Kapitel 15.

366 15 1

Kara's POV

My Hands grabbed the papers. I breathed in and Out. My Muscles relaxed a little bit. I opened the door and saw miss Grant sitting on her desk. A pen in her Hands and her eyes all over the TV.

„Miss Grant? You wanted to Speak with me?", I asked and Cat Grant looked at me. Her eyes mustered me and she stood up. She sat on the Couch and was still looking at me.

„What's the Problem with Supergirl?", she asked and my eyes widened a little bit. Her hand indicates to the TV where our Channel was talking about the Incident of Yesterday.

Supergirl looked absent and that's why the City took more damage. The reporter were talking about the incident. They were questioning what happened.

I gulped „why do you ask me?", I asked and Cat looked at me. A little smile grew on her face. She clears her Throat „because you seem to have problems too. And If I can't help Supergirl I could atleast help you", she answered and took a sip of her coffee.

I became a little nervous. I have a problem? The only problem I have is that I miss y/n. I don't even know why she broke up with me. Hopefully Alex... finds it out.

„My Girlfriend broke up with me...", I said and Cat grant looked surprised. She smiled a little and sighed silently „But Why? Did you do something? Did she feel unloved?", she asked and my shoulders shrugged.

„I don't know. One day everything was great and the next she broke up with me", I answered and Cat summed. She was silent and only looked at me „Okay... maybe we had some differences on that great day... but I-„

My phone was ringing and Cat nodded her head. Alex was calling. My eyes looked to Cat who only nodded her head again.

I picked up.

„She knows"

My heart pounded hard in my chest and my eyes widened „what? What does she know?", I asked and Alex sighed.

„She knows that we lied to her. She knows you're Supergirl", I heard. My Mouth opened in Shock and in my eyes the tears were building up.

„She hates to be lied on. She told us so many times. Raven told us too. And what do we do? We lie. Straight in her Face! It's our Fault... it's the Same as Lena"

„You can go, Kira. It seems important", I heard Cat grant say and with that I nodded my head and left her office.

My phone still on my ear to hear what Alex was saying „It would be something else if She was only a friend to us... but she's your Girlfriend... and I like her too", she said and I nodded.

We all liked her. Me, the most.

„Im going to make this right! I won't lose her, Alex. I promise"

Alex laughed and after a quick goodbye the phone went silent.

Y/n knew.

I don't need to lie to her...

At her house I sprinted the stairs up and in front of the Door my hand was already up in the air to knock on her door.

„Raven... I'm Drunk and Angry... so don't make a move on me. I would regret it", I heard y/n say. My eyes narrowed and my heart ached. She sounded so sad...

„I know... but that could be my last chance", I heard Raven.

Oh god. This Bitch was making a move on y/n!

I knocked loudly and heard footsteps. The door opened and I saw y/n. She had a new haircut.

„Kara", she said with her mouth open. In her eyes the tears were coming back but she shook her head. She cleared her Throat „what do you want?", she asked.

„You! I want you", I answered loudly and walked in. Raven stood in front of the couch „you can go, Raven. Thank you for taking care of y/n", I said and Raven looked a little scared. She flees.

The Door closed and y/n's Hand still on the doorhandle. She looked at me „Why are you here?", she asked and I gulped. My Heart pounded loudly in my Chest.

I won't lose her.
I don't want to.

„I'm here to Apologize", I answered and Y/n nodded her head „So Alex told you, that I know?", she asked and sighed. For a moment she closed her Eyes. Her hand ran over her face. She looked so done with everything.

„I'm sorry", I said. She looked at me „I know, that you hate it to be lied on. I know, that I should of said the Truth. You asked me so many times. And I know that it hurts to hear the Truth from a Villain. I-„

„No, you don't! You're not Sorry because you feel bad. You're Sorry because I found out the Truth. You're sorry that you didn't tell me the Truth. You're sorry that you are now in the Wrong"

No... that's not true.
She's misunderstanding me.

„No, y/n. I love you. I need you. And I'm really sorry for hurting you so bad"

She sniffed and looked away. She wiped the tears off of her face and looked me in the eyes.

„I love you too. That's why, I'm Hurt. I thought... you trust me... I thought, I... could trust you! But that's what I thought. That's my Mistake"


„Don't. Don't say my Name like that. And don't look at me like that. I'm really trying to hate you... but I can't... so please. Let me hate you for a little before...."

My eyes widened.

„Before what? Before you can love me again? Before you can trust me again? Before you leave me?", I asked and at the final statement of mine my eyes teared up. I looked at the smaller girl.

She laughed a little „I don't fucking know... I don't know, Kara. I'm trying to pick up the pieces you broke. I don't even know if I can trust you like before"

„I know you will. I'll do anything for you. I'll gain your trust and love back! No matter how long it takes"

(Kara/You) My Girl (in English)Where stories live. Discover now