The Lawyer Who Will Turn Green

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Y/n sat in a bar booth, drinking a cold beer when a tall young woman sat beside him.

"H-Hey, Miss Walters..." Y/n said nervously.

"Hey to you too, Y/n. So, how's the head?"

Y/n blushed, hearing glass mugs shatter around the bar and the room go quiet.

"It feels better, but I still need time to recover. I don't want to have a brain killing concussion."

"I see. Take your time. I need you at 100% for this, okay?" Jennifer said, her fingers gently touching Y/n skin earning a shiver.

"Thanks, Miss. I know this incident has put a damper on your plans, and I apologize for that."

"Don't worry about it. You had no idea what was going on."

"Th-Thank you, Miss Walters."

"It's really not a problem. The upside is that you have forced him to move ahead with his plan and rush all without actually giving him any information."


"Mhm, so I actually have to thank you. You've made everything quite easy for me."

"That's good. For you, I mean."

"Don't sell yourself short, Y/n. You have great talents, you just haven't found them yet. Now, I believe you deserve a reward."

Y/n's eyes widen in surprise.

"You and I are having a drink. You can drink Vodka and Whiskey here as long you have supervision, and tonight, I am your supervision."

Surprised, Y/n stutters out a thank you, earning a smile from the beautiful woman. They would end up drinking the night away and leaving for Y/n's apartment, and many would find out that the young Stark was much more social after a few drinks. That night would be a hazy memory for them both. However, when they woke, they would find out that life has great plans for them both.

Little did they expect they would receive a Christmas gift in nine months.

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