The Streets 2 🐡

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Peter has been living on the streets for about a year now. Life has been okay for him. There have been many problems in this unexpected chapter of his life.

It turns out that wherever it rains the roof in the diner leaks badly. Peter has to use the leftover pots and pans to collect all of the accumulated water. There were a total of six different spots where the roof leaked. Peter uses all of the water he has gathered to fill water bottles, so that he may use the water later. He only puts the rain water inside the bottles after he had heated it up on the gas stove to get rid of any unwanted viruses that could harm him.

One of the biggest problems Peter Parker found himself in was unemployment. Due to Peter's living situation it often caused him to be late to work or he would have to take a sick day because of a big assignment he had to study for in the library.

The library is the only place Peter has access to the internet and a computer to do his research projects. He would also check out books to help him. His teachers often thought that he used books to be extra since most kids only use the internet nowadays, but they don't realize that sometimes Peter doesn't have a choice in whether or not he uses books for his assignments. He has to use what is available to him. Sometimes it's easier to run in and grab a few books on the topic and then head to work at the gas station instead of spending the time to look it up on the shared computers in the library.

The library is only open during his work schedule, so sometimes Peter's forced to take a sick day off of work whenever there isn't a book he can check out on whatever subject his projects are over. These two things combined have caused Peter to lose his job. So one on top of all the hardships he already has to face, Peter now has to worry about how he is going to eat and finding a new job that has flexible hours.

Another one of his big issues has been going on for years. Flash. Flash is Peter's bully. He has made it his life goal to belittle and embarrass Peter Parker. FLash has noticed that Peter has been struggling. Ever since Peter went to live with that awfully stric foster home, Flash's bullying has gotten worse. He has gotten more physical and his comments have become harsher. He's started saying stuff like "Your family is all dead because of you!" or" You should just do us all a favor and go kill yourself!" and so much more. Peter tries his best to ignore all of his and the rest of the school's cruel comments, but it's so hard. Honest;y Peter would have killed himself already, but he's Spiderman, and the people need Spiderman.

SPiderman helps out anyone in need even if it's something as simple as directions. Spiderman cares so much about this city and the people who are in it. He fights to keep them safe and protects them from any harm. He stops bank robbers, terrorist attacks, school shootings, helps old ladys cross the streets, gets cats out of the trees, and lost kids find their familys. All of these things he does makes Queens a nicer place, even the small acts of kindness. Though he may not get paid for doing all these amazing things, seeing the smiles on people's faces whenever he helps them out, is enough payment for him. It's not like any of the Avengers are going to help out anyway.

The Avengers only deal with world threatening events, they don't care about the regular people like Spiderman does. In the eyes of the public, (except for those who believe J. Jonah Jameson's lies) Spiderman is more of a hero then the Avengers. Spiderman deals with all of the big bad guys, but he also remembers the regular everyday person. He helps out anyone in need no matter how much money they have or what their background is, if you're in trouble Spiderman will save you. One of the biggest things that make him the best superhero is that he never kills. It doesn't matter how evil the person may be, Spiderman will do anything in his power to save them if they are in a life threatening situation. He willingly went into a fire to save a criminal. Though the villains may see this as a weakness, they still appreciate that he won't let them die.

Crime fighting is hard work especially when you barely even have a home. Peter has been struggling more and more with being Spiderman, a highschool student, a good employee, and most of all being a good citizen. He tries his best to help out other people especially the homeless whenever he's Peter Parker or Spiderman. He's trying his best to keep all three of his lifes, but it's so hard.

Peter knows he can't give up being an employee because he needs to eat and there is no way Peter is giving up being Spiderman. The only one he can give up is being a student, but he doesn't want to do that. School is the only place he feels like he can embrace his nerdiness because his teachers love him for that. Peter may not have any friends ever since both MJ and Ned moved away, but at least the teachers make Peter feel like he belongs somewhere. He really doesn't want to give that up, but he might have to.

Living on his own has been tough and hard on Peter. Everyday it seems like he has a new struggle that he must face and overcome. He has tried his best to stay positive and look on the bright side of things like Aunt May taught him to do, but even that has gotten harder. He hopes and prays that something good will come out of this difficult situation, but for now, Peter will just have to try his best to manage it all and keep a positive attitude.

What up party people! Sorry for the short chapter I was trying to get a new chapter uploaded today so I have spent the last 2 and a half hours writing this for y'all. I was trying har to figure out what I should do since no one commented on wether or not they want the Avengers in this chapter or not, so I sort of did both. The Avengers aren't in the chapter, but they are mentioned. I hope that pleases everyone. I have decided to have the Avengers in the next chapter and if you really don't like that then you should have commented.

Speaking of commenting, y'all still haven't told me if you want a part two of Surprise! or not. So I don't know if I should write a part two and go ahead an post it anyway or if I should just wait and see what y'all want. Basically if you want a part two then let me know soon! I have many ideas I want to write and if no one says one way or another then I must likely won't write a part 2. 

Now if anyone out there has a request let me know. I will try to get it done, but like I just said I do have a few ideas I really want to get done, but don't worry I will do at least one request from everyone who puts in an idea, even if it is super weird. I love getting creative with the weird ones. 

Welp that's it for now. See ya later my fellow ghosts.

1301 words

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