Ismail عليه السلام

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Ismail عليه السلام 
Ismail  عليه السلام was very small in lactating period. Ibrahim عليه السلام asked Hjarah to prepare for a journey.
So, he , Hajarah and Ismail عليه السلام started for a long journey.
They passed through cultivated land, deserts , mountains and reached a barren land where there was no tree,  no food, no water. There was no sign of life there.
When they dismounted that is on this barren land Ibrahim عليه السلام left Hajarah and son Ismail عليه السلام with food for 2 days or 3 days and he started to leave.
 Hajarah was shocked “ Are you leaving us here alone on this barren land, where there is no water, there are no crops, there can be no cultivation on this barren land”
Ibrahim عليه السلام remained silent.
Hajarah knew this was not her husbands’ nature. But why was he silent? What if allah has commanded him to do so?
She  asked : has Allah commanded you to do so?”
Ibrahim عليه السلام: Yes
Hajarah: then he will not neglect us.he will suffice for us.
See her courage , she knew first my son will cry for food, then he would die of hunger in front of me. Then I will die. But Allahs’ command is obeyed then and only then I will be successful. But if Allahs’ hukum is broken with me being alive,I am unsuccessful. Either this or Allahs’ help might come to me.
Two things out of them are bound to happen.well Ibrahim   عليه السلام went and hajarah was left with her son all alone on the barren land. Hajarah was ready to obey Allah's hukum, come what may.
When Ibrahim عليه السلام had gone quite far from where he had left his wife and only child because it  was Allah's hukum he dismounted  his camel, he faced towards kaaba and raised both his hands and did duaa.
This duaa  was for them. So that Allah helps them. Now let us see how Allah helps those who obey his command to make him happy. She returned to her place and started feeding her child and drank water from  her water – bag. When this water was finished she kept   her son on the ground ( where today zamzam well is) asd went towards Safa mountain to see someone but all in vain. She came down this hillock, fearing the state of her child. She ran down. Again in the hope for help she went towards  marwa hillock, asain when he reached the top she saw no one. Again fearing for the safety of her child she ran down. She did this seven times.
After she finished the 7th
 round she heard a strange voice to which she said “Help us if you can offer help” well this strange voice was of Jibrail عليه السلام.
Jibrael hit the ground with his heels near the same place where the baby Isamil عليه السلام was and water gushed out.
Hajarah عليه السلام tried to control this water by saying “ZamZam” which means “stop stop”
Now this water had excellent  qualities. This water was good for food also and thirst  also and it is said  that with whatever intention you drink ZamZAm it will suffice you.
Ismail's عليه السلام mom started drinking the water she fed her son.
The tribe of Jurhum saw birds while they were passing from there, they were surprised. How could this be possible. Birds can only be spotted near water. So they sent someone to look out. When this person informed them, these people of Jurhum came  to Hajarah and requested her to let them live around the water. So they lived.
Today a whole of Makkah town has developed there.
Why? Because of the courage of this woman, the quurbani of this woman ,who was ready to give her life for Allahs hukum.
When Ismail  عليه السلام was old enough to walk with
             When Ismail عليه السلام,Ibrahim عليه 

٧saw a dream that he was slaughtering Ismail alaihisalam .When a Nabi gets a dream,he is supposed to act upon it,as his dream is Allah ‘s hukum to him.  Now Ibrahim alaihisalam proceeds towards Makkah to  fulfill Allah ‘s hukum.  He went towards Ismail alaihisalam & told hm about hi dream ,Ismail alaihisalam replied , “OMG dear father do obey Allah ‘s hokum.If Allah wishes ,you will find me amongst those who do sabr” That is “I will not shout or go against Allah ‘s hokum" Ismails Mother had filled young Ismails heart with the greatness of Allah.This was all his mothers tarbiyat which made young Ismail alaihisalam run to fulfill Allah ‘s hukum .This was all his Mothers tarbiyat otherwise  where would this child learn so much.His speech shows us his respect for his father  & also his love for Allah which is taught by his dear mother.

              So father & son left to fulfill Allah ‘s hukum towards the land called Mina.Here Shaitan came 3 times to spoil their thought but when he came Ibrahim alaihisalam defended himself by throwing pebbles at him.
              Ismail alaihisalam requested his father, “you will not vbe able to cut my throat ,so why don’t you tie a cloth around your eyes ? & tie my hands & legs also so that I don’t shake when you cut mt throat with the knife & also tie my eyes with a cloth as seeing the knife around my throat saves me .I might try to prevent myself from been slaughted & what if Allah ‘s hukum is delayed ; this might displease Allah’’
            What a qurbani ! This father who has got a son in his old age.At the age of about 100 ,when this son is of the age where his fathers heart also becomes happy when he sees him.Today ,this father has put down on the ground ,his only son,to slaughter him.This son is so much eager to give his life for Allah .This is such an extreme test for both father &son.       When Ibrahim عليه السلام did as his son advised him to do so,he started to move the knife against Ismails throat.This knife did not cut . Allah had told this knife not to do so.Again Ibrahim عليه السلام tried ,but failed.Frustrated Ibrahim عليه السلام threw the knife against the ground then again he picked this knife.Again he tried. This time Allah ordered jibrael to remove Ismail from his place and put a ram there. Ibrahims eyes were covered with a cloth so when he heard the shout of a ram you can imagine his astonishment.
Ismail عليه السلام was standing with Jibrael smiling and Allah was so pleased with them that he announced “ O Ibrahim , you have made your dream come true” in the Quran.
Till now we do qurbani
This is a family which Allah has chosen and till today we remember this family everytime during Hajj and everytime when Allah talks to us about this great family in the Quran.
This is a family which  Allah has chosen and till today we remember this family  everytime when Allah talks to us about this great family in the Quran.
Once more Ibrahim عليه السلام thoughtof visiting his family which he had left at makka, so he told his wife Sarah of his decision. He went and found Ismail behind ZamZam well mending his arrows. He said “O Ismail Allah has ordered me to build a house for him”
Ismail said : Obey your Lord
Ibrahim : Allah has ordered me that you should help me therein.
Ismail:  Then I will do so.
So both started to build the kaaba.
Ismail handed the stones to him and both of them were saying,
“O my Rabb accept this service from us. You are All hearing and all knowing”
When the building became high he stood on a stone. This stone is called Makame Ibrahim. This is a stone from Jannat.
This stone use to ascend and descend as per  Ibrahim عليه السلام need. It has the footprints of Ibrahim عليه السلام. We get to see this stone on our visit to Masjid –e- haram.This stone has a message for you and me. It shows that  a stone also takes the asar of the feet of a  Nabi.
Ismail عليه السلام giving his father the stones and both were reciting;
“O my Rabb accept this service from us, You are all hearing and all knowing”.
Thus Kaaba, House of Allah was built. Today we all pray namaz towards this house.
Once Ibrahim عليه السلام was sitting outside his house thinking about son Ismail عليه السلام and qurbani. He was far away from Ismail. A big tear rolled down from his eyes and reminded him of Ismail عليهالسلام.
3 angels came to earth and took the form of humans. They  did salaam to Ibrahims’
 عليه السلام. Ibrahim عليه السلام u. unaware of who they actually are welcomed them and took them inside and told Sarah to slaughter a fat calf for them. When prepared Ibrahim عليه السلام invited the angels to eat. But angels don’t eat. Now Ibrahim عليه السلام got scared. He wondered why they were not eating. Were the intending evil. The angels read his thoughts. They told him “We are not humans, we are angels and we have come to give you good news, a glad tiding of a son named Ishaaq and his son will be Yaqub.Sarah  was very old by then. She smiled and asked “ Will I have a child when we both are so old?”
The angels said “Allah will give you a child. And when Allah plan to do something nothing can alter it.
So Ishaaq was born
Allah gave a lot of barakat in his children, as he gave barakat in Ismail عليه السلام children.
 Ishaaqs عليه السلام son was Yakub  and Yakub عليه السلام had 12 sons, out of which one was Yusuf عليه السلام.
Many of Ishaaq عليه السلام children were kings and Nabis. Chain of nabis from Yakub عليه السلام to Isaa عليه السلام are all children of Ishaaq عليهالسلام.
Our Nabi صلى الله عليه و سلم was born in the children of Ismail عليه السلام. There is no nabi born between Ismail عليه السلام and our Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم.

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