story of Hud عليه السلام

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Hud عليه السلام 

Hud عليه السلام was sent to the people of Aad. The people of  Aad lived in windswept hills of an area between Yemen and Oman. These people were physically well built and were very healthy. They were very proud of their strength.

Allah had given them everything, many children a lot of cattle, horses, camels etc.

They knew Allah and they worshipped him but  they also made idols and worshipped them also. They had other Gods also, which they made with their own hands. This is called shirq and  Allah cannot tolerate shirq.

Now Allah sent Hud عليك السلام them.

The people of Aad used to build palaces and used to take pride in building palaces. Their attitude was such that they will never die and they did not fear Allah.

Hud عليك السلام people looked around them and found that they were the strongest on earth, so they became prouder and more obstinate.

Hazarat hud عليه السلام told them “O my people! Worship Allah. You have no other AIlah, but him, certainly, you do nothing but invent (lies). What has happened to your thinking, if you give a dog a bone he will never forget it, he will become your slave forever and will never go anywhere without leaving you. But you leave your creator for others. Have you ever seen any bird or animal doing sajda to anyone?”

Hud عليه السلام people had not given Akhirat or Allah a thought. How could they answer him? Now Hud عليه السلام people told him “something has gone wrong with you” the rich of his people told him, “ O Hud عليه السلام. We feel you are out of your head or you have gone mad.

“We think you are a liar.” Hud عليه السلام replied “ nor am I mad, nor foolish, nor I am liar but I am your nabi, to guide you towards the right path to warn you about akhirat, which is most certain”.

They also argued “ O Hud عليه السلام you are like us. How can a man be a nabi and you are only a common man, not even a rich one.”

Hud عليه السلام told them” O my people. Nuh عليه السلام was also a nabi who was sent to your forefathers. Do you think Allah will go to each person to tell him this is right and this is wrong”.

They told him “because our idol has got angry on you, that is why you have gone out of your head or you are mad”.

Have you noticed how Hud عليه السلام addresses his people “O my people” and in turn what rude and mean remarks he gets. You can imagine what his feelings must be, but he does not despair. No doubt, he is hurt. But Allah gives in each nabi  the love for his people. Every Nabi loves his people.

Hud عليه السلام answered “O my people these statues are made by  you. They can't harm nor can they do any good. Everything is in Allah's hands. Even a leaf turns with Allah's will. I trust my Allah who is my creator and your creator also”

People told him “When will your azaab come which you always scare us of?” “bring azab on us if you are truthful”

They could have even said “ O Allah if Hud عليه السلام is truthful, show us the right path or Aakhirat. When Hud عليه السلام told them “ O my people I'm not asking from you anything , I will take my reward from Allah”

Allah stopped the rains and there was famine. Crops started to die. Animals also wew dying. There would be no new cultivation as there were no rains. Everyone in Aad wanted it to rain. Each one had his eye on the sky now their aim was “the rain.”

But Allah has made man in such a way that he can't do anything himself. He is depending solely on Allah for everything. Then also he acts smart.

Then after a long wait, one day, they saw a black cloud. This was the sign of rain. They were overjoyed.

Hud عليه السلام understood that this is the cloud of Allah azab. Allah had given them ample time to understand


Hud عليه السلام warned them “this is not a cloud of rain but in this cloud is wind and in this wind there is azaab”.

Then when Allah told Hud عليه السلام to move out of the town with the imaan walaas; he did so.

Now this wind blew faster. It became so fast  that it started carrying people with them and whatever came in its way. These were the same people who used to say “ no one can be stronger than us”. They were flying in the air, banging on to each other, shouts of children, women and men could be heard but who could save them? Those strong palaces had become useless now. Everything was falling. This wind continues for 7 days and 8 nights.

Who can stop this wind? Everything was destroyed. No one was alive. There was no one left to mourn their death. All of them remained motionless. Vultures use to eat them.

Allah save us from his azab. (Ameen)

Allah send his rehmat on all his prophets.

All praises are for Allah.   

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