What goes around, goes around~~

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Why can't she remember me?! I must call her appa!! I won't lose her just like that!



"We've been looking everywhere for you,Taehyung!!"Rap mon hyung scolded as I ran through the dorm's doors.

"No time for that,Namjoon. We have to get ready for the event PD-nim said. We have 30 minutes left." Seokjin hyung said and looked at his phone.

Curses. I want to get my wife already.

After all, We are married.


How did he got here?! He wasn't supposed to meet my cousin again! How come it happened?!

I looked at Hee Gi for a moment and sighed. We had to do it. Because Taehyung had to be away for a long time. And she would be sad.

We can't afford to see her sad.

"Yo. We have to attend today's meeting. 1:30 pm sharp." Chan ji came up to her. Hee Gi sighed and whined about why should she, is it her obligation blah blah blah.

"Of course. It's your obligation,Babo." Ji Hyun answered and sipped on her cup of coffee.

"Can I just eat all day?! I don't wanna~~"

"Pig." we all said. She immediately popped her eyes and inhaled deeply.

"I.AM.NOT.A.PIG.!!!" She protested and went to the bathroom.

She's too innocent and childish. She has too much to learn. And I think, she isn't ready for marriage just yet.

I can't afford to see her crying in a corner over something so cliché.

Ji Hyun:

Fudge. It's too early. We can't lose her. It's too early for this. She must sign the papers.

But, how??

Kim Taehyung, you better not crush her to pieces.

I will make sure you won't win. The game's not over yet.

Chan Ji:

Soah unnie and Ji Hyun unnie know something I don't. How come?! They became so mysterious all of a sudden. They better tell me sooner. Or I'll have to use force!!

"Ne, dongsaeng. Don't you have plans to take a bath??" Hee Gi unnie asked before shoving six potato chips into her mouth.

Then it hit me! That's why I had to get my towel. Fudge. I'm getting older by the second. I'm gonna end up like Ji Hyun unnie!!

~·~·~Le time skips·~·~·


We arrived at the destination after an hour ride.

Waaahhhh~~ this place is so classy~~ I like it here~~

And the receptionist have two Super Mario pillows!! She knows what good taste is.

"My son-in-law!!" a tall man, I say 190 cm tall, approched Tae and hugged him. Saeng reluctantly returned the hug.

"My,my. You're too handsome nowadays,eh?? I've seen you on tv a few times. And I must say, you didn't changed a tad bit." he smiled and guided us to the elevator.

But what did he said?? Son-in-law??


Ok,what the kookie just happened??! Who is this tall man anyway?? And where is he taking us??

"Oh mianhe. I didn't introduced myself,did I??" he chuckled.

"Jonun Nam Joo Kyo imnida." for a man, he's quite high-spirited. And he seems to know TaeTae hyung too.

This is really intruiging. TaeTae hyung didn't told us about this. Could he be hiding more?? I wonder.



I know,I know. This is quite short. Ohoho~~ this author-nim is trying to tease youuu. And OMG. Only a few more days and BTS will be coming back!! OMO OMO OMO.


Ten reads and I'll update as fast as I can.

Mianhe if I didn't updated last thursday :3 I was surprisingly busy at that day :3

Tune in!! Ohoho, this story will be starting its true plot very,very soon~~!!!

Shuga's swaegger

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