Josh Gardener 2 🌼

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"Uh Pete, I thought you said you brought your new friend with you." CLint says hesitantly and extremely confused. CLint's words confused Peter as well. HE didn't understand what he was talking about. Josh was standing right next to him with his head down ashamed. This sight saddened Peter and made him angry at the same time.

"I did," he said sternly. The group in front of him was taken back by his tone of voice. They have never heard Peter say anything in that tone before. "Josh is standing right here." Peter turns facing Josh Gardener.

"Um Pete, there's uh, there's no one there." Clint informs him.

Josh stands there uncomfortably. He was afraid of this happening. That's why he wouldn't agree to come over because he knew they wouldn't be able to see him. No one ever does.

"What do you mean there's no one there?!" Peter says harshly. He was getting tired of this sick joke. Pretending that they can't see someone is just cruel. His family might find it funny, but he definitely doesn't.

Natasha reaches into her pocket and pulls out a compact mirror. She then holds it up facing Peter and his new friend. Peter was flabbergasted when he looked into the mirror and saw that no one was standing next to him. He looked back and forth between his friend and the empty mirror.

Suddenly Peter starts walking to his room on autopilot with thoughts zooming around in his head. Why can't he see Josh in the mirror? Why can't the others see him? Is Josh Gardener even real, or did he just make him up? Is he going crazy? What's going on?!

"Peter, wait!" He hears Josh call after him, but Peter couldn't be bothered to stop. Josh runs to catch up with friend while being careful to avoid the furniture and people in the way. He almost caught up with him, but Peter slammed the door closed in his face.

"Peter, please. Just let me explain!" Josh begs while knocking on the door. After a minute or two Peter yanks open the door. He stands there staring at Josh's face trying to figure out if he's real or not.

"Please." Josh pleds desperately. His friend sighs and reluctantly moves to the side allowing Josh to walk in. Immediately he notices all the Star Wars posters, merchandise, and lego sets that cover the room. Peter was not kidding when he said he was a big fan.

"Are you going to explain or what?" Peter was standing by the door with his arms crossed and a look on his face that Josh can't quite figure out. It seems to be a mixture of pain, anger, and the look of a person questioning their entire life.

"Peter, I'm sorry." It hurt Josh seeing how mad Peter is at him. Peter is the closest thing he has ever had to a brother, to a family.

"Sorry for what exactly? That you didn't tell me that people literally couldn't see you! That you're probably just a fragment of my imagination. You didn't think that would be important to mention before I invited you over to meet my family. They think I'm crazy now because of you!"

"I know and I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you. I really did. It's just-" Josh pauses.

"Just what?!" Peter shouts.

"I was afraid you would hate me, okay! You're the first real friend I've had and I didn't want to lose you. No one has ever cared about me before. I know I should have told you from the start about my problem, but I was afraid you would think I was a freak just like everyone else." A single tear falls down his cheek. All the anger left Peter, but the confusion stayed and so did a little bit of pain.

"So how come I can see you when everyone else doesn't? And can they hear you?" Peter asks calmly.

"I don't know why you can see me. I've been trying to figure that out since we first met. It doesn't make sense. Also I'm not sure if they can hear me or not. Some people can, but most can't." Josh answers puzzled. He was grateful that Peter had stopped yelling. It gives him hope that maybe they can still be at least friends.

"How did this even happen?"

"I'm not entirely sure. I remember feeling so invisible because no one at school seemed to know that I existed, even the teachers forgot I was there sometimes. Then at home my parents never cared about me. They always ignored me, but they loved my older brother Fredrick. To them he was the best thing that ever happened to the world.

Then one day I woke up and I was almost transparent. Like you could still see me, but you could also see straight through me. Most people didn't even notice and the few that did made it a point to avoid me."

"That's crazy." Josh chuckles at his statement.

"Yeah it was, but it gets crazier. After a few days with people still not caring I started flickering."


"It's where I could be seen fully for a few seconds and then the next few I would be either transparent or completely invisible."

"Could you control it at all? Even just a little bit?"

"No, I had no control over it at all. It just randomly happened. At this point people noticed. They were scared of me. The look in their eyes was pure terror and haterid. They called me a freak and a monster. Even my family did. In fact they were worse.

I remember feeling so ashamed and scared and confused. I didn't understand what was happening to me or why. I still don't know. All I wanted was for it to stop. I wished with my entire being that people would go back to not seeing me. That I could just be invisible. And then it happened. My wish came true."

"What happened after that?"

"Well I went to my parents. I tried to ask them for help since they could still hear me, but they screamed at me to go away. They called me a demon. I didn't know what to do, so I just packed my bag and left.

His parents are awful! Don't worry Josh I'll adopt you! (っ ❛︣ ͜ʖ ❛︣ )っ Tommy! You just broke the fourth wall! Oops! I'm sorry. It's okay, just don't do it again.

I wandered around for a bit not knowing where to go or what to do. I've spent nights on the street and dug through trash cans searching for food. Then I realized I could sneak into hotels and sleep in an empty room and steal food from grocery stores and restaurants.

No one could see me and only a few that knew me before could hear me. I was all alone. Forced to live a life without a purpose. Then I met you. An actual person who could see and hear me! It was insane.

I was so happy and relieved to finally have someone to talk to. Not only that, but you actually cared about me. I didn't want to mess it up or ruin it. So I didn't tell you. I really am sorry."

"It's okay. I understand."


"Yeah." The two of them smile real big and hug it out.

"But I still have a bunch of questions." Peter says, making Josh laugh. Of course Peter still has questions. That's just who he is.

"So if you pick something up does it turn invisible or do people just see a floating item? WHat about your clothes? If you put something different on then do the clothes turn invisible? Can people bump into you?" Peter asks excitedly. Josh Gardener is so happy that Peter is no longer mad at him and relieved that he actually accepts him.

"They see a floating item, the clothes turn invisible and before you ask, no I don't know why, and yes people can bump into me. Is that everything?"

"For now, yes, but I might have more questions later. Right now we need to figure out how we can get you to turn visible again." The two of them start spouting out ideas on why Josh turned invisible and the science behind it. They concluded that they first need to figure out why and how he turned invisible to be able to figure out how he can turn visible again. They have a lot of work and long hours ahead of them.

Sorry for it being so short, but I just wanted to get another story out there for y'all. I really don't have that much to say this time.

Random/Weird/Deep thoughts: How come all we want is for people to notice that we aren't okay and that our world is falling apart, but when they actually do ask if we're okay or if we need help, we tell them we're fine?

Anyways have a splendid week!

1485 words

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