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"And then I just turned around and left because who the fuck says that?" You whined.

"Aww princess, I'd touch you." Bucky offered, passing you the joint he was smoking.

"We've got an exam tomorrow, shouldn't we be revising?" Natasha added to the conversation.

"You've got an exam, I don't." You shrugged "besides, nothing like a bit of weed to get you in the mood for revision." You grinned, handing her the joint.

"You're both bad influences." She sighed, taking a drag.

"I saw you both at the party last night, I thought you were getting cosier with one another, can't believe he said that doll." Bucky sighed.

"Cosier?" Nat repeated suspiciously.

"Yeah, she was rubbing up against him all night, I nearly got jealous." Bucky chuckled.

"Bucky!" You gasped "we were not cosy, we were dancing as friends." You cut in.

"Yeah, friends who either have fucked, wanna fuck or are gonna fuck." Bucky snorted.

"Both brothers, wow y/n." Nat snickered.

"We're none of those things Bucky!" You opined.

"Whatever you say princess, whatever you say."

"And Nat me and Loki are just friends, well, we were, now he and Thor are both dead to me." You spoke ominously.

"Yeah you say that, and yet you're still wearing Lokis clothes." Bucky noted. He was right. When you came back after leaving Thor and Lokis flat, you could have changed but you didn't, instead you decided to sit down in Nats room with her and Bucky whilst you told them about Loki. Why hadn't you changed? Was it because you didn't feel the need to or was it because the shirt you wore smelt like him? You wondered, taking a pull of the joint.

"Fine!" You stood up "I'm going to go change." You announced, walking towards your room. Once you arrived, you picked up your phone and saw Lokis name in your notifications, sighing to yourself, you put your phone back down not wanting to hear whatever lame excuse he had concocted in your absence for why he was also such a dick.

In reality, you did think you and Loki were getting closer, cosier if you will, part of you might have even ventured to say you were beginning to really like him. Something about him was attractive. You didn't know whether it was how he looked or how he spoke to you, how he touched you. Despite you both always keeping things strictly platonic, stolen glances and lingering gazes didn't go unnoticed but now you realise it was just your stupid imagination making things up. You felt ridiculous for thinking that Loki was different from his brother but his actions were so convincing. Something as simple as a hug exchanged between you both felt so invigorating, safe. He'd oven stroke your hair a couple of times during the hug as opposed to groping you as Thor would. It was stupid to allow yourself to fall for him as much as you had. This is why you kept things with Thor casual when it came to romance but even that you had managed to ruin with stupid stupid feelings.

Stripping yourself of the clothes, you threw them on the bed as you put on a loose top that fell just above your knees. Picking Lokis top back up, you brought it to your nose before inhaling deeply. Stupid stupid feelings.

"Is that my top?"

Gasping, you threw Lokis top on the floor as your eyes, which were now red and hooded settled on his. It took you a few moments to process that Loki was in fact in your room but when you did, you stormed towards the door and pushed him out into the living room.


"Because he knocked the door." Nat replied, eyes matching yours.

"Loki, what you said about y/n man, not cool." Bucky spoke, patting Loki on the back "not cool."

"My apologies, it wasn't as it seemed." Loki said, turning to face you "I didn't mean it."

"Oh cut the crap." You spoke, rolling your eyes as you turned away from him and walked towards the kitchen.

"Y/n I was angry—" he began.

"At me?" You cut in.

"No!" He insisted "never."

"At me?" Natasha asked as her and Bucky followed behind you and Loki.

"No" Loki replied, slightly confused.

"M—" Bucky started to speak before you interrupted him.

"No! So what are you saying? I heard you wrong? You didn't mean to insult me? You didn't mean to talk shit about me to none other than Thor?" You scoffed, opening the fridge as you took out some bread and peanut butter.

"I didn't mean it, honestly," he avowed as you pushed past him to retrieve a knife before you began making a sandwich on the counter.

"You didn't mean to say it or you didn't mean to get caught because I don't understand how it is you could accidentally say that about me." You rambled, cutting your attempt at a peanut butter sandwich in half.

Loki was lost for words. He didn't know what he could say that could better this situation. His words were simply to get Thor to stop speaking about you in such a belittling way. He didn't mean them. Given the chance, he'd spend all night touching you, he just didn't want Thor to know that, he had convince him otherwise.

"What have I ever done to you that's been so mean?" You began to sniffle as you ate your sandwich.

"Aww baby don't cry." Bucky cooed, stepping between you and Loki as he rested your head on his shoulder leaving Loki awkwardly watching the interaction.

"Is he still there Bucky, tell him I don't wanna see him." You continued to sniffle, still eating your sandwich, lifting your head up enough to not get any on Buckys shirt.

"Y/n, please—." Loki began.

"I think you should leave." Bucky spoke, gesturing Loki away with his hand.

Realising that there was no point trying to speak to you considering you were currently intoxicated and telling him to leave, he decided it was better if he departed, he'd try and talk to you another time when you were hopefully in a better headspace. On his way out, he heard you sobbing more.

"I'm such a fucking idiot."

His heart clenched.

"You are not an idiot, he's an idiot." He heard Natasha speak.

Loki wondered how he could have gone from kissing you last night, holding you this morning to now being the reason you were crying all in the space of 24 hours.


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