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"Pleaseeeeeee." You begged Loki, trying to convince him to go to the party Bucky was at. For some reason, Loki was quite reluctant to go. After he saw you pout as you turned away from him, he gave in saying he'd accompany you to the party despite not wanting to see Thor and definitely not wanting you to see Thor. Squealing, you quickly pulled him into a hug before standing up. Loki watched you as you made your way towards your wardrobe before opening it and running your index finger across the clothes that were hung up. Eyes landing on a sweetheart neckline body con dress, you decided it was the best choice out of the selection you had. Taking it out of the wardrobe, you took your top off causing Loki to clear his throat as he quickly looked away. "Sorry, forgot you were there, you're so quiet." You laughed "cover your eyes." You added.

"Covered." Loki answered, turning away from you.

"I showered earlier by the way." You mentioned.


"Yeah, you can turn back around now." You said once the dress was on. Turning around, Loki couldn't help but run his eyes over your body. You truly were beautiful. "What we thinking? Too much?"

"N-no. No not at all." Loki assured, eyes once again landing on yours as opposed to focusing on your exposed legs.

"Right, lemme quickly do my hair."

Once you were ready, you and Loki both set off for the party after Natasha said she'd meet you there. When you reached the dorms, you spotted Bucky outside smoking something. The closer you got you realised what he was smoking.

"Y/nnn." Bucky greeted, wrapping an arm around you as he kissed your cheek before turning to Loki "hey Loki."

"Hello." Loki smiled politely as you pulled away from Bucky and took the joint from his hand. You took a drag, blowing the smoke in the air.

"Bucky, you legit always get the best weed." You praised, bringing the spliff back to your lips.

"You know me doll." He winked. You offered the joint to Loki who quickly declined remembering last time when he had a coughing fit and also raided the cupboard looking for anything he could eat.

"Right Buck I'll see you inside, gonna grab a drink." You spoke, quickly taking another drag before handing it back to him.

"See you inside."

When you both entered, the sound of music filled your ears. Looking around, you could see a few familiar faces amongst the crowd of dancers. You walked towards the kitchen, Loki following behind you and found yourself a drink. Loki did the same, picking a red cup up too. You made your way back towards the main crowd wanting to dance and speak to Steve who you saw on your way in until you spotted a familiar golden mane dancing with a girl. Your eyes widened as you watched Thor with his hands running over the brunette bimbos sides. Following your gaze, Loki saw too and instantly felt bad for you.

"Y/n." Loki called in your ear, breaking you from your trance.

"It's fine, we're not together anyways." You smiled, faking that you were fine until you saw Thor glancing in your direction "quick, grab my hips." You shouted in Lokis ear. Following your order, his hands rested on your hips before you started swinging them, dancing as the music changed. Hearing a Megan the Stallion song begin to play, you really started getting into it, rubbing up against Loki and soon completely forgetting about Thors existence as the night progressed. Loki danced with you, hands constantly on some part of your body, it was quite nice. You both continued to drink as you danced together.

Meanwhile, Thor was currently entertaining a group of girls but his eyes kept settling on you. Were you always this beautiful? Despite having the attention of practically every female here tonight, he only wanted the attention of you. Too focused on you, he barley noticed that the man that you were near grinding against was none other than his own brother.

A few more drinks in, a few meaning over a dozen, you were standing on a countertop, singing and twirling around to a Nicki Minaj song whilst everyone cheered you on including Loki who looked up at you as if you were handing the stars individually just for him. How was it that one person could be so gorgeous both inside and out? Seeing the crowd gathered around you, Thor pushed his way through before telling you to come down.


When you refused, he turned to face Loki.

"You let her get like this. Why would you even bring her?" Thor scolded but Loki didn't care, all his attention was on you until he noticed a hand on your abdomen. Wrapping his arms around you, Thor pulled you off of the countertop.

"Get off of me! Off!" You demanded, writhing in Thors grip. The sounds of cheering were quickly replaced by boos as Thor carried you away

"You're coming home with us, Loki grab her legs." Thor instructed before they set off, carrying you to their flat as you fought their grip.

"Bye y/n." Bucky waved, seeing you being carried out.

"Yeah, see ya Buck." You waved back before your arm was snatched back by Thor. "I hate you." You seethed, looking at Thor.

A 7 minute walk of kicking and screaming later, Thor and Loki were carrying you into their flat. You cut your eye at Loki for being a traitor.

"Come on y/n." Thor spoke, guiding you towards his bedroom.

"I'm not sleeping in your fucking room Thor." You scoffed "come on Loki." You said, walking into his room instead. Loki held his hands up in innocence as Thor glared at him.

"What is this thing? You and her?" Thor questioned.

"There is nothing going on between us." Unfortunately, Loki assured.

"There better not be." Thor spoke ominously as if he wasn't the one that previously gifted Loki your underwear for his wank bank.

When you walked into Lokis room, you kicked off your shoes before stumbling into his bed and closing your eyes. When Loki entered, he immediately quietened his steps incase you were asleep as he decided what he should do next. He thought about sleeping on the sofa but then decided he shouldn't leave you incase you threw up in the night, he didn't want you to choke. Pulling back the covers, he settled himself next to you. Feeing a weight in the bed, you quickly scrambled towards it, nuzzling yourself in its body before you felt an arm around you. The palm of the hand nervously rested against you as if contemplating whether it was the right thing to do. You knew it was Loki.

"Tonight was fun." You smiled lazily, eyes still closed.

"Indeed it was." Loki answered remembering how you felt against him.

There were a few moments of silence between you both before you quickly reached upwards, pressing your lips to his before they moved against one another's, Loki kissing you back. Pulling away, eyes still closed, you smiled.

"Shh, don't tell Thor."

At least you knew it was him that you kissed as opposed to Thor Loki thought as he looked down at you. Almost seconds later, you were snoring.

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