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Loki watched as your head fell backwards as you laughed at one of Thors jokes. Your eyes were closed and your teeth were visible. You reached up, placing one of your hands over your chest as you continued to guffaw, eventually placing that hand on Thors thigh when you came back to reality.

"You're too funny." You giggled, turning slightly to face Thor who wore a smug expression.

"Isn't he just." Natasha added, looking at both of you. "So, making things official?" She quietly added to the conversation making Lokis breath hitch. Official? He knew you and Thor had hooked up a few times, he was unfortunate enough to hear it, but he didn't think things were serious. Did others think they were? Was he too blind to see that you and Thor were in love with one another? Surely not.

You awkwardly waited for Thor to answer as you picked up your drink, taking another sip. You personally didn't think that things were 'official' but things were certainly something. You and Thor both started hooking up a few months ago when you were both drunk at a party. The guy you had been previously talking to and occasionally sexting had walked in with some other girl leaving you feeling upset, used. You and Thor were friends and had been for a while and so he instantly saw your mood change. He offered to take you home and when he did, you invited him inside. A game of strip poker and a bottle of vodka later, you had crossed the boundary between friends and fuckbudies which is what you both quickly became.

From that night, whenever you were feeling low, high, happy or sad, you'd find Thor and engage in a round of sex. You kept it as friends with benefits as something was missing. The sex was far from sensual, it was quick, rough and rousing. Gentle caresses were pushed aside for hard thrusts. Loving words were exchanged for profanities. It lacked emotion but it sufficed. It was enough. As well as that, other guys didn't trouble you, they all assumed you were Thors and no one on campus was willing to approach Thors girl in fear that he'd retaliate. As much as Thor was caring and considerate, well, in front of everyone, he also had a deep seated rage that anyone who crossed him felt the ugly side of. Being like this with Thor worked, until one of your close friends questioned the relationship.

When Thor hadn't answered by the time you had finished your drink, you stood up, quickly excusing yourself to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, Thor and Lokis joint flat didn't have a large enough window for you to jump out of in the bathroom so you could only hope the previous conversation would be forgotten by the time you got back to the living room. Entering, you put the toilet seat down before sitting on top of it, counting down from sixty so you could flush the toilet, wash your hands and leave. When you got to 43, the door knocked.

"Y/n it's me." Thor spoke through the door.

"I'm having a piss." You answered, sighing.

"You aren't." He answered with a faint chuckle. Sighing again, you stood up and opened the door, letting Thor inside. "What's the matter? Have I done something wrong?" He questioned, placing a hand on your cheek. Sometimes Thor was nothing if not ignorant.

"So, what are we?" You asked, looking down to the floor.

"You're my girl." He answered, using his index finger to tilt your chin upwards before pressing his lips onto yours.

"Why didn't you answer Natasha then?" You asked, pulling away. "If I'm your 'girl' then things are official, why didn't you say that to her?" You scoffed, stepping backwards.

"Y/n, you know I love you." Thor spoke, taking a step towards you as he touched your cheek again.

"Yeah." You nodded, releasing a breath.

"You're my best friend." He added, stroking your cheek with his thumb before running it over your bottom lip.

"Yeah." You agreed again, closing your eyes.

"So let's leave it at that. Best friends who make each other feel good." He grinned, thumb trailing down your chin and neck towards your chest. Reaching upwards, you pulled Thor down towards you with your hands on his cheeks as you kissed him. The kiss grew hungry, heated, and before you knew it, Thor was spinning you around and leaning you over the sink. Lifting your skirt up, Thor slapped your ass causing you to move slightly forward. He then ran his hand over the area, soothing the sting with one hand as he undid his belt with the other. Freeing his length, he spat on his hand before running it along his shaft, lubricating it. You felt him push your thong to the side before he thrusted into you. You bit down on your lip trying to stifle your moans as he fucked you from behind, both hands gripping your waist.

"Yess, yessss, fuck me Thor." You spoke breathily, eyes tightly shut as you tightly gripped the sink. His hand made connection with your ass again causing a loud slapping noise to reverberate around the room.

"So—" Natasha began, sipping her beer as she looked at Loki who was shifting uncomfortably in his seat "I guess their official is feeling the need to fuck whenever possible." She tried to joke, anything to drown out the noise coming from the bathroom.

Loki offered her a weak smile. You deserved better than meaningless sex with his incompetent oaf of a brother, you deserved romance, passion. He'd give that to you, he'd love you, properly. Why couldn't you see you were worthy of so much more?

He and Nat continued to speak for a while longer before the sound of the bathroom door unlocking sounded. With your head down, you walked towards Natasha and Loki before sitting down. Once you sat, you quickly stood back up, feeling sore. Thor, with reddened cheeks and his usual smug expression, walked out behind you, still shamelessly doing his belt.

"Erm Nat, I think it's time for us to go." You spoke meekly, still wobbly as you made your way to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow y/n. Get home safe and text me something naughty when you get back." Thor sniggered, making his way towards the door.

"Thor!" You whined.

"Bye." He said, kissing you on the lips before letting you go.

"Bye Loki." You quickly added once you were halfway out the door.

"Goodbye y/n." He practically shouted as Thor shut the door behind you. You actually said bye to him. Closing the door, Thor spun around to face Loki who had a small smile as well as slightly blushed cheeks.

"Why didn't you make a move on Natasha?" Thor asked, slouching on the chair next to Loki as he picked a beer up.

"Because I'm not a monstrous philanderer like you." Loki seethed, standing up and making his way towards his room. You deserved so much better than Thor.

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