story of Yusuf عليه السلام

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Ibrahim عليه ألسلام sons Ismail عليه السلام and Ishaaq عليه السلام Ishaaq عليه السلام had a son called Yakub عليه السلام. Yakub عليه السلام had 12 sons. One of his sons name was Yusuf عليه السلام 
Yakub عليه السلام Siryani name was Israel so the children of yakub are called children of Israel, or Bani Israel.
Yakub عليه السلام loved Yusuf عليه السلام very much. This led to the the elder brothers being jealous. They wondered, even after being strong and powerful, why is it that their father loved Yusuf عليه السلام more than them. They knew that it was a wrong act by their father.
One day Yusuf عليه السلام came to his father “ I had a strange dream tonight. One sun and one moon and 11 stars were prostrating before me”
Yakub عليه السلام: “This dream is a glad tidings to you. It has good news of nabuwat/prophethood and knowledge to you.
Allah has  given your grand-fathers Ibrahim عليه السلام and Ishaaq عليه السلام great position. This dream interprets a great position for you also. But never should you disclose this dream to your brothers as this might lead to them being jealous as Shaitaan is our enemy and he will try to bring enmity between you and your brothers.''
Yakub عليه السلام shows that one should not brag about his or her achievements as this might bring jealousy in the hearts of the listeners, and jealousy is haram. This might also lead to hasad and sometimes even to enmity. A small act but where does it lead to?
However the brothers got to know about this dream and hatred creeped into their hearts. They soon started plotting against him.
Yusuf عليه السلام was very handsome and of very good conduct. Benyamin was his younger brother from the same mother.
They came up with a plan to get rid of him. One brother suggested they should kill him. Others did not have the heart to kill him and  suggested that they should instead banish him from the land. Yahudah the eldest of them all said “We should not kill him. Our aim is to get rid of him. We will instead throw him in a well and the passing caravan will pick him up and take him with them, far away from us and our fathers sight. Then we will  repent for our sins and become good people”. Each of them agreed to Yahudas plan.
Th next day  they went to their father “O father! Send Yusuf عليه السلام with us tomorrow. We will take good care of him”
Yakub عليه السلام ” I am scared. What if the wolf eats him.”
They repied “ We are such a strong group.”
In short they convinced their group.
The brothers were very happy with their acheivement. They were very close to their mission. So when they were a long way from home they acted on their plan.They kept harassing him all the time and finally they threw him into the well. Poor Yusuf’s pleas all went unheard. The brothers  had to succeed in their mission. They had removed Yusuf عليه السلام kurta before throwing him.
This well was in the forest and this was a very lonely spot. Alone and lonely far away from his loving father.
When Yusuf عليه السلام was thrown into the well Allah sent Jibrael عليه السلام to help him and he was told not to worry. He would one day remind his brothers of this day as times will change. But right now Yusuf عليه السلام is lonely in the dark well, without his dear father. An unimaginable sight.
Today his brothers have the upper hand. Today they are very happy. Now their only worry is their father” what should we tell him?” they come up with a plan.
When at nigh they ll go to their father crying , “ O father, the wolf ate Yusuf عليه السلام ” and they showed him his kurta with blood stains. “ we have proof this is his kurta soiled with blood and Yusuf is missing”
 Yakub      عليه السلام thought “ what a smart wolf. He ate my son without tearing his kurta”.
Yakub عليه السلام replied “ You are telling a lie. This is a made up story. Sabr is the best thing to do. I will ask help from Allah.”
The brothers went to sleep.
What about Yusuf عليه السلام? Where will he sleep? He had somehow managed to hold onto a stone. Thoughts after thoughts came to his tender mind. Yusuf عليه السلام kept praying to Allah for help.
A caravan was passing by this forest. In search of water they sent one man  with a bucket. When this man lowered the bucket suddenly the bucket felt heavy. This was something strange. He tried hard to pull the bucket and What a pleasant sight. A BOY!
Yusufs’ brothers were watching all of this. When they saw that this man had removed Yusuf عليه السلام out of the well they rushed to him and told him. “This is our slave who had run away”  by now this man had already called his other friends and they realized that they would get a lot a money if they sold him in Egypt i.e Misr. Without hesitation they bought Yusuf عليه السلام for a few false coins from his brothers and the brothers also willingly sold him, for them it was good riddance.
Note: When someone leaves Aakhirat for Duniya this is what he gets a few false coins.
They distributed these false coins between themselves and happily returned home.
The caravan hid Yusuf عليه السلام and brought him to Egypt. Well there were many bidders for Yusuf عليه السلام in Egypt. Finally Aziz the chef minister of Egypt / Misr bought him.
Three people have had great foresight
1.Aziz of Misr(Egypt) for Yusuf عليه السلام 
2. Suhaib عليه السلام daughter for Moosa عليهالسلام.
3.Abubakr رضي الله for Omar رضي الله as after him he made Omar the Khalifa.
Aziz brought him to his palace and told his wife to treat him well. “ This boy may prove to be profitable or we might adopt him as our son.”
  Now from a small village, he has come to a big town an from a well he has come to a palace. This is our Allah who is the sole doer of all things. We never know why he does so. Everything is his wisdom.
Here at Aziz’s  house he was kept very very well. He was very obedient and he won the hearts of all whom he met. However  he used to remember his brother and father and cry for them. Seeing Yusuf عليه السلام honesty, his nobility, Aziz of Misr or Egypt treated him like a son.
Time passed and Yusuf  عليه السلام gained prophethood and wisdom from Allah .
The wife of Aziz of Misr started getting attracted to Yusuf عليه السلام. She was in love with Yusuf عليه السلام  . Yusuf was so close to her but she could not even touch him. She was in a big position, she was the wife of the chief minister of Misr and she was not a lady of bad character but her love for Yusuf grew stronger day by day. Yusuf عليه  السلام was well protected by Allah’s fear.
One day she thought of a plan. She closed all the doors of the palace and openly called Yusuf  عليه السلام 
 towards her. But Yusuf عليه  السلام boldly refused her and told her ''Allah forbid I can never betray my master  and those who do zulm are never successful”.
Yusuf عليه  السلام refusal only made her more rigid and stubborn to get what she wanted. Yusuf عليه  السلام ran towards the door. She  caught hold of his kurta and this resulted in tearing of his kurta.
Yusuf عليه السلام taught us a principle – when you are forced to commit a sin, run away from that place or leave that place. This will save you from that particular sin.
He was running and she was right behind him. He was somehow trying to reach the door and when they both neared the door it opened suddenly and Aziz was standing in front of them.
Shocked Zulekha (Azizs wife) instantly changed her stand and her tone “What is is your punishment for someone who intends evil for your wife”
She was now accusing Yusuf عليه السلام for molesting her.
Yusuf عليه السلام defended himself “It was she who sought to tempt me”
Yusuf عليه السلام was a truthful man. His master consulted Zulekhas cousin. He was an honest and wise man. He listened to both parties.
Remember, while doing justice between two parties, one has to listen to both of them properly, with equal interest. Listening to one party is incorrect.
Well, he saw that the kurta of Yusuf عليه السلام was torn  from the back. So he said that this kurta is the proof for self defence. Clearly Zulekha was at fault. Yusuf عليه السلام was clean. So Aziz of Misr asked forgiveness from Yusuf عليه السلام But this talk was the latest gossip of the town.
“What a grave mistake the wife of Aziz did………” “the wife of Aziz and such a thing….”
Zulekha heard all the gossip which was going on. She wanted to prove she was helpless. How could anyone resist Yusuf عليهالسلا٩?
She called all the ladies for food to her house. Who would want to miss the food and the invitation of the wife of Aziz of Misr. All were present. When they were having fruits they had knives in their hands. Zulekha called out to Yusuf    عليه السلام. The moment he entered the women were so fascinated by Yusuf عليه السلام 
 charm that instead of cutting the fruits they cut their hands. They all admitted that This man was an angel. Now Zulekha spoke “ this is the same one whom I have been blamed for, look what you've done to your hands after seeing him and if he does not do what I want then he shall be put in the jail” Yusuf عليه السلام prayed to Allah “O Allah the jail is much better than what they call me for”
Yusuf عليه السلام was put in jail. This was the only way to keep Yusuf عليه السلام safe from his wife, Aziz of Misr had this thought.
From well to palace and from palace to jail; Yussuf alaihissalaams life took a turn again. Allah only knows Allahs’ Hikamat. There were other two men who accompanied Yusuf عليه السلام in the prison one the cupbearer and the other was the king's cook.
Sometimes dreams have special meanings, which we do not understand. Allah blessed Yusuf عليه السلام with the ability to interpret dreams; he knew what dreams meant and could explain them to people. Both his partners had seen dreams. They went to Yusuf عليه السلام and told him about their dream.
Yusuf عليه السلام main aim was to call these people towards Allah their creator. Yusuf عليه السلام was aware of the idol worship of that place. People used to say there is one God for the lands and when on land one must worship  him .One God for the seas when you want rains worship him. Then there is one god for the rains so whe٠ك you want rains worship him.
Whereas the teachings of All the nabis is the same from Adam  عليه  السلام to our Nabi صلى الله عليه و سلم     that laa ilaha ill Allah. There is no one worthy of worshipBut allah. And Allah is one and only one. He has no partners. He is the creator and everything is his creation. Yusuf عليه السلام also wanted to explain these facts to his jail companions but how should he go about it? He interprets their dream for them then gives them davit towards allah or should he go the other way round. Yusuf عليه السلام was a wise man. All nabis are gifted with hikmat i.e wisdom. He tactfully told them,”Allah has taught me to interpret dream, Before the food comes I shall tell you the interpretation of your dreams”. This put them at ease. Now he spoke about his aim. He told them “I follow the religion of my fathers Ibrahim, Ishaaq, Yakub alaihisalaam. They never made partners for Allah. Allah is one. He has no partners. This is Allah's rehmat on us and to mankind. But many men are not thankful”.
“O my two companions of prison, are many different Gods better or Allah the only one?”
You have made names this is the Lord of rain and this is the God of water or this is the God of water or this is the God of land. These are only names kept by people. Allah has not kept these names. Allh has commanded this principle of not doing shirk or not ascribing partners to him and this is the straight religion but many men don’t know about it”. Then explained the meaning of both the dreams. One person had seen i.e. cupbearer that was serving the king wine or  pressing wine and the king's cooks dreamt that he stood in a place with bread on his head and two birds were eating the bread.
Yusuf عليه السلام told them “ O my two companions of prison, As for one of you he will pour out wine for his king to drink as for the other he will be hanged and birds will eat from his head”.
Yusuf عليه السلام did not directly mention the person who was to be hanged. His talk was indirect and he wanted to call them toward Allah so he  told them “I know your query but wait for some time. Here he prepared them to listen to him very tactfully, then and only then he told them the interpretation. This is called quran it is said if you are gifted with hiqmat you have got the biggest thing of the best” and then we are told to ask for hiqmat from Allah.
Later when the cup bearer was released from prison Yusuf عليه السلام told him to mention him i.e. Yusuf to his King. Here Yusuf عليه السلام  forgot to ask Allah for help instead. So Yusuf عليه السلام stayed in jail for more years. The interpretation of the dream came to be as Yusuf عليه  السلام cupbearer forgot to mention about him to his king. Time passed, infact 7 years passed.
One day the king had a dream. The king is at the banks of the river Nile. The water is receding before him, becoming mere mud. The fish begin to skip and jump in the mud. Seven fat cows come out of the river, followed by seven lean cows. The seven lean cows eat the seven fat cows. Then seven ears of green grain grow on the river bank and disappear in the mud.  On the same spot seven dry ears of grain grow.
The King called the learned and asked about this dreams’ interpretation. They told him “this is just nothing to get so tensed about ''. The cupbearer now remember Yusuf عليه السلام. The cupbearer now mentioned Yusuf عليه السلام to the king. He was ordered to go to Yusuf عليه السلام in the prison to get the interpretation of this dream.
Yusuf عليه السلام told him “ There will be seven years of abundance. If the land is cultivated well there will be a lot of good harvest more than the need of people. This should be stored. Then seven years of famine will follow. During this time the excess grain could be used. In the famine time there should be some grain left to be used for the next harvest. Then after & yrs, one year the rains will fall in plenty. If the water is used properly grapes and olive trees will grow in plenty providing plenty of grapes and olive oil.” The cup bearer came with this good news to the king.
The king called Yusuf عليه السلام but he refused to come. He said “first prove my innocence”. This is Yusuf عليه السلام greatness, what sabr he had? Who would have missed this opportunity of being relieved from jail? But this was not in his hiqmat to go. If today he becomes free tomorrow anyone can tell him or anyone can speak behind his back-“this man was a culprit. He was in jail for years”. But if he is proved innocent then no one can point a finger at him.
On Yusuf's عليه السلام request the chief justices wife and her friends were called. Each one told the king “ we know no evil in him” now all eyes were on Zulekha. She had become old in his love. She boldly confessed “I tempted him but he refused '' she told them I am not afraid of the king or anyone but because Yusuf عليه السلام i am telling this.
Now when Yusuf   عليه السلام was free he explained “ I did it because of Aziz of Misr he should know I am not in the wrong”.
After this there is nothing mentioned of Zulekha in the Quran and hadis. There are many stories about her  in other books. But we don’t really know the truth as the authenticity of these books are not known and we only trust what is written in the Quran and the Hadis.
Yusuf عليه السلام was given Hikmat. The king gets really impressed when he meets him. Yusuf  عليه السلام was aware that one should have the knowledge as to how to save the grains or foodstuff for 7 years. That person should also be trustworthy so that he does not fill his own pockets. In such situations the poor people are at stake as they suffer the most. How could Yusuf عليه السلام see people suffering? For This sole reason he requested the king to make him the headof the granaries. The king agreed and appointed Yusuf عليه السلام as the minister of granaries From well to palace to jail and now the highest position in the city. How time changes and Allah knows best.
         Kinnan is a small village but Allah grew Yusuf  عليه السلام in the palace of the chief justice of Misr .Misr or Egypt is a big city.This made Yusuf عليه السلام aware of the government and the way of living in a palace. Then , he was taught the life of the people in jail. This would help him in the  near future as Allah knows what he does . Now he is today on the highest post of Misr.
The seven years of goodness passed by and now came the seven years of famine. Yusuf عليه السلام had made such a good arrangement for his people that no one felt the famine in Misr but the neighbourhood countries were affected.
As Yusuf عليه السلام was the finance minister of Misr, he advised the king that we sell the grains to the neighbouring countries at  a fair price. This would help the people of these countries also, as they are also suffering and this would also help the country of Misr.
This news spread far and wide. Yakub عليه السلام sent his two sons to Misr to buy grains. From a village called Kinnan these brothers came. Yusuf عليه السلام recognized them, but they did not recognize him and how could they? They had thrown Yusuf عليه السلام in the well.
Yusuf عليه السلام:  How many of you.
Brother: Eleven, one is tending to the needs of our father who is a prophet of allah.
Yusuf عليه السلام: are you truthful
Brother: We have  no reason to be untruthful.
Yusuf عليه السلام: If you come next time without him I shall not give you anything.
Brother: for this we need our fathers permission.
When the brothers went Yusuf عليه السلام ordered that the money be again placed in their grin bags because he wanted them to come back.when they reached their homes the first thing they told their father was that “ We were denied some supplies because you did not send your son Benyammin with us. We shall take care of him but you should send him with us next time or we shall not be given anything.
Yakub عليه السلام replied “ I have trusted you for Yusuf, now I cannot trust you for the 2nd time.”
When they saw that their money was also returned they insisted and were adamant on taking Benyamin along with them. Eventually the stock of grain bought from Misr was over and done with and Yakub عليه السلام had to send the sons back again to Egypt. This time he had no choice but to send Benyamin along with them, but this time he took a promise from them. Always remember that any promise which is taken is taken in Allah's name.
Yakub عليه السلام advised his sons to enter through different gates of Egypt to protect them from Nazar or evil eyes.
He took precaution i.e a pledge and telling them to enter through different gates but Allah has his own plans. He said “I put my trust in Allah alone”
Now they left for Egypt and entered as their father had told them to do so. Yusuf عليه السلام prepared lunch for them. As they  were seated in pairs Benyamin had Yusuf عليه السلام to sit with. He started weeping. Yusuf عليه السلام inquired as to why he was weeping. Benyamin told him that he was missing his lost brother. When Benyamin was alone, Yusuf عليه السلام accepted in front of Benyamin that he was his lost brother. We can imagine the happiness of Benyamin, but Yusuf عليه السلام warned Benyamin to let this secret be between themselves only.
Next day their sacks were filled with grains and were loaded on their respective camels. Yusuf عليه السلام ordered his servant to put the king's cup into Benyamins’ sack. When their caravan reached the doors of Egypt. The doors were locked.  “ O you traveler's you are thieves''
“what have you lost” asked the Brothers
“The kings cup and there is a lot of reward if anyone finds it” they replied
Brothers: We have not come to steel”
Soldiers: What is your punishment for robbery?
Brother: Whoever steals becomes the slave of the owner of the lost property.
Yusuf  عليه السلام had already instructed his officers to make these statements because as per the  law of Misr
 he could not keep Benyamin with him. The brothers accepted whatever was told by the officers as they were innocent and ignorant to the trap laid down by Yusuf عليه السلام.
The search started. All were proved innocent until the soldiers reached Benyamin. Yusuf عليه السلام made a clever move by saying “There is no need to search his bag”  now the brothers wanted to prove that they were being blamed for nothing so they insisted by saying  “ we shall not move an inch without you checking his” but when Benjamins bag was searched the lost cup was found. The brothers were shocked and came to their true colours by stating “ he is a thief and so was his brother.” Yusuf عليه السلام was taken aback but did sabr.
The  brothers suddenly realised the promise made to their father. They cried to give their brother back but Yusuf عليه السلام was cold to their pleas.
The eldest one told  “ I cannot come with you as I have taken a promise in the name of Allah. I will not return unless and until my father tells me to do so.”
Yusuf عليه السلام kept Benyamin with him. Allah is all knowing. When the brothers returned  and told Yakub عليه السلام their story he said” you have made this up” but I will only do sabr, perhaps Allah will return all of them to me”.
His sons told him that you are destroying yourself by remembering Yusuf عليه السلام 

But Yakub عليه السلام asked them to leave. “  I am not complaining to you, my complaint is only to Allah. Go and search Yusuf عليه السلام and his brother and don’t lose hope in Allah's Rehmat.”
Now they left and came to Yusuf عليه السلام.
“O Ruler of this land, hard times have reached us. We have nothing to offer except poor capital so pay us full measure and be generous. Allah rewards such people who give alms to the needy.”
Yusuf عليه  السلام heart started to cry.
He asked them in their native tongue. “ Do you remember what you did to Yusuf عليه  السلام and his brother when you were ignorant?
On this the brother exclaimed-
“Are you Yusuf عليه  السلام 
“ I am Yusuf عليه  السلام this is my brother and anyone who fears Allah and refrains from sin and is obedient to him
[he does what Allah tells him to do and refrains from what he prohibits] and does sabr, Allah will surely reward such good doers.”
Yusuf عليه  السلام replied and also told them the secret of his success to his brothers and to the whole world.
The brother accepted their ignorance and told him “there is no doubt now that Allah preferred you over us and we are sinners”.
The brothers now feared revenge from Yusuf عليه السلام side. But Yusuf عليه  السلام forgave  them . Yusuf  عليه السلام could not leave his office without  a replacement. So he told the brothers to go with his kurta and put it on his fathers face and Allah would give back the fathers eyesight.
 When the caravan headed for Kinnan, Yakub عليه السلام came out of his room smiling away. On asking he said  “I can smell Yusuf عليه السلام “ One might say this man has gone crazy due to old age. All of the people remarked “indeed you are in your old error”
But when the caravan approached the man's house he was praying, lifting his hands to heaven and sniffing the air. He was crying as the shirt neared him. When they put the kurta on his face his eyesight returned. He told his family “did I not say I know from Allah what you do not know’.
His children replied “O father ask from Allah for our forgiveness a we  are great sinners”.
Yakub Result being that Allah regained Yakub عليه السلام eyesight and brought the whole family to Egypt from Palestine (Kinnan). Said “ I will definitely ask for forgiveness from Allah as he is all forgiving”.
Their whole family now went to Egypt.
Yusuf Result being that Allah regained Yakub عليه السلام eyesight and brought the whole family to Egypt from Palestine (Kinnan). Result being that Allah regained Yakub عليه  السلام eyesight and brought the whole family to Egypt from Palestine (Kinnan). Welcomed his father and mother and his family into Egypt.
What a sight it must have been.
Yusuf  عليه  السلام seeing his loving father after so many years of separation and father seeing son aft years of crying in front of Allah.
He raised his parents to the throne and they fell down before him prostrating.
“O my Father, this is the interpretation of the dream which I had seen. My Allah has made it come true” and he praised Allah for all his bounties.
This is the same dream the sun, the moon and Eleven stars are prostrating before him. The sun was his father, the moon his mother and Eleven stars his brothers.
Yusuf عليه السلام arranged an audience with the king for himself and his family, to ask  the king's permission for them to settle in Egypt or Misr. The king was very happy for Yusuf عليه السلام so he agreed very readily.
Yakub عليه السلام lived in Egypt and when the time for his death came, he called all his sons and asked “ what will you worship after me?” they replied “ we will worship you allah, the Allah of our fathers. Ibrahim عليه السلام Ismail عليه السلام Ishaq عليه  السلام and to him we submit. That is we accept his orders and will do what he say.”
Here we see the worry of Yakub عليه السلام for his children's deen  so much that at his death bed he is asking them what he has taught them throughout his life.
Here we see the worry of Yakub عليه السلام for his childrens’ deen so much so at his death- bed he is asking them what he has taught them throughout his life.
Then Yakub عليه  السلام advises them “your life should be submission to Allah's Will  and you one should not die without submitting to Allah's will”.
Yusuf  عليه السلام was the finance minister. He was the head of the state but this did not bring pride in him. He used to do Allah's Zikr and rule the land as per Allah's order. He asked Allah “ O my rabb you have given me and taught me how to interpret dreams. The creator of (heavens) sky and the earth. You are my vali( protector, helper, supporter, guardian etc) in this world and the hereafter. Cause me to die a muslim( the one submittin to your will) and join me with the righteous.”
This is Yusuf عليه  السلام dua who till date submitted to the will of Allah but he also is asking it till the very end of his life.
“O Allah make us also true muslims that is we also submit to your will.”
Allah accepted this dua and Yusuf عليه السلام 
 died at the age of 110 years.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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