Arrival of Loki

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A/N: I did some editing, tell me what you think.

It was late in the afternoon, a soft breeze in the air when Y/n found himself standing next to Barton, holding a large bottle of Whiskey.

Clicking his tongue, Barton turned to Y/n. "So, when did Romanoff catch your eye?"

Y/n chuckled, looking at the rooftop below him. "She didn't. I caught hers."

"Really? That's not what I heard."

"Well, you heard wrong."

"Oh, really?" Barton took a swig. "Not what I heard."

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly did you hear?"

Barton couldn't help but smile like an idiot. "Well, I heard from a little birdy that someone had a little accident when she performed a certain combat move on Happy."

Turning to Barton in shock, Y/n's eyes widened in surprise.

"Who told you?"

"You just did." Barton grinned.

Facepalming, Y/n groaned.

The archer smirked and shrugged. "Don't worry. It happens to even the best of us. I just have a way with words."

"Sure, the whispers of a snake."

"Oh, yeah? Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?" Barton asked as he walked away.

Clenching his, he playfully whispered. "You know what..."

Y/n turned to Barton and tackled him attempting to perform a similar move to that of Natasha's headscissoring. However, as the two were getting into it, they heard footsteps coming closer.

"Come on now, you two will have time to fuck around later. I need you both at your best. We still don't know what will happen when we use this thing."

Barton and Y/n groan but follow Nick's orders, standing up and going back inside.

"Its weird, isn't it?"" A soldier standing guard in front of a door asked.

"In what way?" Another soldier asked.

"Well, they act more like brothers than hated rivals," a soldier says with a chuckle.

"Okay, fair point but so do a lot of military guys."

"You and I don't do that."

"That's because we never fought alongside one another in the field."

"Oh," the soldier says as Y/n jumps over Barton using the archer's shoulder.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get something to eat. I don't wanna get near that thing you guys have in the lab."

Barton chuckled before walking into the lab where he found himself standing next to fury. At the push of a button, the machine whirred to life, powering up. After the machine finished powering up, it fired a beam of blue energy at the platform on the other side of the the room. When the blue bubble of energy dissipated a few seconds later, a lone figure reeking of burning leather and pungent body odor was noticed standing atop the platform.

Several S.H.I.E.L.D agents approached, weapons drawn, eyeing their target carefully. Slowly looking up at the men and women in the crew, the figures lips slowly etch themselves into a dark smile brimming with madness. As Fury's eyes lock with those of the mysterious figure, he relaxes for but a moment. The eyes of those who know his name are filled with fear, their bodies freezing in place.

"Sir? Please put down the spear."

The figure turns to look upon his weapon in his hand and quickly glances at Nick before firing a bolt of blue energy at the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, missing due to Barton's quick reaction and reflexes.

One of the guards fires upon the figure, the bullets bouncing off their green, black, and gold robes only to receive the scepter in his chest, piercing his lung. Reacting to the gunfire from behind him, he throws a pair of knifes that pierce the throats of his attackers.

Turning around, he kills one of the engineers as well as an agent he knocked over, slitting his throat. Several guards fire rounds from their handguns at the figure, managing to hit them. Reacting with precision, he turns around and fires a bolt of blue energy at one of the soldiers, killing him instantly and sending another through the air against a wall.

The figure, rushes up to one of the soldiers and grabs their arm, twisting it so that they're immobilized. "You have heart." The figure smirks and presses the tip of the scepter up to Barton's chest.

Fury slowly stood up and watched Barton's eyes turn black as if his pupils had dilated to the maximum amount. Concerned, he grabs the Tesseract and puts it into a briefcase, watching his agents fall under the figure's corruption. Picking up the case, he turned to leave.

"Please don't. I still need that," the figure said warily, his eyes fixed on Fury.

Without making eye contact, Fury says, "this doesn't have to get any messier."

"Course, it does. I've come too far for anything else." Fury slowly turns to face the man before his, their ragged hair revealing untidiness attributed to torture and heavy bags under bloodshot eyes. "I am Loki of Asgard."

Doctor Selvig slowly stands up. "And I am burdened with glorious purpose." The doctor's eyes widen in surprise. "Loki, brother of Thor."

"We have no quarrel with your people."

Loki tilted his head before answering. "An ant has no quarrel with a boot."

"You planning to step on us?" Fury asked.

Loki takes a few steps forward. "I come with glad tidings." He stops in front of Selvig. "Of a world made free."

"Free of what?" Fury asked, skeptical of the madman standing before him.

"Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept your heart." Loki turns to Selvig and presses the blade of the scepter upon his chest, the man's eyes growing darker until they turn blue like Barton's. "You will know peace."

"Yeah, you say peace, I kinda think you mean the other thing."

Barton approached Loki. "Sir, he's stalling. This place is about to blow. Drop a hundred feet of rock on us. He means to bury us."

"Like the Pharaohs of old."

Selvig looked at one of the screens. "He's right. The portal collapsing in on itself. We get maybe two minutes before this goes critical."

Loki turns to Barton. "Well then."

Pulling the gun from his holster, he fires a round into Fury's chest watching the older man hit the ground.

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