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-Later Evening Night-

One evening night, at the heights alliance, some boys were at the living room, hanging out watching a movie and eating pizza...

Kirashima: You know (YN), I gotta say...

(YN): Whats up??

Kirashima: Lately these past days the girls have been acting...really weird lately towards you.

(YN): Weird??

Sero: Not like, I'm a bad way's more like they began to be shy and nervous every time they pass by or they even try talking to you.

(YN): Ah, I see, heh, what can I say, guess I have some taste with girls.

Denki: For real man! It's like they beginning to act like's like if they like you or something.

(YN): Mmm, well-

Mineta: No way!!

(YN): Eh??

Mineta: Don't think you can just pull your game! You're trying to steal one of my babes! Stop being greedy and let me at least have one of them!

(YN): ...What are you even babbling about Mineta??

Sero: Don't listen to him dude, he's just the way he is.

Kirashima: Yea, look let's just continue watching the movie, yea?

(YN): Yea, sure.

Mineta: I'll keep my eye on you! Make sure you don't take all of them! Hmph!

Mineta crises his arms and the boys continue watching the movie...

(YN) Mind: The little twerp does give me creepy vibes somehow...I don't like it...but about what they said about the girls...they have been acting weird lately these past days, they were shy and nervous...wonder what they think of me??

Meanwhile, at Momo's dorm, all of the girls were in there hanging out, laying down and using their phones....they were all quiet...too quiet...and haven't spoken anything at all...but we then get to see each and other girl's faces, as they began to softly blush, and yet they began to think about (YN), of how kind-hearted, generous, sweet, attractive and amazing he's been treating, they all stood up at the same time...

Girls: I have a confession to make!!!

They all stood quiet afterwards...and to look at each other with a surprise look, not knowing they would said it at the same time...

Mina: Heh, guess we all have the same thing on our minds then??

Jiro: Guess so.

Momo: Well then, since we somehow all of us have something to say, I say we should Ahh gather around and talk about this.

So they all gather together on Momo's bed and laying onto their knees...

Momo: Alright then, who wants to go first?

Ochaco: Oh Oh! Me!

Momo: Okay Ochaco, what is it?

Ochaco blushes and then touches both her fingers tips...

Ochaco: Well...I think I'm in love.

Mina: *gasps* Really?!

Ochaco: Y-Yea, hehe.

Tohru: Is it Midoriya?! You and him have been talking a lot lately.

Ochaco: N-No, me and him are really best friends only, also we don't feel the same way either, but he and I are just good's someone else that I like, really like

18+ MHA Class 1-A Girls x Male Harem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now