First Impressions: The Widow

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Y/n sat in a chair, watching his father box with Happy when he saw a young redhead in a white blouse and black pants. Mesmerized by her beauty, he grows speechless. The young redhead turns to smile at him. Watching his father talk to her and Miss Potts, Y/n tried to gauge her intentions.

Y/n's POV

I watch my dad call her into the ring. I quickly give her my full attention. However, I slowly made my way to the door because I needed to get something to drink. However, just as I was about to exit through the door, I watch Miss Rushman headscissor Happy and experience a full sudden ejaculation. My cheeks grow red as I leave the room with a blush.

"Hey uh, Jarvis. Where's Y/n going?"

"To clean up, sir."


"He experienced a powerful and sudden form of arousal and ejaculation. I believe Miss Rushman is the cause considering your son's tastes."

The eyes of everyone in the room widen when the realization hits them with Natasha aka Natalie blushing madly.

"Well, at least I won't die without more than one grandchild," Tony said with a chuckle.

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