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oh god. Kara didnt leave me alone. Every Morning i find a coffee and croissants infront of my door. 

And now. She's even as Supergirl really kinky towards me. Alex didnt know how she should react with me. But i wasnt angry at Alex. Not for long. 

but Kara was another story. She was my Girlfriend. She should of have trusted me enough. I know that this Secret is Huge. I understand that...

but i asked so many times. i said so many times that i hate it to be lied on.  and she still lied.

i needed time. i even moved away from the City after a month. But Kara still brings me the croissants. She doesnt contact me. i didnt see her for half a year. But there wasnt a single minute were i didnt thought of her. 

i loved her. I still do. 

i heard something in front of my door so i opened it as fast as i could. But there was nothing. Only again the Starbucks coffee "Kara. come here"

i waited and there i saw her. as Supergirl.

"Come in", i said and her eyes widened a little.

She came in, like i said, and she looked me straight in the eyes "I guess you still like me?", i asked and Karas forhead wrinkled. 

"I love you, y/n", she answered and a smile crept on my face. 

"You never left me alone... not really", i said and Kara nodded her head "i Coulndt. im sorry", she said and i breathed in. i smiled.

"I still love you"

Karas eyes widened. She gulped. she looks so nervous and my heart pounded loudly in my chest.

"What does that mean?", she asked.

i shrugged with my shoulders "I dont know. i love you and i know your secret... so there shouldnt be anymore secrets between us"

"And if there is. Im telling you. I would never lie to you again. never. i promise"

i licked my lips. she still makes me nervous. i wasnt sure about my next move.

the only thing i knew, is that i love her so fucking much...

"The only thing i say right now... is that im moving back to Central City.  i dont know if we're ever getting back together, but i'll be by your side. i want to be"

Kara smiled "We're getting back together. i know it"

I smiled "Help me move?", i asked and Kara nodded laughing her head.

(Kara/You) My Girl (in English)Where stories live. Discover now