Apology more than accepted

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Tw: Mentions of sexual activity

Gowther was surprised

Gowther: Diane. I am very knowledgable. Feelings are unnecessary. They make you feel shit, like you are feelings now.
Diane: GOWTHER. BEING IN LOVE IS NOT A BAD THING. I FEEL SHIT BECAUSE I SCREWED EVERYTHING UP, IM ANNOYED AT ME. NOT AT LOVE. I'm annoyed because I never got the chance to woman up and tell him earlier. It was so obvious, even he knew how I felt.

Diane got up and started walking away from Gowther, the rain starting to get heavier. Gowther sat there and watched as she stormed off.

Merlin: Gowther.. You've failed the reasoning test.
Gowther: *sigh* Merlin. I wish not to continue this test, I don't think this will help my understanding.
Merlin: If you wish not to understand feeble emotions, then do as you wish. But do not come back to me asking to understand, I will reject this proposal.
Gowther: Merlin, I wish to continue, only because I am determined.

King was sitting wish Ban and Jericho.

Ban: Whys she here?

Ban said, unhappy. Jericho was completely y comfortable

King: Because she's a friend. Deal with it.
Ban: Tch.

Jericho felt like leaving.

Jericho: Oh.. Uhm.. You know what? King? I.. I have got plans. I wish I could hang out.. But maybe another time? If it's cool?
King: Uhh- Ofcourse. I won't keep you here.. By Elaine.. Y-You can go, it's cool.
Jericho: Haha.. Thank you..

Jericho ran off and Ban looked down at King

Ban: You two dating? What happened with Diane?
King: Eh??.. She ditched me.. For someone else..
Ban: Whaaattt?? Now that's a surprise~
King: What? I should've seen it coming.
Ban: I didn't expect it, and believe me.. I expect the unexpected.. But that? That's a really unexpected thing. I mean you know she like you, right?
King: No, she doesn't.

Ban looked at King with an eyebrow raised. He slapped King on the back, almost making him fall off the chair

Ban: To hopefully knock some sense into ya. You're an idiot for ditching with another girl.. Especially one who's clearly into ya. Diane really had feelings for you.. Surely she had some sort of reason for ditching you to go with some other asshole.
King: She did say he tricked her..

A doctor slammed open the door, shushing the pair.

Doctor: This. Is. A . Hospital.

The doctor angrily whispered

King: I'm sorry, sir.

Ban started giggling and King slapped his arm.

King: Anyways.. I thought.. She wanted to ditch me.. The first chance she got. I said that.. And she started crying.

Bans jaw dropped to the floor.

Ban: You're not gonna stay here any longer.. You're going to apologise to her. GO!
Doctor: SHHHH!

King tried to resist but before he could the door slammed on him. Ban smiled and sat back with Elaine. He rested his head next to her arm. After staring longingly she saw it twitch. He jumped.

Ban: What.. What... ELAINE??? Elaine.. Are you.. Elaine are you awake?

Ban had the biggest grin on his face. The doctor came into the room for the last time

Doctor: I told you to-
Ban: Doc! She moved. She. Moved.

The doctor shook his head

Doctor: She's starting to do this more regularly. It's nothing new.. She twitches a lot.

Ban was still extremely happy to know this.

Doctor: Now I understand that this was something you didn't know.. So please.. Keep the noise down, or else I will have to kick you out.
Ban: Yeah, yeah.

Ban sat back down, smiling at Elaine.

King walked back in the freezing cold night. He saw a figure standing outside his house.

King: Hey?

The figure didn't respond. King walked closer and saw Diane sitting on the porch outside his house. She looked like she was asleep. He walked closer and saw she was deep in her sleep.

King: Diane??

King whispered gently.

King: Hey.. Diane.. Wake up..

King started nudging her a bit. He then felt a gust of wind down his spine, he got the chills. He decided to pick up Diane and carry her inside, she might have a cold.

King laid Diane down onto his bunk bed and checked her temperature

King: Good.. She doesn't have a fever.

King left the room to go make some hot chocolate for when Diane wakes up.

A couple minutes later she slowly wakes up. She looks around the room and catches a scent of Hot chocolate. She sat up and saw a steaming hot chocolate by the bed.

She took it and drank it. She then started to recognise where she was. She was in Kings room. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?? DID SHE DO ANYTHING SEXUALLY? WHAT?

Diane began internally panicking, king walked into the room.

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