Finding out the Truth

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Y/n stands on the balcony of his father's Malibu home, Y/n watching the waves crash against the coast below, the wind blowing through his hair, the moonlight shining in his eyes. The low husshhhttshh of the waves echoes as they crash against a wall of rock and stone. So focused on the sight and sound before him, Y/n did not hear footsteps behind him.


"Holy Mary, Mother of Christ!" Said Y/n, jumping in fright and falling onto the balcony floor with a hand over his heart, holding the railing with his other hand.

"You okay? Sorry, I forgot about what happened last week."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Holy shit, that hurts."

"Do you want me to go get somebody?"

"I'm fine, Natasha. Just give me a minute."

Taking a minute to breathe, Y/n began to remember why this started.


Y/n sat in a chair, his arms and legs tied to it, his face bloodied.

"That...the've got, eh, Ruskie?"

The Serb threw another hook, catching the Stark on the jaw, causing him to spew projectile blood from his mouth. The Serb chuckled darkly before throwing several more hooks, each hitting a different side of his face.

"You hit like a little girl," Y/n said with a chuckle.

The Serb pulls his hand back, huffing and puffing and readies another hook when his leader stays his hand.

"Stop, you fool. He wants you to kill him." The lead thug looks up. "I'd prefer that you did not."

Natasha found herself knocking out a guard in the compound. Groaning angrily, she looks around the armed compound to see where they'd been keeping her boyfriend for the past month.

Noticing the hidden command post, she grunted angrily, breaking a man's neck. Using the rooftops to get to the building, she took out a score of enemy guards with ease. Finding her way inside, she watched a large vehicle burst through the wall, sending the guards to the ground. Any who hadn't been knocked to the ground began to fire at the vehicle, killing the local militiamen inside.

The Serb chuckled in a deep tone. "Ah. A little escape attempt huh. We'll have that fixed in a week. Looks like one of your friends has come." The Serb turned to his men. "Round them up."

A guard nods earning an expression of disgust from Natasha.

Natasha quickly found her way down, headscissoring the lead thug, rendering him unconscious.

Y/n groaned trying to hold himself back.

"Not this time."

Watching his girlfriend beat the shit out of Serbian Mobsters broke his will to defy his body. When all of the guards were either dead or unconscious, Natasha approached her lover.

"So, I um...uh...I have nothing to defend myself."

Kneeling behind the chair, Natasha pulls out a knife. "Honey, I'm more worried about you ejaculating when I beat the shit out of bad guys. Now, stay still while I cut your bonds."

Y/n chuckled. "Right, sooooo...Natasha, huh?"

Natasha froze for a moment, looking up at Y/n for a second before severing her lover's binds.

Standing up, Y/n rubs his wrists. "Wanna take a moment to talk about it?"

Natasha tried to do everything in her power not to make eye contact, walking away with an uncharacteristic nervousness in her step.

"Listen, Nat. I honestly don't care. I just wish that you were a bit more honest with me. I mean, my girlfriend is an international fucking spy? How much cooler can my life get!?!"

To say that Natasha was shocked was an understatement.

"So, you're not mad?"

"Nope! Well, a little, but mistly not. Plus, I'm sure you had your reasons. There's no need to go off like a bomb, and act like a small child. Pouting until he gets his way and whatnot. I see this as a helluva lot better than having someone who works at an important office. Though, I can still call you Natalie if you want."

Natasha was at a loss for words. "I...uh...huh...well, this is certainly not what I expected."

"Well, a great man once said. Always expect the unexpected," Y/n said raising a finger and closing his eyes.

Natasha chuckled, offering a warm smile.

"There it is, that wonderful smile. Now, I believe we should be leaving this shithole."

As they walk toward the door, Natasha asks, "so, care to tell me why that guy kidnapped you in the first place?"

Y/n stopped. "I don't fucking know."


Y/n found himself in bed, drinking a cup of tea with Natasha lay her head on his chest, her arms around him tightly.

"Good night, Papa Bear," Natasha said biting her lip, stifling her laughter.

"Good night, Mama Bear."

Natasha's eyes widen for a moment before she smiles. Finishing his tea, Y/n placed his cup on the end table and laid down, closing his eyes, and slowly falling asleep. Natasha smiled, closing her own eyes and allowing sleep to take her to the world of dreams.

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