Surprise? 🌼

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Sorry for the long wait. Just for warning you, I tried a different style of writing.

It was just an average day, nothing out ordinary, nothing exciting or bad or really anything has happened. Okay should I be scared right now? There is no way Parker Luck would allow me to have a normal day like a normal person. It always comes along and screws somthing up.

Aw well. I began to change into my spiderman suit that my da- I mean Mr. Stark made for me, when I hear a soft rustling sound coming from inside of the box that is a few feet away from me.

I start to cautiously walk towards the sound and yes, I know what you're thinking right now. Peter, what are you scared of? You're a strong and courageous and maybe even hansome superhero, you shouldn't be scared. And yeah, you're right, but my past experiences have taught me that I can't trust anything or anyone. So I am going to coutine my cautious behavior. Plus it might be a rat! I am in an alley way in New York. I know Ratatouille made rats seen all nice and sweet and loveable creatures, but they are not! They are just plain mean and vicious.

On the other hand, you might be thinking, Peter what are you doing? Don't be an idiot. This is how every horror movie starts. The characters walk toward the creepy sound and then get trapped, killed, or chased by the killer. To that I say, I going to end up trapped or chased by a villan no matter what I do. Not to mention I'm a superhero and even better, I am an Avenger. Yup that's right. Mr. Stark made me an Avenegr! It's so exciting! Anyway back to the box.

I nudge the box off with my hand and I see... a BIG SCARY CREEPY LOOKING MOSTER! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!! AHHHHH!! IT'S GOING TO EAT YOU!


Really? You didn't run. You didn't even look scared. Oh come on, don't look at me like that! Fine I'll stop. *Gumbles* You're no fun.

I actually found a scaried and clearly starving puppy under the box. It took a bit, but I was able to coax it to come toward me and allow me to pick up him? Her? Ummmmm give me a sec. Her! I was able to pick her up.

I then walk back to the Avenger's Tower. Oh did I forget to mention that I live there. Well it happened about a year ago. Me and aunt May were driving down the street. We were laughing and singing (very poorly) to some oldies but goodies music, wehn something I never could have imagined happened.

What's wrong? Why do you look so sad? Oh! No! No no no no. Aunt May's fine, she didn't die or anyhting. Goodness that would suck. SHe told she had to go to Italy to help some underprivalafe kids who were extremely sick. Should I be concerned thst your mind went straight to death? What have you been reading? *Checks device* WHY ARE THERE SO MANY STORIES WEHRE AUNT MAY DIES OR IS ABUSIVE?! Aunt may is way to sweet an loving to be abusive and she never deserves to die. *Sniffles* Just give me a second. *takes deep breath* okay I'm good now. Let's coutinue the stroy shall we.

So I walk back to the tower and do my best to hide the dog underneath my jacket. It works for a bit until I reached the private elevator. F.R.I.D.A.Y. threatens to tell Mr. Stark about the dog (I really need to give her a name, but that comes later), but she agreed to keep it a secret because she loves me more than Mr. Stark.

I then manage to sneak the dog into my room adn that's when I realize that I have no clue how to raise a dog or what to even do next. So I did what any highly educated person would do and consulted youtube. I found some amazing videos and immediately got to work on making a makeshift dog bed out of some extra blankets I had. That was also the moment I realized I neede to name her.

So I thought and thought and thought about it for a while before finally coming up with the name... Maybel! You thought I was going to say Tessa weren't you.

I then made a checklist of all the things I needed to buy for Maybel.

Dog cage

Dog food

Dog collar

Dog toys

Dog brush

Dog sweater (becasue why not)

Wow they all start with dog. You know English is very complicated and confusing, but it's not very creative, that's for sure.

AFter that was complete I heard footsteps coming towards my room because I have super hearing! I rush the hide Maybel but of course she has no idea what's going on and the next thig I know I hear the sound of something clearing their throat behind me. I turn and see Mr. Stark. He looked absolutely... amused at the sene in font of him.

Yeah I was surprised too. I though he would be mad, but turns out the Avenegrs had a bet of how long it would take me to bring a stary animal to the tower and it turns out Mr. Stark lost saying he thought it would take only one week. He was not expecting it to take one year.

So I was able to keep Maybel, but I did have to promise not to take in anymore stays. Instead I started my own animal shelter that is way nicer than anyother shelter in the world and has a strict no killing and no turning any animals away policy.

But as I said in the begaining, Parker luck was bound to struck. Maybel peed in my room a socond after Mr. Stark agreed to let me keep her. Like literally a secong, maybe not even that. Thanks for making me look good Maybel! I still love you though.

Let me know if y'all like this new style or if you prefer my older one.

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