Chapter 13: Distractions

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"You know that eating that is bad for you right?"

"You know that joining the cheer team makes like 50 percent of the school hate you right?"

Mal rolls her eyes, "It could be fun. Plus I am always at Kyles games anyway so why not?"

"Yeah I guess, whatever toots your horn" I shrug.

I sigh trying to focus back on studying. Mal and I are currently studying in the library during our free period. Well more like I am staring at words on a page and not processing any of it. Kyle drops his bag on the table plopping down in the seat next to Mal with a sigh.

"If I hear one more person flirt with Ray or ask him to that stupid dance, I think I am going to lose it."

I snort.

Mal's head raises, suddenly interested. "Wow, people are already onto the guy? It has only been a few days since the breakup."

"The team has been on his back trying to set him up with girls. He is refusing though, said he found his match." Kyle frowns. "Don't know if it's going well though, the guy has been pretty distant lately."

Mal gives me a look.

I raise my hands innocently. "Woah, why are you looking at me like that? I didn't do anything. It's probably from his and Lily's breakup."

"Lily and Ray seem fine. They have agreed to be friends and I think they are on pretty good terms actually." Kyle says, eating chips loudly that the librarian gives us a glare.

I should be happy, I am happy. I mean I knew this would happen. I am just glad I didn't let my walls down.

"Did you guys know Mr Clarke is having an affair with the art teacher?" I say, trying to change the subject because I don't want to talk about Ray and Lily anymore.

"Did you know that spreading rumours about the teachers is a punishable act in this school?" A voice says behind me.

A voice I would know from anywhere.

Ray leans his hip against the desk beside me. "How should I punish you miss Blake? School service? Hall duty?" He places a hand on the table in front of me leaning closer to me. "Or how about detention, you can spend hours with me."

My eyes narrow. "I'd rather clean the boy's bathroom than spend detention with you."

He smirks, "Now that's harsh, I can assure you I'm much better company."

I scoff. "Maybe when you're not talking."

Ray leans closer, his eyes drifting lower on my face. "Guess you'll just have to shut me up then..."

Holy Shit.

My lips part in shook and my mind blanks for a moment.

Ray smirks sitting down in the chair next to me while I am still speechless. I know my cheeks are red and I hate it. Kyle looks fucking confused, looking between Ray and I with furrowed brows. Mal is biting her lip trying to contain her smile.

I mumble some incoherent words under my breath and try to re-focus on my science homework. I chew on the pen, my brows drawing together. Honestly, science sounds like utter bullshit. Like someone just made some random shit up that makes no sense. Basically as plausible as dragons if you ask me.

"Want help?"

I shoot Ray a dry look. "No."

He hums in response, leaning back in his chair looking relaxed and amused.

"You know, I could actually use some hel-"

"Yeah fuck no" Rays interrupts.

Kyle pouts. "But you just offered to help Tate?"

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