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"So, the reason you slept with her was because you were upset about me?" You asked, putting your cup down at you looked at Loki.

"After everything Thor and I have explained, that's the takeaway?" He answered, knitting his brows in confusion.

"Well that's the bit that stuck with me." You quipped.

"Well yes, I slept with her because I thought you didn't like me considering that Thor told me you spoke to him—" Loki began.

"Wait, so you actually believed him? Are you stupid—?" You interrupted causing Loki to give you a subtle glare.

"Evidently so." He answered sarcastically under his breath as he looked down.

"Yeah." You replied, smiling as you heard him.

"Plus me and the other girl were very very drunk so—"

"You don't need to continue Loki."

"The main thing is is that I'm sorry y/n, very very sorry." Loki spoke, holding your hand as he looked into your eyes. "Can we be friends again, please?" He asked, deciding that a friendship with you would suffice if you didn't like him back. He'd prefer you in his life as a friend than not in it.

Friends? You thought, looking into his dreamy eyes. Maybe it was better this way. You did want him in your life and clearly he wanted your relationship to be purely platonic. You couldn't force him into admitting feelings for you that he didn't have. Friends it is then.

"Of course Loki." You answered, smiling brightly causing him to do the same.

"Great." He grinned, reluctantly letting go of your hand when he realised he had been holding it for a moment too long.

"Kiss and make up yet?" Thor asked, coming back from the toilet as he sat down next to Loki again.

"Yes Thor and don't ever pollute Lokis head with your bullshit ever again." You scolded.

"Sorry sorry" he apologised, holding his hands up in defence. "What about us y/n, forgive me?"

"I suppose I do." You answered after a deep sigh.

"Didn't mean to force you." He scoffed.

"I was being emotive, it was for affect. Yes we're friends again gosh." You huffed. "Anyways thank you boys for the chat and the drink but I've got to get back to my flat, revision n all." You dismissed yourself as you stood up, picked up the cookie and left. Thor clicked his fingers in Lokis face as Loki watched you walk away.

"Earth to Loki."

"Yes." He murmured, still focusing on you as you pushed the door open.

"You can stop staring, aren't you both like together now?" He questioned, doing a hand gesture.

"No we aren't together brother, we're friends." Loki replied, snapping out of his daze.

"Why? I thought you liked her and she definitely likes you, told me so whilst I was licking her—."

"THATS enough." Loki cut in, clapping his hands in Thors face "but what did she say?"

"Oh she couldn't stop going on about you as she was bouncing on top of my—" Thor answered.

"If only you had said this before!" Loki stressed. "What do I do now?"

"Leave her be brother, if I know y/n, she'll try her hardest to make you ask her out, just respond positively to her advances." Thor advised, actually being helpful for once as opposed to trying to sabotage Lokis life. He had an epiphany the other day and he was certain he was a changed man now, he had turned a new leaf. "Talking of advances, that brunette from the other night wants me to come to her place, probably to bone." Thor smirked. A partially changed man.

When you reached home, Nat was sitting in the living room watching something on the TV. Seeing you, she smiled widely.

"Hey y/n. What's got you so worked up?" She asked, watching as you chewed ferociously on the cookie as you kicked your shoes off.

"I need to think Nat. Thinkk."

"Think? Think about what?" She questioned as you sat down next to her.

"I need to woo Loki." You answered.

"Woo Loki?" She questioned, trying to stifle her laugh.

"Yess, woo him, wow him, fuck him." You listed.

"Wow y/n."

"Sorry Nat, you know how horny I get when I eat chocolate." You whined.

"Boy do I." She giggled, slightly blushing.

"Why did we never keep that chocolate fountain?" You reminisced.

"Speaking of that chocolate fountain, where's Bucky." Natasha asked, changing the conversation.

"Dunno. Assumed he'd be here." You shrugged.


"Do you think he's—gone home?" You spoke cautiously.

"Maybe." Nat answered, eyes widening.

"Anyways Nat, what am I gonna dooo? Me and Loki made up but he said we're friends." You sighed.

"It's time for you to master the art of seduction." She smirked.

Meanwhile Thor and Loki had made it back home as Loki rambled on about the fact that if you truly did like him, you would have said so and not have settled with titling your relationship as friendship.

"What if she doesn't advance on me?" Loki asked anxiously.

"You aren't a monopoly board." Thor snorted.

"No I know but.—"

"She won't collect 200 if she manages to undo your belt buckle."

"Yes I know but—."

"She's not Jorja."

"Youu said she wasn't a prostitute, you said that." Loki exclaimed, pointing in Thors face causing Thor to shrug. "Anyways as I was saying, what if I have to be the one to make the first move?"

"You mean seduce her?" Thor asked.

"I was thinking I'd ask if she wanted to get lunch tomorrow but yes I like that, I'll seduce her." Loki smiled.

"Yes Nat, I'll seduce him." You grinned, turning towards the door when it knocked. Standing up, you made your way towards it before opening it and welcoming in Bucky.

"Hey girls." He greeted.

"I though you went home." You replied, taking the unlit loud cigarette out of his hand.

"Yeah." He answered.

"You did?" Nat questioned skeptically.

"Yes. Why are you both acting weird about this?" He chuckled.

"It's just that you're mostly here." You told him.

"Yeah because here isn't messy, it smells nice, there's always food in the fridge and of course my two favourite girls live here." He smiled, sitting down on the couch next to you causing you to now be the one sandwiched between them.

"All you have to do is simply clean up." You laughed "and do shopping."

"I knoww but you and Nat just do it so well. It's because you're women."

"Wow Bucky, how misogynistic of you." You gasped, turning to face him as you fought down your smile.

"Sorry." He apologised, clearly only for your benefit.

"Oh yeah, how should I seduce Loki?" You asked.

"What?" He questioned, confused by your sudden change in topic.

"You're a man, tell me what to doo."

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