Adam عليه السلام

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة وبركاته

Our Allah in Surah Luqman of the Quran says:

"When Luqman عليه السلام said to his son when he was making him understand -

O my son never do shirk (join worship of others with Allah) for shirk is indeed the biggest of zulm (oppression)".

In Ayat no 16 " O my son (Allah's knowledge and power is such that) if someones action is such that (however hidden it may be) its weight is as much as a mustard seed and suppose its hidden under a rock or it is underneath the skies or it be underneath the land then also (on the day of Qayamat) Allah will bring it forth. No doubt Allah understands the finest mysteries and knows everything"

In ayat no 17, 18, 19 " O my son establish namaz, order to do what is right and forbid what is wrong and whatever trials (musibat) comes on you face it with patience, ( sabar is a work of courage)"

"Don't turn your face from people, don't walk on land with pride as Allah does not like anyone who is proud and who boast and (whilst walking) walk a moderate pace and (whilst talking) lower your tone (but not that low so that one cant listen) no doubt the worst of voice is braying of the ass this means that one must not shout and scream like an ass {Translation Mariful Quran vol 7 pg 32, 33}.

These are the advice (nasihat) of Luqman عليه السلام to his son.

Where Allah showed parents how to do tarbiyat for their children.

In this book all the advice of Luqman عليه السلام are included in a story form thus making it easy for parents and teachers to convince and make the minds of childrens. Children of the 9 and 10th can even read the book as this book is written for young children.

The names of prophets Aadam عليه السلام and Dawood عليه السلام are not written as Adam and David

and jannat and jahannam are not written as heaven and hell since this book will be read by muslim children and a muslim child knows jannat and jahannam , Qayamat at a tender age

. May Allah accept this with grace. Aameen

Allah is our creator and we are his creation.

Allah made us

Allah made everything

Once upon a time, a Maulana was passing by an old woman who was working on her spinning wheel. This moulana thought this old ladys whole life must have gone behind the spinning wheel. What will her thoughts about Allah be?

So he greeted " Assalamualaikum"

She replied "Walaikumassalaam son"

Maulana: " Amma, what are your beliefs about Allah?"

Old lady " Allah is one and one and no one is his partner"

Maulana: have you read any book or have you heard any bayaan".

Lady: " my whole life has gone behind this spinning wheel. I have learnt this belief from this spinning wheel".

Maulana: " How's that?"

Lady: see if and only if I turn this spinning wheel it turns , otherwise it will not turn. The sun, the Moon, the stars, the earth and all the other creations are moving because its creator is moving them.

This creator is Allah.

Maulana: " But how do you know that Allah is one and not two or three?"

Lady: " Son , if I sit in front of this spinning wheel and another lady also sits in front of me and if I move this wheel and she also tries to move this wheel what will happen as a result? This wheel will break. So if there are 2 or more creators, both or all will fight and all creation will break. One will say I want it this way and other will say I want it this way.This would lead to fighting,So from this I know that there is only one Allah".

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