Chapter 9: Doctor

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To say I am unhappy is an understatement.

We are back on the bus, Mrs Shute has instructed Ray to check Rebeccas and I's injuries since he has done some medical courses and shit (Which is total bullshit if you ask me).

Plus he needs to stay away from me- like two feet away from me- at least. I'd rather suffer in pain than have him come near me and mess up my emotions.

But it doesn't seem like it is going to work out that way, unfortunately.

We have two buses so the teachers made most of the other students go on the other one which I am grateful for, it is nice to have some peace and quiet. Mrs Shute is a few seats ahead on the phone with the school and updated them on the incident. We have some blankets wrapped around our shoulders to stop us from getting cold, It is a comforting protective layer.

Ray is checking Rebecca's injuries first. He started to check my injuries but I insisted he checked on Rebeccas first. He clenched his jaw and looked as if he was going to resist, but pressed his lips together and complied.

He has the school's first aid kit out and is Bandaging a graze on her arm at the moment. I am in the seat across from them, my eyes closed and resting my head against my chair. Rebecca is happily chatting to Ray, I am zoning out most of what they are saying though.

I am in so much pain right now it is a little hard to function. The majority of the pain is coming from my ribs.

It hurts breath.

So, I try to not breathe so much- I mean who needs oxygen right?

"There you go", Ray says starting to put the medical stuff back in the bag. "You have a few lacerated and abrasion wounds, but they should be all good now that I have applied some cream and bandaged them. Just keep direct pressure on the graze on your leg for a bit."

"Wow, Ray thanks! You're really good at this!" Rebecca say, holding up her patched-up arm and expecting it. I agree, he is good at this.

He smiles politely before he turns to me. His eyes run over my tense body and his frown deepens. He kneels alongside my seat, looking illegally gorgeous. His hair looks so soft that I am tempted to run my fingers through it, just to see if it is as soft as it looks. I internally scold myself for that thought. I can't believe I am in so much pain right now yet I am still so entranced by him.

Ray's sharp gaze runs over me. He grasps the blanket, his eyes asking for permission to remove it from me. I nod reluctantly and he gently pulls is away from my body.

"Alright, where are you feeling pain?" He asks, his voice surprisingly soft. I could just melt from his voice, so sweet and kind, no one had talked to me like that. Like I am fragile, like I am worth worrying about, like they care.

I need to stop this, stop this delusional thinking. This is Ray, the most kind and caring guy in school. He would be like this to everyone, I am no exception.

I sigh and then wince at the pain that ripples through my body in return. "Can I have some painkillers?" I ask, voice clipped. Something to kill some of the pain would be nice.

He frowns, "Yeah I'll get your some as soon I check your injuries out. I just need to see what injuries you have first and to what extent they are before any pain killers"

I nod my head, that makes sense, but that also sucks ass.

I reluctantly give him my sore arm. "I think I sprained my wrist." He gently grabs my arm. He tentatively pushes and prods my arm and makes me move it at certain angles before confirming it is just a sprain.

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