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When Loki arrived back at the flat yesterday, looking deflated, Thor found himself fighting down his smile knowing that you had rejected him.

"What's the matter Loki?" He asked innocently, looking up at him from where he sat in the living room on the couch.

"You set me up!" Loki fumed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Thor gasped.

"You know that I like y/n, I was trying to throw you off the scent—"

"By insulting her?" Thor interrupted.

"No! By making you think that I didn't like her but you knew she was behind me." Loki seethed "DIDNT YOU!"

"I did." Thor grinned causing Loki to clench his jaw, fighting the urge to grab Thor by the throat "I must admit it wasn't nice seeing the look on her face." Seeing Loki so angry, he decided to continue to talk. "Loki I must tell you though, as a brother, y/n doesn't like you." Thor stated.

"You don't know that." Loki quipped.

"Oh brother, I do." Thor assured.

Not knowing what to say and practically grasping at straws, Loki thought of what to say and reluctantly did.

"We kissed. Did she tell you that?" Loki blurted, feeling smug when Thor looked taken aback.

"You're lying." Thor huffed.

"I'm not lying, we kissed that night of the party in my bed." Loki answered proudly.

"Now you mention it, she did say something along those lines." Thor lied not liking Lokis win "she said it was a thank you for allowing her to stay. Nothing but a token of her gratitude." He dismissed leaving Loki to be the one left taken aback as his brows furrowed. "But don't worry brother there are loads of other women." Thor beamed.

"But I don't want other women." Loki spoke quietly after a few silent moments as he sat down on the couch as Thor stood up.

"I've got a few friends coming over tonight." Thor announced.

"Will y/n be there?" Loki asked optimistically.

"Not those friends, different friends." Thor answered causing Loki to visibly deflate again. "And besides Loki, after the way she spoke about you to me earlier on, I wouldn't speak to her ever again if I were you." Thor lied.

"Really, when?" Loki questioned wondering when you could have spoken to him considering he had just come back from your flat.

"Earlier on."

Soon after, Thors friends arrived although Loki was certain he didn't recognise any of them save one girl called Jorja who he had seen previously around campus. Unlike the rest of Thors company, she seemed sweet. The gathering eventually turned into a small party to which Loki tried to drink all feelings for you away. Feelings were futile if you truly didn't like him back which it seemed especially after a whole bottle of vodka and some beers. Loki barely realised how much Thor was pushing he and Jorja together who seemed equally as intoxicated. A recipe for disaster or at least regret. One by one, people started filtering out and leaving but Loki and Jorja were still sitting down and talking.

"Take her to bed Loki." Thor suggested, wanting Loki to leave so he could call you and apologise on his behalf and hopefully be invited to your flat. Loki was about to say no until Jorja grabbed his hand.

"Yeahhh, take me to beddd Lokiiii." She whined. Looking at her, he saw her enticing expression. Standing up, he lead her towards his bedroom where they began kissing until Jorja ripped her top off and threw it on the floor. "Fuck me Loki." She ordered, undoing her bra.

"What?" Loki asked, not sure he had heard her correctly until her bra fell on the floor and she ran her hand over his bulge.

"Fuck me." She repeated.

"O-oh okay."

After that, they both collapsed onto the bed, Loki on top of her as his mind completely forgot about you. After he fucked her, they both fell asleep, sleeping well into the next day, completely forgetting anything about college or lectures. Eventually Loki awoke when he heard his phone ringing from the floor. Reaching a hand down, he picked it up trying not to wake Jorja. Seeing that you were FaceTiming him, a plethora of different emotions flooded him all at once. Shock, hurt, regret, hope but the overall feeling that gripped him was coldness. He waited for you to speak as he tried to blink the sleep from his eyes.

"Y/n?" He spoke, breaking the silence and waking Jorja up who draped an arm over him as she looked at his phone.

"Who you on the phone to?" She asked him.

Lokis cold heartedness dissipated when he saw your expression. Your lip trembled slightly and he realised that he had made a huge mistake.

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