We'll write our love in italics

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^ accurate (accurcat ha) rep of all my emotions when reading this fic

Only for the beautifully written <3


Our love is unwritten through thousands of words. Every full stop laced with pain, grieving our love every step of the way. I see your smile on everything I do, I feel your touch when I touch myself, see you in the mirror when I'm standing alone, there will never be anyone else.

Your smile, forever marked into my brain, the tattoo of our time pushed deep into my skin, when the clock stopped ticking and all hell came to play, your smile never faded, you always loved a game.

"I wish I could heal all the trouble your eyes have seen"
"I wish I could cure you too"

"I wish I was able to hold your hands in my own"
"I want to whisper I love you"

I can hardly feel myself as I write the words I wished I would've said to your face, I never got the chance. No, that's a lie I did. I had many chances and lost all of them. I didn't take any and now you're gone. No more goodbye kisses or morning hugs, I can never see you sitting up in bed, awaiting your morning drink. I can hardly remember the sound of your laugh, all blurred together with everything else. Your eyes, I'll forever remember those, the depth they held. The love and truth that filled them up, along with my soul.

Words of those around you shattering into the smallest pieces of paper and flying through the air and into your soul, knowing the way they feel and seeing how they highlight each word in a different way to the person next to them. The underlined words showing the love coming off the page. The hate, the anger. The power of emotion that radiates through the pencil marks on the pretty pages. Seeing the voices speaking to you off the paper, feeling their throats vibrating each word passing through your head. Knowing that the life you live is a complicated mess of everyone else's opinion. Realising those people out there, the ones you wish to understand, take pity in your life and write these words for you to see how little of the world you have underlined. How small of an impact you've made so far. Trying to reach far into your head and snap a picture of how pretty your mind looks when it's thinking of the lovely words on precious paper. Thinking of how the word love makes them feel, how they feel when you see the full stop ending the thought that has been written by one who feels those feelings too.

I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the word love, and how you made me feel that way every single day. The word held more meaning than life, your smile was love, your eyes were love, our hearts beating as one. The love that filled us up and brought us back down from the cliff edge. The love that tempted us both and made us question everything. The words written down, signed by me.
"How love makes us feel." I'll meet you in our dreams.

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