Ibrahim عليه السلام

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Ibrahim عليه السلام 

Once upon a time there was a man named Aazar. This man used to make statues and worship them. And everyone in the village use to do the same, that is, worshipping idols and asking from them.

Aazars’ son was Ibrahim عليه السلام Ibrahim عليه السلام was very small but could not understand why people behaved or why his father asked his wishes from these statues. If these statues have a fly on their head they don’t have the strength to remove it. How can they do something for his father or anybody???

Well, Ibrahim عليه السلام use to question his father about all these “O my father why do you worship those who cannot do harm or benefit you? “These idols don’t listen  to you, nor can they talk to you” Azar for angry.

Ibrahims’عليه السلام people had a whole temple full of idols. They used to worship them and ask from them and cry in front of them.

This was funny first for Ibrahim عليه السلام then it use to irritate him.

He used to see the sun , the stars, the moon, the skies, the trees and wonder who created this? Who is the creator, who is the actual Rabb?

Mother and Father cannot be the Rabb of a child

 Rabb is the one who grows each cell then multiplies it, then looks after it, in short sustainer, provider etc.

For example: when a baby is in the mothers stomach it is a clot then slowly this cell grows in 9 months into a whole baby. This baby has a small heart,   it has lungs,liver, nail fingers etc. but first it was a clot. Allah is the Rabb of this baby.

Ibrahim  عليه السلام asked”who is my Rabb” his mom's answers did not convince him.

When he saw the stars he said, “this is my Rabb”

But when the star hid he said “the star has faults it cannot be my Rabb”.

There are 3 types of classifications

1. Which is faultless- which has no defect whatsoever. This is only Allah.

2. We always say Subhanallah (O Allah you are free from defects)                                                                                                                                                                                                      

For example: Sleep is a defect, to faint is a defect to forget is a defect to eat is a defect Allah is free from all defects.

2nd which is full of faults:  for example camels , horses, trees, hills, mountains etc. if you make a camel stand, it will stand. If you make it sit, it shall  sit. They are working for us, the sun, the moon, the stars, the stones etc etc they are at our service. So they cannot be God as they are full of faults.

3rd which has both: Humans have both good and bad in them. A human will eat, he will go to the toilet, he will sleep, he will forget, he can faint, he can lie. If a human uses the good qualities in him he can even become a Nabi and a human if he uses his bad qualities can become worse than an animal, like firon Haman etc. conclusion is that humans cannot become God.

This is how Ibrahim عليه السلام concluded that stars also cannot be my Rabb.

Then when he saw the moon he said that the moon is my Rabb. But when he saw that the sun hid the moon(this again is a fault) he said “the moon cannot be my Rabb”. When The sun came he concluded that “This is my Rabb and this is the biggest. But when the sun set he concluded (as setting is a fault or defect)  “The sun cannot be my Rabb as it sets”

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