Seven deadly suspicions

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Diane: I love you, Harlequin.

King realised the name she spoke. Harlequin? But how could she remember?

King: Diane.. How do you know that name-

Diane moved her face down towards his and kissed him. King didn't want to because she was drunk, and that would be taking advantage of her, but he didn't really have much of a choice. Diane kept kissing him. They stopped for a moment.

King: D-Diane..? W-What are you doing?

King was a new shade of red. He moved his head away from her. This couldn't be happening right now.

Diane grabbed his face and turned it back towards her before she kissed him again. This time King sinked into it. Diane was already red upon arriving, so nothing has changed. Diane then let go of King and laid down on his stomach.

King thoughts: What the helllll? WHAT THE HELL? Did that seriously happen? Did she seriously just kiss me? Did she seriously just confess? I mean when you're drunk you usually just say what on your mind.. NO!

King was so excited that he passed out without drinking a single drink.

The next day rolled in and King woke up to Diane laying on him. He was blushing once again

King thoughts: So it wasn't just a dream.. Oh my god.

Diane yawned and began to wake up. King laid there panicking.

King: U-Uhm.. Good morning, Diane.
King thoughts: OH MY GOD. Kill me now T-T
Diane: *yawns again* huh?

Diane looked up and saw King. King smiled at her. She blushed madly and quickly sat up. King looked at her, trying not to look suspicious. Diane's head hurt a little, everyone's did.. Other than King, Hawk and Gowthers heads. King stretched before getting up. Diane slumped back down. Kings pollen garden was sure to fix her up, to fix everyone up. King walked out the room he's been stuck in for the past 14 hours. He then sat down in the middle of the room. Chastiefol carefully carried Diane into the centre. Everyone was slowly waking up.

Merlin: *yawn* oh good morning King.
King: Good morning Merlin, how are you?
Merlin: I'm feeling quite sober.. The hangover though.
King: Well I'm about to fix that, don't worry.

King was sat there focusing. The pillow that was originally carrying Diane disappeared and dropped her onto a beanbag. Diane watched as pollen garden formed around everyone. King deeply concentrated, as this was hard to pull off. He then stopped and sighed in relief. The vibe of the room felt more positive. Everyone clapped and praised King, even Diane. King smiled a little.

Everyone began to head home, Diane with him. They got to his house and relaxed. Diane laid down on the bed, King on the couch.

Diane: That was quite a party, huh?
King: S-Sure was..

King blushed as he remembered what happened, Diane didn't remember a thing about what they did.

Diane: I was looking all over for you at the party, you got instantly kidnapped right in front of me. What happened?
King: Oh. Guila trapped me in this room that lock on the outside, so I was stuck. She forced me to help her with Chemistry, so honestly the party wasn't all that interesting at the time. You saved me though, but she did kiss me..

Diane felt envious of her.

Diane: Oh really?

Diane managed to say, gritting her teeth.

King: Yeah. When you entered you.. Uhm.. Yeah it was quite a fun party.
Diane: Hm? What did I do?
King: Huhhh? You seriously can't remember?

Diane's heart began racing, what did she do?

King: Oh, you know. You were so drunk but scared off Guila. Saved me and passed out right on top of me.. haha..
Diane: On top of you?

Diane blushed. King saw and screamed in his head

King: Yeah, well it was certainly fun.. With you and everyone.

King sighed. What a night to remember. Still, he didn't know wether to tell Diane or wait for her to confess, or him to confess. He was still quite stuck and confused on what he should do.

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