Asset 🚨🌼

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Really quick I would just like to say that this song is what inspired me to write this story. It's really good and you should check it out! I hope you enjoy the story!

My name is Asset 628. I am also known as the Human Spider. For as long as I can remember I have been a part of an organization known as HYDRA. They rescued me from a house fire that killed my parents when I was young. I don't remember much of my old life. In fact the only thing I really can remember is the fire and a weird metal machine.

They have taught me everything I need to know to survive in the curl world. Like how to shoot guns, how to fight, how to tell when someone is lying, how to block out your emotions, and most importantly they taught me the best way to kill someone.

I work hard and train everyday, pushing myself to new limits. I have to be the very best because I need to make them proud. They saved me, so I owe them my life. I want to show them that I deserved to be saved and that I am grateful for everything they've done for me.

After the horrible fire, they took me in and gave me food to eat, water to drink, clothes to wear, a place to live. They became my family.

Sure they may beat me until I can't walk from time to time and starve me for days on end, but they do it out of love. They just want to make me better and stronger. That's what family does, they help you. Their punishments may be harsh, but I deserve them for failing my family. They expect the best from me and are disappointed when I fail to please them. They punish me out of love. I know this because they told me so themselves.

I'm not entirely sure how old I am. I know that I am on the younger side compared to the other men that I see, but I don't know the exact year. I overheard one of the guards who stand outside my room to protect me say something about 13 years old. I think they were talking about me, but I'm not 100% sure. Plus that was a long time ago, so I'm probably older now.

It's very hard to tell time in this bunker because there are no windows or clocks. Some of the others wear watches, but they don't make any sense to me. The watches are in a circle and have many lines all around. Then there are these two lines in the middle, one is long and the other is short, that move inside the circle. I have no clue what they mean or how they tell time. Then again I don't seem to know as much stuff as everyone else who lives in the bunker.

When I first arrived here I would always ask so many questions. Sometimes people answered and sometimes they told me to shut up. After a week Zen Barkridge said that I wasn't allowed to speak without permission, so I couldn't ask anymore questions after that.

Mr. Barkridge is the director in charge of me. He's the one who tells me all the rules and has raised me since I was a kid. He also orders for me to be punished when I make a mistake, even if it is only a small mistake. He expects perfection and I try so hard to be perfect, but no after what I do he always finds something wrong with me. He's the one who I want to make proud of the most. I want to show him that I'm not a worthless mistake like he thinks I am.

I may not know a lot, but I do know that most of my family hates me. They resent how good I am. That I am much better than they will ever be, and knowing that makes me confident and proud. They hate that I'm Jett Whitmore's, the head director of this bunker, favorite asset. I am the one who gets to go on all the missions and they are jealous of that.

Their jealousy makes them fight me harder during training which helps me improve faster than if they went easy on me. It doesn't matter how mad they are or how strong they are, I have beat every single one of them. At first I would always lose, but I was able to study their fighting style and predict what they were going to do. This allowed me to defeat them quickly and efficiently. After a little while I was able to defeat any opponent that went against me. Once the head director heard of my special skill set, he knew I was the perfect one for his special job.

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