because Ray is half laying on me, his arm possessively placed wrapped across me.

He shifts a bit, trying to bury his head further into the pillow and side of my neck.

"Ray," I say quietly, becoming increasingly aware that I am in a room with other also guys in here.

"Fuck." I nudge Ray again, harder this time.

"Mmm go back to sleep." He grumbles tiredly, his voice husky and drowsy with sleep. If I wasn't so stressed on getting out from under him I would think it was adorable.

I start to wriggle away. "No. Don't go." He mutters tiredly under his breath.

"Ray," I warn, voice low. "I am in a very thin shirt with very short shorts on in a room full of boys, I think I should go."

He is wide awake in an instant.

Tired sleepy Ray long gone and an alert surprised Ray up on his forearms. And he looks displeased with that piece of information.

His eyes drift from my face to the position we are in. I swear I see his cheeks flush.

The guys start to wake up with grumbles and start shuffling around in their beds. One of them mumbled, "Shut up, it's too early".

"Fuck." Ray mumbles.

I pull the covers up to my neck and Ray moves his body fully over me so I am shielded from his friend's view.

One of the boys whistles, when he gets out of his bed. "Ray Preston, have you got a girl in your bed."

"Fuck off Avery." Ray grunts in response, his arms on either side of my head to hide me from his view.

There is laughter and whistles in response. I wish for the ground to swallow me whole.

Ray huffs in annoyance. "Everyone, get out now."

"What? This is our room bro!" Avery complains.

"I don't care, go get breakfast."

"Whatever" He grumbles in reply.

I sigh in relief when I hear them get out of bed and start to leave, not without complaining though.

Avery calls out before the door shuts. "Oh, and say hi to Lily from me."

Time stops for a few seconds.

Then it kicks in.

They think I'm Lily.

My heart pangs. They think the girl lying in his bed is Lily...

"Lily and I broke up," Ray calls after him, visibly frustrated.

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