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Laying in your bed underneath your fort of pillows and duvets, you scrolled helplessly through your phone procrastinating as opposed to actually doing any coursework. In your mind, you were slightly upset and so you were allowed to slack. In reality, the reason for your mood was unclear. Thor was a bastard, yes, but he kind of always was. You found yourself wondering why you even tolerated him let alone slept with him. Things were better when you were both just friends. Less conflicting emotions. A knock at your bedroom door caused you to poke your head out.


"You've got a guest." Natasha called out. Knowing it was probably Thor, you rolled your eyes.

"Well tell them to fuck off." You answered back.

"Ouch." You heard Nat answer followed by a familiar nervous chuckle.

"Loki?" You called.

"I come baring gifts." He answered. Smiling, you practically jumped out of bed as you made your way to the door, quickly opening it and sighting Loki who was standing next to Natasha, smiling down at you.

"See ya Loki." She bid before leaving.

"Come in." You said, grabbing Lokis arm as you pulled him into your room, feeling slightly embarrassed when he entered and stopped for a moment running his eyes over the walls and probably your unmade bed.

As soon as Loki entered, his breath hitched when he took in everything around your room. The posters, the familiar smell of your perfume, the small trinkets you kept on your bedside table, everything, it was an insight into you. He loved it. He watched as you quickly scrambled to your bed before folding up a couple of duvets before making your bed messily.

"You can sit down if you want." You offered, gesturing to the chair at your vanity. "Or you can sit on the bed or anywhere really, I've got huge beanbags in the living room I could grab those and—" you rambled strangely feeling flustered under Lokis intense gaze. Did you have something on your face?

"Here is fine." He smiled curtly, sitting on the chair as you sat on the bed. "Oh yes, for you." He spoke, handing you a white paper bag.

"Thank you." You answered as you took it. Opening it, you gasped when you saw a tray of cupcakes from your favourite bakery. "Thank youuu!!" You said again, quickly taking the tray with half a dozen cupcakes in out of the bag. Taking the box lid off, you picked up a red velvet cupcake before handing the box to Loki.

"No I shouldn't, they're for you." He implored, holding his hands up.

"Nonsense, besides, I can't eat all of these by myself, they're huge." You lied knowing that they'd go down a treat if you were high and watching a film. "Go on, you have to try one."

"Fine." Loki settled, grinning as he picked one up.

You brought the cupcake to your lips before taking a bite, humming in approval at the taste. These really were the best cupcakes. As you did this, you failed to notice Lokis eyes on you before he took a bite himself understanding you reaction.

"These really are delicious." He chuckled as your attention fell on him as opposed to the slice of heaven you held in your hand. Looking at him, you saw that he had a bit of icing on the corner of his mouth.

"You've got—" You started before gesturing to the corner of your own mouth. Loki knitted his brows in confusion until he realised what you where hinting at and wiped the wrong side of his mouth. Giggling at his action, you leant forwards and used your thumb to wipe his mouth before bringing it to his lips. Your eyes met as Loki promptly licked the icing off of your thumb. Your eyes lingered on one another's for a few moments longer until you smiled and looked away, quickly focusing back on your own cupcake. "These are legit my favourite cupcakes how did you know?" You spoke, wanting to dissipate any form of tension that had settled between you both in those moments.

Thor told me

"I—um—who doesn't like cupcakes." He answered.

"Good point." You laughed before continuing to eat the cupcake in your hand. "No offence because I'm glad your here but why are you here?" You asked.

Because I think you're the love of my life

"Because I heard you were upset so I thought I'd pop by, cheer you up." He answered.

"Consider me cheered." You grinned widely. "What do you wanna do? Wanna watch a film?" You suggested.

"Sure." He nodded.

"Right, here." You ordered, tapping your bed.

Soon after, you and Loki were laying in your bed, under the duvet and pillow fort you had destroyed earlier on watching a film on your laptop. Loki tried to ignore the feeling of your leg touching him as he focused on the film, eyes landing on you every time the bed shook from your laughter. Once the film was over, Loki decided to ask a question that had been on his mind for a while now.



"Why do you bother with Thor?"

The question took you by surprise. You sighed as your gaze focused on the ceiling. You took a breath before you spoke.

"He's my friend." You said simply.

"Friends don't treat each other how Thor treats you." He answered after a moment of quiet contemplation.

"He wasn't always this annoying." You smiled, turning to face Loki.

"No?" He spoke, turning to face you too.

"No. He used to actually be quite sweet plus without him I'd probably have no friends." You laughed mirthlessly.

"I'm sure you would still have plenty." Loki assured.

"Well, they probably wouldn't be half as cool as you guys."

You guys? Did you see him as one of your 'clan' now?

You picked up your phone, hearing a notification before you turned to Loki.

"Buckys at a party, we should totally go." You suggested.


"At the girls dorms I think."

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