A Date With A Poisonous Spider

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Y/n sat near a fountain, looking down into the water when Natalie approached him with a smile.

"Excuse me, Mister Stark. May I have a word?"

Y/n froze, panicking. "I-If it's about that thing in the boxing room, I apologize."

"Oh, no. I was thinking. Why don't you and I go out for dinner this evening."

"Wait...so you aren't mad that I...uh..."

"Not really. I am quite flattered and slightly disgusted though."

"Yeah, s-sorry for the disgusted part. I would love to go to dinner tonight. I'll pay."

"Sounds like a plan. Should I wear something formal, semi-formal, or just casual?"

"Semi-formal, I guess. I do want to take you somewhere nice."

Later that night, Y/n found Natalie waiting in front of a hotel. Parking his silver and blue Camaro, he steps out and opens the door for the young woman. Half an hour later, they find themselves in a nice restaurant. Walking inside, they find a hostess waiting for them in the front of the building.

"Reservation for Y/n Stark and his wonderful lady."

"Ah, a moment please."

Y/n and Natalie wait until the hostess looks up with a smile and says, "follow me."

Smiling, Y/n leads Natalie to their table, taking her by the hand. Pulling out a chair for Natalie, Y/n smiled, earning a smile from his date.

"What would you two lovebirds like to drink?"

"Just a water for me. I would like to maintain consciousness."

"Same for me as well."

"Of course, I'll be right back."

After a few minutes, a couple glass cups of water are placed on the table.

"So, how do we start this?"

"New at the dating game?"

Y/n chuckled nervously. "Y-Yeah. Hehe."

"Okay, I'll start with a couple questions, and we can go from there," Natalie said with a smile.

"O-Okay," Y/n stuttered with a smile.

"I'll go first, what is your favorite animal and why?"

"Wolf. They're extremely intelligent and act as if they are a small unit of commandos when taking down prey."

"Interesting answer. Okay, now, you go."

Y/n takes a deep breath and exhales sharply before a question comes to mind. "How did you get your hair to be that really cool crimson color?"

Surprised by the question, it takes a minute for Natalie to respond.

"It's my natural hair color."

"Well, I find it very attractive. Say what you will about blondes, but redheads badass!"

Natalie lets a giggle, shocking herself. She did enjoy Y/n enthusiasm, though.

"Alright, what about your silver hair? It's an extremely rare even non-existent trait? And then there's your eyes."

"Honestly, I have no idea. One day it was brown, and the next it was silver it seems. It was a rather slow yet painless process. As for my eyes, they were like this when I was born except a bit brighter. My dad says they glow sometimes. I have perfect night vision though which is pretty cool. What about you? Your eyes seem to change in tint every time I see you. Sometimes they're dark green, other times they're a strange silver-green."

"It's a natural occurrence. I guess it has to do with lighting, I'm not really sure."

"Well, I think it's really neat. My eyes just change color due to what emotion I'm feeling at the moment."

Natalie raised an eyebrow. "Literally or..."

"Yep. If I get angry, my irises change to a dark crimson ruby red. When I'm sad, they turn a dark sapphire blue."

"That's really cool."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. I mean, you could just scare people with your eyes alone."

Y/n thought about it for a moment before he smiled. "You might be right. I always used my eyes to escape my bullies."

"See? That's really cool."

The waitress comes back with a warm smile.

"Excuse me. Um...what would you like to eat tonight?"

"I would like some Pierogi with a side of Ukka."

Y/n gives Natalie a surprised look before giving his order. "I would like a 12 oz. Sirloin with a side of cabbage soup."

Natalie smiled through the glass of her cup as she listened to Y/n's attempt to tell her that he tried to eat healthy. The waitress knew immediately as she saw the subtle smile on Natalie's lips. After writing the orders down, the waitress walked off.

"So, what do you think of the experience so far?"

"You're doing quite well all things considered. You're quite an interesting person, and despite my original reservations, I can see another date in the future."

"Really? Well, that's...great!"

"So, 12 oz steak, huh?"

"Yeah...hehe. My dad got me on that. He usually sleeps around. Has a hard time with maintaining a romantic relationship. Just don't tell anyone I told you, okay? He'd kill me if he found out I told someone."

Natalie chuckled warmly, her voice causing the young Stark's heart to flutter. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."


When the food was brought to the table, the two smiled.

As the night dragged on, the two left for Natalie's apartment, taking a car. However, on the way, the car was hit by a larger SUV that drove off. Luckily, neither of them were hurt, but Y/n...Y/n was shaken.

At the apartment, Natalie found herself laying underneath Y/n with his head laying against her chest. It wasn't long before she was called by a personal fan favorite man.

"Hello? Ah yes, Agent Coulson. Yes, I'm fine. However, my date was shaken by the event. What'd he do? He shielded me from the other vehicle. Yes, I plan to stay. He needs me at the moment. Yes, sir. Overnight. I have no idea when or if he will recover sir. Right, good night."

By 9 pm, they were asleep with Natalie holding her hand behind Y/n's head, keeping him close. From this experience would come a powerful bond of love and lust.

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