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It had been a couple of weeks since your dance around the kitchen with Loki and you had been spending a little bit more time together. For once, you'd both spoke to each other even if Thor wasn't around. If you'd arrive at his flat before him, Loki would let you in and you'd both catch up with whatever craziness was going on on campus. Loki sometimes wondered if it would have been better to go back to when you didn't notice him. At least then he didn't have to look you in the eye and speak to you, pretending his heart didn't yearn for you. A positive of your new interactions was that you'd treat him how you treated any of your other friends, affectionately. When you'd enter, you'd often hug Loki knowing that he liked it. He'd always compliment your perfume and it was nice to be noticed, Thor never did. If you were sitting next to him on the couch and your legs would touch, he'd instantly pull away but you'd just annoy him by moving your leg closer to his so that they'd touch again. Little did you know that these small encounters were electrifying.

Today, Loki sat in his room studying as he heard you and Thor arguing in Thors room. It was something about another girl and Thor being pictured rather comfortable with her. Loki couldn't understand what is was that Thor provided you. You were a gorgeous girl and had a very likeable personality, you could have had anyone on campus, why Thor? He knew he'd personally never treat you like this. He'd make you feel special, you were. He'd never string you along like Thor does. Hearing Thors door being flung open, Loki focused back down onto his book.

"WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FUCKING AND HUGGING?" You exclaimed, flinging your arms into the air as you stormed out of Thors room.

"Y/n you're acting crazy." Thor scoffed, following after you.

"So I'm crazy now?" You yelled.

"Stop yelling! I didn't fuck her okay. We kissed, it was just a hug and a kiss. Why are you even so mad? We are not together y/n." Thor protested causing you to stop in your tracks.

"You're right." You spoke quietly "we aren't together."

Loki felt like he heard your heard shatter, evident in the sound of your trembling voice.

"Good, I'm so glad you're starting to get it." Thor smiled, making his way towards you as he placed a hand on your cheek.

"I don't want to do this anymore." You said, shaking your head and pulling away from Thors hold.

"You don't want to do what?" Thor questioned.

"This, us, whatever this is. I don't want to be 'yours' if you can't be mine." You sniffled. "This is over. No more sex."

Yes! Loki thought, smiling that you were finally speaking up for yourself.

"We're not done, this isn't done." Thor spoke bitterly "you always end up back here."

"Not this time." You answered, wiping away a tear.

"We'll see." Thor smirked darkly causing you to look away before you quickly left, not sparing Loki a goodbye. Hearing the front door close, Loki then heard the sound of Thor letting out a sigh before he made his way towards Lokis room, swinging open the door.

"Ruined things with y/n I see." Loki spoke.

"She's just so clingy sometimes. I needed a break anyways, don't want to feel guilty tomorrow night." Thor said with a slight smile.

"What's going on tomorrow night?" Loki queried.

"There's a party in the girls dorms, I've been invited." Thor grinned.

"You're not even going to chase after y/n? Your just going to go to this party and what, fornicate to your hearts desire?"

"Yes brother." Thor nodded "now you're getting it."

"You make me feel sick." Loki blurted.

"What?" Thor quipped, knitting his brows as he stepped closer to Loki.

"Y/n has done nothing but be kind to you and you repay her with such wicked ways, she deserves better." Loki spoke, standing up as he stepped towards Thor too.

"Watch your tongue." Thor warned.

"Or what?" Loki dared, refusing to back down to Thor who was currently fuming. His chest rose and fell with his anger as he tried to dissipate it. After a few moments, he felt slightly better. Instead of using his fists, he broke out into a wide smile.

"Don't you worry about y/n and I, as I said to her, she'll be back, she always is and when she does come back, I suggest you buy earplugs." Thor chuckled. How dare he speak of you in such a way. Seething, Lokis hand balled up into a fist as he punched Thor in the jaw causing him to step backwards. Shocked, Thor let out a breath before punching Loki back. In moments, things escalated rapidly as the brothers fought one another, messing Lokis room up in the process.

"Don't speak of her in such a derogatory way." Loki shouted.

"I'll speak of her how ever I like. She's mine." Thor roared, near throwing Loki against the wall as they fought. Thor was about to land another punch until he stopped, stepping away from Loki. "What is it with you and her?" Thor asked, taking a step backwards from Loki.

"She just deserves better." Loki answered, licking blood from his lip.

"You want to fuck her, that's what it is." Thor laughed "be my guest if it'll stop you being so angsty." Thor offered as if your body was his to command. Thors laughter made Loki angrier. Lunging forwards, he resumed the fighting with Thor until the front door knocked causing them to break apart. Glaring at Loki, Thor went to open the door, surprised to see you standing there, drenched.

"Iforgotmykeyanditsraining." You spoke quietly, looking at the ground.

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