Chapter 14: My Girl

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When Ray said he would play dirty to get me back, I didn't realise just how much he meant that. Just how dirty he would play...

From nonchalantly brushing up against me every chance he got to whispering illicit words in my ear. He has been driving me to the point of insanity for the past week. I gotta give it to the guy, he doesn't give up. I would be impressed—if he wasn't driving me insane. If he wasn't playing with my emotions like a yo-yo and If he wasn't on my mind all the goddamn time.

I am well out of my depth. Guys don't pay attention to me. They don't spare me glances in the hallway or open doors for me. They don't ask me about my day or smile at me. They do that kind of shit for the girls like Lily, the pretty bubbly girls who are kind and friendly. Not the broken dark girls like me.

But now Ray Preston, the school's most popular guy, is paying attention to me.

Is seeing me.

It is weird to be seen, I am suddenly overly conscious of every move I make, aware he is watching me. Ray is always in the spotlight with eyes always on him, watching him. But he's looking at me. People are starting to notice, especially the female population. I have been shoved, snared at, and even tripped.

So that's been lovely, note the sarcasm.

But if I have learned anything this week it is people are not always as they seem. That Ray is not as innocent as he seems.

The other day in gym class he was especially cruel.

It was Thursday, which meant gym class. Gym requires shorts that show some of the scars littering my legs. I don't mind them too much, I never have. They are battle scars that show how hard I have tried to save people, how much I have put myself on the line for others. I have worn them are badges to be proud of. But suddenly when Ray's eyes are on me it doesn't feel like that anymore. My stomach turns sick with the idea of him seeing my scars. To see the blemished flawed skin. So I make sure to wear a baggy hoodie. My protection.

I feel kind of uncomfortable with the amount of clothing I am wearing compared to everyone else on this hot day. Even Mal stripped her layers off, so she is just in a crop top. Most girls had generous amounts of skin displayed which gained some attention.

No one pays attention to me. Just the way I like it, just the way I know.

It was a hot day, so we are outside on the track next to the field. Football training is going on across the field. The majority of the girls are all distracted by the football team and the teacher is struggling to keep everyone's attention. All the team has taken their tops off—except for Ray.

Ray is the only player still wearing his shirt.

That is until he catches my eye. He stops listening to whatever his teammate is saying, his eyes fixated on me. I can't move, tethered to those blue eyes. He grins before he slowly pulls the back of his shirt over his head, a nonchalance and confidence radiating off of him.

I feel an uneasy feeling in my gut at all the girls watching Ray, practically drooling. I feel angry that he has to make a show out of it like he is trying to make me jealous. But mostly I feel hot as if the sun suddenly upped the heat tenfold.

His skin is flawless and golden. Nothing like mine. He doesn't have scars with ugly jagged lines. His skin is unscarred and undamaged. A piece of art. It is a good reminder of why we shouldn't be together. We are from different worlds. He belongs in a gallery, I am street art.

By now he has caught the attention of majority of the girls on the fields. A few even wolf whistle.

I look away bashfully, for some reason his naked torso feels too good to look at. He looks too good to look at.

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