Beasts 🐡

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Hi my name is Peter Parker, I'm fifteen years old, and my life is boring, well it's as boring as living in Queens, New York could get. Queens isn't as bustling and crazy as New York City, but it isn't entirely quiet either. You can still hear cars honking and neighbors shouting, but it isn't that bad. It also isn't as nice, but hey, it's home.

Everyday I would wake up at 6 am and walk to Midtown Middle. I would then meet up with my best friends in the entire world Ned Leeds and Mitchell Jones. We hang out for a bit before parting ways and going to our classes. Everything is uneventful except for some light taunting and occasional beating from my childhood bully, Flash Tompson. Then I walk home, do some homework, maybe read a book, build some legos, you know, the usual stuff. Then my Aunt May will attempt to make something edible, but we mostly just eat out anyways. After all that I go to bed.

See what I mean? My life is boring. And normal.

Or at least it was.

It was the last day of school, everyone couldn't wait to get home. We all stared at the clock waiting for it to strike 2 pm, so we could finally be free. This seems so silly now. We waited and waited and waited, until finally 2pm came. I remember the whole class, even the shy kids, jumped up from their seats and cheered. Summer has arrived.

I ran out of the class and met up with Ned and MJ. We hugged and said our goodbyes even though we already had plans to meet up at the Chick-Fil-A that following Tuesday. I wish I would've hugged them one more time.

After that I walked out of Midtown Middle with a big smile on my face, little did I know that I would never return. I saw Aunt May waving from inside her car as she waited in the long line of parents here to pick up their kids. She took off of work early because she desperately wanted to pick me up, and I'm so grateful that she did.

We were driving down the road and that's when it happened. Several planes flew overhead, they were too high up for me to be able to make out what model they were. One of the four planes started dumping this red dust that sparkled in the sunlight. It spread out far and wide. It covered everything. The sight was so strange that all traffic stopped, even the pedestrians, but the weirdest part had yet to come.

The red dust, which we'll later find out it's called Vasco dust, started moving towards any sort of food, water, or living organisms. It was almost like this dust was alive. At first people were curious and didn't really know what to do. Heck I didn't even know what to do. Aunt May told me we should remain in the car since we don't know what this stuff is, she's the reason we're still alive today.

The Vasco dust started rapidly moving towards the people who were standing outside. The first person it bonded with was a young man with navy blue and dark brown eyes. He couldn't have been older than 25. The dust crawled up his legs and he screamed in pure agony. He tried so hard to brush the red particles off of him, but it was no use. The moment they touched his exposed skin, the transformation had started. Claws came out of his hands and a navy blue snout appeared on his face. He looked like a blue grizzly bear and a human, but there was no humanity left in his body. He had become a Beast.

The Beast growled loudly at the other people standing on the sidewalks. The whole process took only seconds to complete. People screamed in horror and tried to run away, but there was no point. They were all doomed from the start. People were changing into Beast left and right. Some looked like pigs, others looked like lions. They may be different animals, but they all have one goal in mind, kill every living creature that wasn't a Beast.

Aunt May quickly sped away in terror. She flew down the streets while being careful to avoid any cars, humans, or Beasts in the way. We were so close to making it back to our apartment, but a woman, no a Beast that looked like a rhino, rammed into the side of our car, causing it to start spinning out of control.

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