Chp.4 Ochaco Uraraka

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One day, at the heights alliance, Ochaco was then on the kitchen, as she then had some of the Mochi ready up to be made with different ice cream flavor this time...she then was nervous about what she had plan to do with (YN), but she needed to, to find out if he has feelings the same way she does...

Ochaco: I hope things between us goes smooth today.

Then, she heard the entrance door opened and to see (YN) arriving in the living room...

Ochaco: Oh hey (YN)! Over here!

(YN): Hey Ochaco, got your txt message, what's up?

Ochaco: Oh, I just wanted you to help me out here make mochi's know, since you've been a great help with me last time.

(YN): Oh sweet, but this time for helping you again, I should get myself a Mochi.

Ochaco: Oh of course, you can get one for helping this time *and have something for you~*

(YN): Nice! So, what's it gonna be this ti-

As (YN) then approaches to the counter, he then sees something very surprising and very flabbergast...what he saw was not only Ochaco wearing an apron on this time...but she is yet wearing any clothes, apron on only. And to see her fully naked behind...

(YN): H-Hey!! O-Ochaco!?

Ochaco: Yea~?

(YN): Why..Why aren't you not in clothes?! No scratch that, WHY aren't you wearing any clothes?!?

Ochaco: Hm?? Is that a problem~?

(YN): Problem!? Of course it is! You're gonna get in so much trouble!

Ochaco: Hehe, don't be silly, it's just the two of us here, alone~besides, don't you like the view behind~?

(YN): ...W-Well I do...have a nice body.

Ochaco: Aww, thank you (YN)~! Now, why don't you help me out here, I can really use a hand here~

(YN) didn't knew what to do...he doesn't know how to react still the fact Ochaco is fully naked with apron on only, and yet is wanting (YN) to help her out...he has no choice but to help her and make her change quickly...

(YN): *sighs* Okay, I'll help you, but only you'll change after wards, okay?

Ochaco: Hehe, got it~!

(YN) then approaches to Ochaco,, and to began helping her make he does, he then started eyeing her, and to then look her behind, and to softly blush by seeing her behind, then, he sees Ochaco moving her ass and to smile at him, he then nervously smiles...and then Ochaco telling him..

Ochaco: Say (YN), can you give me a hand here~? I forgot how to cover the Mochi up complete.

(YN): O-Oh, sure.

(YN) then helps Ochaco out by holding her hands to cover up the dough around the ice he does, Ochaco then blushes and smiles at him, as she then gets really close to him, and then to have her ass leaning against (YN)'s member...

(YN): O-Ochaco!!? Wh-What are you doing..?!

Ochaco: What? Does it bother you~??

(YN): Yea-N-No wait! I-I don't know! B-But...I-I don't think...we can-

Ochaco: Don't be shy, I know you like it~

(YN): W-Well...

Ochaco: Admit it, you like having my ass grind onto your dick, don't you~?

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