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Song recommendation- Tek it/ Friction by Cafuné
You can find it on Spotify and SoundCloud.

King walked off away from Diane and Diane stood there. What the hell is going on with him? Meliodas saw the pair split up, but it was too late to do anything. The whistle had been blown

Gym teacher: Also! The most people you get out will get.... A lolly pop.

The gym teacher pulled something out of a jar. The students got serious.

Howzer: I'm gonna win that.
Meliodas' thoughts: Don't worry King, your sacrifice will be worth it.
Diane's thoughts: Oh no.. King.

Everyone focused in on King. King stood there completely vulnerable.

King thoughts: I can't use my powers.. It'll only prove to the coach that I'll need them.. I don't need them..  I Don't.

Everyone ran for the balls in the middle. Howzer, Meliodas, Ban and Guila got a ball. Diane stayed in defence. King waited for one of them to throw a ball. Ban smirked and threw the ball at someone, out. Howzer tried to throw one at King but Meliodas jumped in front of King, blocked the ball with the ball he was holding. After Howzers ball dropped to the floor Meliodas threw the ball right back at one of their players. Out. Right at the moment Meliodas threw his ball Guila threw hers at Meliodas. It hit him. Meliodas is out. Ban laughed at Meliodas' reckless act.

Ban: Hahahha, you're so reckless Captain.
Meliodas: Shut up, focus on yourself.

A ball hit Ban so hard in the face that he spat out some blood.

Teacher: That doesn't count, head shots do NOT count.
Ban: Bloodfest..

Ban then threw whatever ball he had at the opposing team, most of them got out. It was a pretty back and forward type of game. Meliodas' team managed to knock down three of the pins on Howzer's side. Meliodas got out all three times by saving King, he was trying to show his good leadership sacrifice skills.

The remaining players were Howzer, Guila, Griamore, Diane, Ban and King. Guila added a bit of spin on her ball, knocking Ban out. Guila cheated by adding silent shockbomb to her ball. Ban started bleeding all out onto the floor. Griamore and Howzer together aimed at King.

Diane: King!
King thoughts: I'm going out for sure..

Diane jumped in front of King and took the hits. King used Chastiefol to cushion her fall. He looked at her as she dramatically fell. He floated over her and helped her onto her feet.

King: You alright?
Diane: Yep.. I'm all fine.
King: Phew..

Diane grabbed King's hand and looked at him.

Diane: Win this. Win this for both of us.

Diane said. She acted as if she were in the verge of death. She knew it was a cringe and dramatic line but knew King would laugh at this, which he did. He smiled and grabbed her hand too.

King: Alright.

Diane smiled at him and walked off to cheer on the side-lines. King concentrated.

King: True spirit spear.. Second form- Guardian!

Chastiefol turned into a ripped teddy bear. He grabbed one of the balls that were on his side. Guila tried throwing a ball at King, but King moved his hand forward and a ball flew right past her face, a cut opened up on her face. The ball she threw, chastiefol caught. Guila is out.

Howzer: What the hell? How is that allowed?
Meliodas: Wow! He actually got someone out.
Ban: And someone in~

A random side character walked back onto the pitch. (If someone catches a ball, in this version, one person is allowed back onto the pitch) King then moved his hand and chastiefol handed a ball to his teammate. King then began quickly doing hand signs, Chastiefol moved very quickly and began to dodge and hit players. Soon there was only Howzer left.

Diane: WOOOO Go King! You're so good at this.

Howzer frowned and used an ability of his to hit one of the players next to King AND the pin at the same time. The whole team was back. King smiled.

King: Good. At least now it'll be a bit of a challenge.
Howzer: NGh SHUT UP!

Howzer threw a ball at King. Chastiefol caught it with one of its four arms. Howzer is out, Meliodas is on. Howzer was fed up of him and frustratedly walked off the pitch. King moved his hand really quickly and chastiefol got more than half of the team out. He fired at Guila and Griamore getting them out. Howzer found something hard lying on the ground, a rock. Only 2 players left on the opposing team, no one worth mentioning.

Meliodas: We're gonna win! Haha!

Howzer felt triggered and fired the rock with full force of his powers towards King. Nobody noticed him when he did. Meliodas grabbed two balls and fired them at the last two players, hit. At the exact same time King collapsed onto the floor, his head bleeding out. Meliodas turned around with a smile on his face, but it dropped when he saw King lying on the floor bleeding.

Everyone ran around him and found a big stone lying by his head.

Later King woke up. He was surrounded by all his friends. He looked down and saw he still had his school uniform on. He sighed in relief but couldn't remember a thing. His head was wrapped in a bandage. It was already soaked red.

Ban: So, you're finally awake~🎶
Meliodas: Yo!
Elizabeth: Oh sir king. I'm so glad you're awake

Diane hugged him. She was crying just a little.

Diane: You're okay..
Nurse: Okay.. So we were able to call the paramedics who were able to help here. You've got a.. Concussion and a bit of a damaged skull.. Nothing too serious, it should heal in a week with healing magic carefully applied. Until then keep this bandage on your head.. Or.. Give me a minute to change that.

The nurse quickly changed the bandage, nobody was able to see what the scar looked like.

Nurse: There'll be a bit of a scar.. You're half blind in one eye afterall.

King sat there, completely upset. Who did this? Who did this to him? FOR ONLY A DODGEBALL GAME? Diane helped him into his feet. The others watched.

Diane: Uhm.. Let's go somewhere where we can talk.. Okay?
King: U-Uhm.. Sure..

King walked off with Diane. They walked up to the roof and sat down. Diane sat down next to him.

Diane: So a concussion huh?
King: Yeah..
Diane: Do you remember at least what.. You said?

Diane covered her face with her pigtails. King tried to think about it.

King: Not.. Particularly?
Diane: ...Oh.. Really? Not even just.. A sentence that you said?
King: Uhm... Not really, no.
Diane: Oh..
King: I'm guessing I said something really important?
Diane: I.. Yes. Do you remember the party?
King: Hm... Who's party?
Diane: Howzer's?
King: Hmm..

Diane already knew the answer, no.

King: Oh yeah..

King said proudly, but remembered what happened. He blushed madly.

King: I remember it vividly.
Diane: Y-You do?

Diane cleared the tears in her eyes.

King: I-Uhm.. Are you okay?
Diane: Yes.

Diane jumped onto him and hugged him. King was confused.

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