The Rogues Meet Peter Parker 🌼🐡

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Peter has had a pretty good day today. The subway wasn't late, he actually got to school on time, he wasn't tarde to any of his classes, he nailed his physics test and got a 94 on his spanish test. The only bad thing about today was that Flash beat him up after school, but he was used to that by now, so it didn't bother him anymore.

Peter was in a really good mood today that he started skipping down the sidewalk as he was on his way to Stark Tower for his internship. He was super excited. He hadn't been able to see Mr. Stark all week due to him being busy with some kind of secret project. Peter was really hoping that today him and Mr. Stark could work on a project together instead of Peter being alone in the lab once again.

The excited teen walked into the tower and waved at Happy and a few of his intern friends. Then he headed towards the private elevator.

"Hey FRIDAY!" Peter said bubbly as he waved at the camera.

"Hello, Peter!" the AI said with joy. A while back Peter was tinkering with FRIDAY's code when he somehow figured out how to add emotion into FRIDAY.

"Is Mr. Stark in the common room?"

"Yes, but-"

"That's great!" He cuts the AI off.

"Can you take me to the common floor, please!" he asks politely. Peter always makes sure to be polite to all of the technology just in case they end up taking over the world. Plus he doesn't want to be rude and hurt their feelings.

The elevator went up a bit too slow for Peter. Mr. Stark might have made this one of the fastest elevators in the world, but was just too excited and still wanted the elevator to speed up. Finally after what felt like an eternity, but was only like 15 seconds, the doors opened. Peter immediately walked out and went towards the kitchen without even looking to see who was sitting on the couches.

"Hey Mr. Stark! I've had an amazing day today. I nailed my physics test and got a 93 on my spanish test! Ned also got a new star wars lego set that he's been dying to have for a year now. We're going to build it after school tomorrow! There was also this cute puppy that I saw on my way over here. I think it was a labado-" Peter was rambling on about his day as he made himself a sandwich until he looked up and saw Mr. Stark and all the rogue Avengers staring at him. His face went bright red.

"Uh... hi?" he said awkwardly.

"Hey kid. I'm glad you had a good day, but I'm kinda busy at the moment. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the rogues coming back, but I haven't exactly seen you all week and I kinda forgot it was thursday." Mr. Stark explained from the couch. The secret project must have been getting the rogues pardoned! Peter thought. That makes so much sense.

"Uh Tony, who is this kid?" Clint asks from his spot on the couch.

"This is Peter. He's my personal intern."

"Damn, he must be smart if Tony lets him be his personal intern." Sam says impressed.

"I'm uh, I'm not that smart." Peter says shyly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Kid you're the top of your class and have an IQ that rivals mine. You're a genius." Mr. Stark compliments him. His words touched Peter's heart. It meant a lot to him to hear that from the Tony Stark. It made him think that maybe, just maybe he was special. Then that warm fuzzy feeling he just got disappeared within seconds.

"What happened to your face?" Mr. Stark asks, his voice full of concern. Peter freezes. How could he have forgotten that he had a black eye and a busted lip from Flash? What's he supposed to tell Mr. Stark? He can't tell him that he's being bullied and he can't tell the rogues that he's Spiderman. So what should he do?

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