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A week have pass now....(YN) isn't himself somehow..after the days he has spent with each of the girls with...he's felt that he's close to them...but then again...he somehow felt...not good about it...not cause of what he's and the girls have done's more than that...he felt like if they won't avocet him the way he feels to them all at the same the heights alliance, (YN) was sitting at the sofa, as he's been thinking a lot lately in his mind...about the girls...

(YN) Mind: Shit...I should have thought about this through earlier...and is a problem. How am I suppose to tell this to the girls??? How would they even feel about it?? I don't wanna tell them right now, no...I don't to. I just don't wanna make them feel weird and think that I-

Izuku: (YN).

(YN): O-Oh, hey Izuku, what's up?

Izuku: You okay? Couldn't help notice you looking a bit down.

Iida: And you seem like something is bothering you, is there something we can do to help??

(YN): Oh, no it's alright you two, thank you either way but, this is kinda personal to me...

Izuku: Oh, okay then, well we're here for you for anything.

Iida: Definitely.

(YN): Thanks.

Izuku and Iida left (YN) alone and giving him some time off...

Kirashima: Hey, is (YN) okay??

Iida: Well it seems like he is, but then again we can tell something is bothering him, but we must let him give some time off.

Sero: Man, wonder what's bothering him.

Back with (YN), he kept on thinking about the girls, he still is worried about the reaction they'll have he confess them...

(YN): It's not gonna work...besides, it's my fault for not thinking about it at the first place, instead, I had to-

Mina: Hey (YN)!

Suddenly, Mina appeared and sat down next to him and getting real close to him..

(YN): Mina...

Mina: How's it going?

(YN): It's...going okay, how about you?

Mina: It's going good! Hehe, well this day will go better, when I got something to tell you.

(YN): ...What is it?

Mina: (YN)...I think I-

Jiro: Yo (YN)! Hey Mina.

Jiro appeared as well and sat down next to him...

(YN): Oh, hey Jiro..

Jiro: Seems like you're relaxing here, you don't mind if I join ya?

18+ MHA Class 1-A Girls x Male Harem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now