Take the measurements of my heart

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^ straight up Harry and Mitch idc

Crisp trepidation <3


My sunshine. Your sweetness comes from so far within, I can taste you, my lips glossy, wet from my tongue. You saw me too, you smiled at me like no one else dared too, friendly, not wanting. You wanted nothing but to make me smile and that's all you've ever done, my love I see it in your eyes, your passion for creating something wild, take my life and dress it up with colours that paint every flower in sight.

When a leaf falls from a tree in the mits of autumn and you smile when it crunches underneath your foot or when a perfect snowflake latches itself onto the front of your windscreen and you can't help but feel at home. Those little dainty hands of innocent life that seem to make the world a better place and show you what caring about stupid things means. You know when you take a step and throw yourself so far into the road that getting hit by the car heading your way is so likely that it makes you want to breathe a million more breaths. When you balance your own life in the hands of someone else because you trust them to take care of you no matter what.

When the movie they put in is your favourite even though you never asked, when there's no popcorn cause you hate feeling it stuck in your teeth. When they grab you that blanket and cuddly toy you crave to softly rub your finger tips over, to feel. No matter if you want to get up they hold you just that little bit tighter until you're begging to leave. When you fall in love with the wrong person it hurts more than when the right one leaves.

Kiss me in the rain and hold my hands while we dance to 'Landslide' in front of the window for all to see, let them watch as we fall in love with one another more every day. Let them envy how brave we must have been to show off our love in such ways. Show them us getting old and floating away in our dreams. When you fall in love the right way you will never unsee how pure and perfect this emotion seems to be. How much true love can make your heartbeat smile. When you fall in love your love will never die.

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