Chapter 17: He Wins

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I open my mouth, ready to give him what he wants. Anything he wants.

He wins.

But I don't get the chance to speak because his lips slam against mine, taking the words right out of my mouth.


I was kissed once in 2nd grade on the playground. It was awkward, it was weird, and it was uncomfortable.

This kiss is nothing like that.

There is no awkward bumping of noses or wrong positing of lips. No hesitation or lack of confidence and experience. No.

Ray isn't that 8-year-old boy who kissed me in the park. Ray doesn't bump his nose on mine, he doesn't hesitate and he knows what he is doing.

Me, on the other hand—I haven't been kissed since that 8-year-old boy.

At first, I am too shocked to move. I am frozen, my brain not quite processing; not quite believing.

Is this real?

Because there is no way Ray Preston's lips are attached to mine right now.

But it proves real when he bites my lip, tugging it into his mouth—Holy shit. His mouth is warm and wet and I can hardly think right now.

"Ray-" I try to speak. I'll tell him everything he wants to know, he wins.

But he doesn't let me.

"Mmm, tell me later" he mummers against my lips, effectively silencing me with his lips.

He invaded my spaces, pulling me closer, taking full control because he is a control freak. His lips mold with mine, his lips sending delicious electrical currents through my body. His tongue runs along my bottom lip and my mind blanks. 

I always thought kissing was overrated. That is kind of gross swapping silva with someone. Why bother swapping silva with someone especially considering the amounts of bacteria swapped for something so underwhelming, so.. eh.

But now.

Now, I understand.

His hands inch towards the skin under my shirt. His fingertips on the skin of my hip leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. I shiver as his fingers slide against my skin. He tightens his grip on my waist almost possessively. He kisses wet hot kisses along my jaw. Then he bites. He bites the spot where my neck and shoulder meet and it's a sharp sweet pain. He sucks it before soothing it with his tongue. 

My breathing is irregular now and I can't help the breathless moan when he sucks my neck again. He hums in approval pressing wet kisses over my skin. 

His breathing becomes harsher when my palms press against his fevered chest. His naked skin. Fuck, there's so much skin. I drag my fingers down his skin, I have never been so entranced by someone's skin before. His skin is so smooth, so flawless. It feels unreal that I am touching it. I can feel the heat omitting from his body, and it is not unwelcome. 

He kisses me harder like he wants more. Like this is not enough.

He drags my hips closer to the edge of my bench, closer to his hips. We both suck in a sharp breath when he presses his hips against mine. He groans dropping his head in the nook of my neck. My body has never felt so hot and flustered before. So turned on.

He sucks in a haggard breath and shakes his head. "For fucks sake" He grunts lowly backing away from me. "I have no fucking willpower" he speaks to himself running a hand down his face. "It always seems that way with you." He muttered under his breath so quietly I am not entirely sure I was supposed to hear that.

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