Chapter 5.

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„Fuck" i whispered and held my Head. Everything was still spinning and I have the feeling to Throw up.

„Pssh... not so loud", said Alex and even she doesn't look very good. I laughed silently.

„Where am I?", I asked and my Eyes looked at the Furniture in this apartment. The blanket was very warm and Comfortable.

„At Karas. Now shut the fuck up", said my Boss a bit louder „ow".

I smiled. I stood up and needed to register my position first. Wow... I think that I'm still drunk.

„Good Morning", said the bundle of Sunshine and Happyness. I grimaced my face „too bright", I said and Kara laughed.

She came to me and looked at me „are good?", she asked and held me Steady. I smiled and looked her in her Eyes.

„You... have mesmerizing Eyes", I said and a blush spreaded on her face. She laughed nervously „you stink", she said and immediately I hold my hand before my Mouth.

She smiled „there is the Bathroom. You can wear something from me"

I nooded and made me passable enough to go out. Her Pullover was her Cute. I think I'm going to steal it... it was a little bit big but this is how I like my Pullovers.

I went to Kara „how did we came Home yesterday?", I asked „and how the fuck were you so sober? I think you are the Master of drinking and not Alex"

„What?! Do you want  a rematch?", she asked and Kara shushed. We both fell Silent.

Kara looked at me „I only drank like 3 Beers. And you came home by yourself. I only had to lead you the way", she said „and No rematch!"

I thought about it. I don't remember how I came home... „did I made out with someone?", I asked and Kara looked at me surprised.

„W-why do you think that?", she asked and even Alex looked interested. I showed them my Neck. There was a big Lila hickey.

„You fell yesterday", said Kara and Alex looked at her „on her Neck?", she asked and Kara was trying to remember.

„No. I don't know. You didn't made out with anyone... or... did you two made out?!", she asked shocked and Alex's brow furrowed.

„No. those aren't my Hickeys", she answered and I looked at her Confused „you know how your Hickeys looks?", I asked.

„Yeah. You not?", she asked and I shook my head. I looked still confused „but... do your hickeys always have the Right Color and the Right shape?", I asked.

Alex nodded her head. I laughed „this can't be", I said and Alex wiggled her eyebrows.

„We probably should eat. You both need it... and a shower", said the Beautiful blonde Woman.

My Hand went to my Neck there where the Hickey was. My Hand flinched at the Contact. Goosebumps formed on my arms.

„The person who did that knows what she's doing", said Alex proud. She nodded with her head. I smiled and shook amused my head.

But... who was that?
What happened yesterday?

Kara POV

„Bye, y/n. Stay safe. We'll see you Tomorrow", I said and watched after the smaller girl. I closed the Door and turned around.

Alex stood there with a cup and slurped loudly, while she looked at me with an raised brow.

„What is?", I asked nervously and tried to escape the Upcoming conversation „you were that", she answered and looked at me.

„What?", I asked innocently and smiled nervously. Alex looked at me and sighed „how did it happen? I can't remember that I left you both alone"

I swallowed nervously „I really don't know what your talking about", I said. Alex took a gulpe of her hot Coffee and sighed relaxed.

„The Hickey. You're a fucking Vampire. Nobody makes Hickeys like you", I heard her saying and blushed. Shit... how does she know this?

I cleared my Throat and sat down on the Couch. Alex was sitting next to me and her Eyes sparkle interested.

„You both fell asleep so I needed to carry you both home. I put y/n on the Couch and you on my Bed. After a while I was Thirsty", I said but was interrupted.

„Thirsty of y/n?", she asked and I looked at her annoyed. What the hell is wrong with her?

„No. I wanted to Drink water", I answered.

„So. I went into the Kitchen and there was y/n. She was half naked and drank water. I didn't had my glasses on, so that she thought I was Supergirl. But my Clothes confused her. At the End she called me Super-Kara"

Alex laughed loudly and even snorted „she's Dumb", she said laughing „s-a-super-Kara", repeated the older One still laughing. After she calmed down she looked at me „now... what happened after that?", she asked.

I blushed. My mind went to this specific scene and my heartbeat increased. It didn't calm down.


I looked at her. The glass in her Hand was Empty and that's why she put it on the sink. Her eyes met mine.

„Are you Kara or Supergirl?", she asked and She was very near. I could feel her warmth and I could smell her.

She smelled like alcohol, sweat and coconuts. It was a weird combination but it made me crazy.

„I- why do you ask?", I asked uneasy. Did she find out that I'm Supergirl?

„Your Face is... so Sexy. But your body is cute... Supergirl is Sexy and Kara is cute... but both of them make me Crazy even tho I shouldn't feel something when their near me... but I do"

My eyes widen. I looked at her. My mouth opens a little bit and my Hand wanders to her Neck. She trembled a bit and bit her lip.

„I should not have this feeling... I think", she stopped and looked me in the Eyes. She swallowed „I think I should shut up", she added.

I smiled „yes. I think you should do it", I said and after that my Lips found hers.

————-End of Flashback————-

„Holy shit... you kissed her?! Yeah... why am I shocked! It was so clear... and You're a Top. That was clear"

I looked at her „hello? Bitch, what You're Talking about?"

„Bitch. Who are you calling a bitch?"

I smiled and she did the same. Amused we both shook our heads.

„And who are you calling a vampire?", I asked annoyed and Alex laughed a little „did you see her neck?", she asked and I blushed. Yeah okay... „it could be that she has sensitive skin?", I said but it sounded like a excuse.

(Kara/You) My Girl (in English)Where stories live. Discover now