story of lut عليه السلام

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    Lut عليه السلام was Ibrahim عليه السلام nephew. He did hijrat with Ibrahim عليه السلام to Egypt.        
He was sent to city Sadum on the shore of what is now the Dead Sea, and to its village as a Nabi.
His people committed a sin which no one on earth had done before them. They did not marry women instead their wives were men- they were the first people in human history to practice homosexuality.
Lut عليه السلام advised them to get out of this sinful and shameful act but they were blinded in their passion. They did not listen.
Lut عليه السلام warned them of Allah's punishment but they ignored and rejected his appeal. Instead they threatened to drive him away out of the city.
Lut عليه السلام told them “fear Allah and obey his commands. Your sin is the worst of sins. What will I get? My reward is from Allah alone”
People told him “Don’t stay here. You are very pure. We will drive you out”
This continued for years after years.
Except for Lut's عليه السلام  wife, everyone accepted Imaan in Lut عليه السلام house. Life for Lut عليه السلام was in continuous،  misery in and outside the house.
Ignoring his peoples threatening LUt عليه السلام continued with his davat towards Allah for years but no one listened to him.
Lut عليه السلام prayed to Allah for help.
When the angels came to give glad tidings to Ibrahim عليه السلام about Ishaaq عليه السلام, Yakoob عليه السلام they told him they they are going to Luts people to give them azaab. Ibrahim عليه السلام asked “ Lut عليه السلام also lived with them?”. The angels replied” Lut عليه السلام and his family will be saved except his wife.” And this azaab or punishment is bound to come, so it is useless to argue against it.
The 3 angles went to Sadum city where they disguised themselves as young handsome men. Near the river they met Lut's عليه السلام daughter who was filling the jug with water.
They asked : Is there a place to rest
She replies: Don’t enter until I inform my father and return.
Her father(LUT عليه السلام) came
They asked : Can we rest tonight at your house.
Lut عليه السلام in a massive fix. His face  fell, he knew the nature of his people and he did not want to disrespect his guests. He explained politely about their nature and told them to wait until night fell, for no one would see them. When at night, Lut عليه السلام took his guests to his house. However  Lut's عليه السلام wife who was a non believer, leaked out the news to the whole town.
A mob approached. Lut عليه السلام got scared. He locked the door, but they kept banging. He told them to go. Be ashamed of your sins. You have your wives. But the mob was not going to listen to him. They laughed at him. They were blinded by passion. Lut عليه السلام begged them. He was helpless. He was powerless. But what could he do in front of the whole mob. Seeing his state of helplessness the angels told him we are not humans but we are angels and have come to give them azaab. These people  can do us no harm. When morning arrives we shall give the azaab . lut عليه السلام was very very disturbed by his people's attitude. He was very very depressed. This was a great insult to him, that he is a Nabi and he has guests and these people are so shameless threat they come in mobs to fulfill their desires, when they all know this is wrong. But their shamelessness is on its peak. They want what they want, no matter what. He asked in desperation” is morning not close”
He was told to leave the place before morning with his family except his wife who was a non believer.
So when it struck dawn
One angel was ordered to teke the whole of the town on his wings near the 1st sky and then turned it upside down. So high was this place lifted that even crowing of the cock was heard by the angels of the 1sky and then these people were thrown down. One can imagine how. And then a rain of stones was poured on them. This was a double azaab for their shameful deeds.
Today the Dead sea is the reminder.
Nothing  can still be alive in the Dead sea. No fish survives in the Dead sea.
“ Oh Allah save us all from sins and save us all from your azaab”! Aameen ya rabbil aalameen.

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