Read This First!

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Hello! Welcome to my collection of one shots all relating to Peter Parker our friendly neighborhood Spiderman! 

I've been getting messages recently that I should put warnings before my chapters, but I always keep forgetting to do that. So, I'm starting a system that will hopefully make reading for y'all a lot easier. I've seen a few others do this in their stories and thought that it would be a great idea to implement.

Below is a list of emojis. Each one will represent a different warning. These emojis will appear in the titles of each one shot. This will help you determine which stories you'll want to read and which ones you'll want to avoid. 


🌼 - Fluff 

🐡 - mention of bullying, bullying, or very slight mention of abuse 

🌈 - LGBTQIA+ themes or anything similar 

🚨 - very serious topics, abuse in all forms, suicide, rape, dark themes. etc  Do Not Read If Easily Triggered!!!

🧅 - tear jerking, sad themes, you might cry or you might not

I'll add more as I see fit

That's pretty much it. Hope you enjoy!

Peter One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now