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"I'm going to fucking kill you you witless bastard!" Loki fumed, storming out of Thors room towards him as Thor continued to stumble back, wanting to avoid Lokis attack. "Why did I even listen to you?" Loki shouted, punching Thor in the jaw. "All you do is make my life a living hell and ruin things. You ruin everything." He continued, punching Thor in the gut so he barrelled over. Breathing heavily, he glared down at Thor who was trying to catch his breath as blood streamed down his face. "Sit down" Loki ordered, gesturing to the couch. Once he did, Loki made his way towards the kitchen where he got a glass of water and a tea towel that he dampened before making his way back to Thor. He offered them both to him, both of which Thor took. "Speak" Loki commanded once Thor had taken a sip of the water.

"I'm sorry." Thor offered, choking, probably on his own blood.

"Sorry?" Loki scoffed "you've potentially ruined my chances with the girl who you knew I liked and all you have to say is sorry. Come on brother, you can do better than that." Loki spoke through gritted teeth.

"I was stupid, incredibly stupid." Thor spoke again.

"Warmer however you haven't quite hit the nail on the head." Loki sneered "why, tell me why."

In reality, Thor didn't really know why he did exactly what he did. He knew he didn't want you and Loki together but the full reason was still unclear in his mind. He wondered if it was simply because he could. Because he could manipulate you, manipulate Loki. Thor knew that you'd seek him for comfort, sharing your bed with him without having to feel guilty about cheating on anyone. He knew that Loki would still see himself as beneath him with the knowledge that you had rejected him. He was twisted, that much was clear but he still couldn't pinpoint exactly why he decided he'd be a shit stirrer other than simply for the fun of it.

"I was jealous." Thor settled, stopping his action of pinching his nose as he looked up at Loki.

"Of me?" Loki asked, taken slightly aback.

"Of what you and y/n could have." Thor replied, looking back down. Perhaps he could see the potential and he was envious of it. Yeah he had fucked the majority of the girls on campus but none of it was real, it wasn't love. The closest he had got to intimacy was with you. Everyone else was meaningless. Thor knew he didn't love you but he did care very deeply and he revelled in knowing that you cared about him too.

"Of what we could have? Have you resorted in talking in riddles?" Loki derided.

"I'm being honest" Thor insisted "y/n is so precious, she just doesn't see it. To be loved by her is a blessing, a blessing I was persistent you didn't receive. If you and y/n did end up together, there'd be no more me and her. I'd be loveless." He explained, letting out a saddened sigh.

"I think you've truly gone quite mad." Loki sniggered "you're telling me you thought you'd ruin any chance between me and y/n for your own selfish carnal needs?"

"Yes." Thor nodded "although hearing it like that does make it sound ridiculous." He admitted.

Letting out a frustrated growl, Loki quickly made his way towards Thor, lifting his hand causing Thor to flinch. "Sorry did I scare you?" Loki asked "I just wanted to replace the bloodied tea towel." He spoke softly, removing it from Thors clutches.

"I think my nose has stopped b—OUCH." He winced as Lokis fist made a connection with his nose again. "It's broken."

"You'll live." Loki dismissed, walking back into the kitchen where he retrieved a few more dampened tea towels and threw them at Thor. "You'll fix this" He spoke ominously as he picked up his clothes that Thor must have brought back from your flat and entered his room. Slamming the door behind him, he released a breath he hadn't even realised he was holding. Was it adrenaline or was it the smell of your perfume radiating from the clothes he held in his hands that made him feel nauseous.

He wanted to pick up his phone and call you but he didn't know where he'd begin. Sorry my brother probably told you I don't like you but in reality I actually like you a lot or sorry my brothers a fucking twat that has been standing in the way of us exploring our feelings above friendship. Sighing deeply, he sat on his bed as he brought the top you had worn to his nose and inhaled. He'd have to find out what perfume it was that you wore so he could spoil you with it, although, it would be more of a gift for him having the pleasure of smelling it on your skin.

Looking down at his knuckles, he had seen that they were looking rather sore. Now the thought of repeatedly punching Thor didn't seem so pleasant. Again the thought of calling you was tempting but he fought it down, trusting that Thor would help clear the situation up considering that the jig was up now, he knew everything. He laid back against his bed until he remembered another detail of Thors plan. Standing up, he exited his room and entered the living room where Thor was still nursing himself.

"And why the fuck did you hire that prostitute?" Loki exclaimed.

"Jorja isn't a prostitute." He assured "I just paid her to have se—wait—no—she's not a prostitute is she?"

Rolling his eyes at his brothers stupidity, Loki entered his room again as he thought about all the ways Thor had been manipulating this whole situation. Only one thought was comforting. If Thor had been trying so hard and reporting lies back to the both of you, did it mean that you liked him as much as he liked you? Was there a future for you and Loki after all?

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