Chapter 3.

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„What are you doing here?", I whisper yelled at the smaller girl. Raven looked at me. Tears welled up in her eyes „I'm sorry, y/n"

I clenched my jaw. Her brown eyes looked right into mine. A tear streams down her face „I... I miss you", she said and I laughed embittered.

„You're serious?! You miss me?!", i laughed again „you're crazy. I don't miss you. Not even a little bit. You're dead to me! You should have thought about it before you betrayed me"

Raven grabbed my arm. She sniffs „I'm sorry. I'm really sorry", she said. I shook my head „let me go", I said. Now is she the one who shook her head.

„Let. Me. Go", I said slowly and cold. She let go of me. Without another word i let her in the bedroom alone. I wanted to be alone but this bitch followed me.

In the living room I grabbed my jacket „what are you doing?", asked Alex and looked at me. I looked at the three girls sitting in front of me.

„I'm sorry. It's late. I should go. I need to go", I said fast and put on my jacket. Kara looked thoughtful. She did notice my mood.

„I'm sorry", I said and left the apartment of the beautiful blonde woman. Angry and with mixed Emotions I went home.

Angry tears welled up in my eyes as I came home. My chest hurts like a bitch. The Air is getting less. I can't breath...
I screamed my frustration out.

Kara POV

„What's going on with her?", asked Alex slightly confused. I sighed. I heard what y/n and Raven talked about...

Were they Together?
Did raven cheat on y/n?
Is that the story?

Raven came and looked after y/n „she's gone", I said and Raven stopped. She looked at me and nooded softly with her head.

„Can you tell us? Tell us why y/n hates you...", I said and Lena raised her eyebrows. She looked at raven „you and y/n know each other?", she asked and Raven nodded her head.

„This is a hateful story... after this story you will hate me", she said. Like a little child she sat next to Lena.

„Were you and y/n together? Did you cheat on her?", I asked and this Time Alex looked shocked at me. It was a shock.

Never did I interfere in other people's Past or lives. I looked at Raven. Raven swallowed her saliva and cleared her Throat.

„I wish this was the reason... but it is something different... it is not so long ago. Maybe... 8 or 9 Months?", she said asking herself.

My concentration was full on Raven. The other two were likewise excited to know what the story is. What could be so Dramatic?

„Y/n had a fiancé Named Alexis. She was not only her girlfriend. She was her best friend. Her Person", she said and stopped.

It was silent. Raven searched the Courage to tell the rest of the story and we let her. Nobody said a word. Nobody even moved.

„Alexis was an Alien"

Alex looked at me and Lena did the same. I didn't show a reaction. Both of them looked at Raven Again.

„Was?", Lena asked after realizing what raven said. Raven swallowed her glass water in one gulp.

„Yes. She's dead", answered Raven and my eyes widen.


„You're Lucky that You're not only my alarm", I said to my Phone and stood up. Loud yawning I went to my bathroom and made me passable for work.

Back in my bedroom my eyes locked with the leatherjacket. My hand wanders to my Neck and grabbed The Ring that is as a Necklace on my neck.

There I stood. The ring in my palm and my eyes on the Leatherjacket. A little smile crept on my Face „I'm okay", I said while I'm nodding with my head.

I let go of the ring and put on my Clothes for work.

A last deep Breath and I enter the DEO. Alex had a conversation with Brainy. I said hello to most of the Employers and made my work.

My Hand did hurt. Yesterday was a rough day. To see Raven again did put me in a position that thought I would never again be in.

My Hand was red and a Little bit swollen. I went to the room with most of the Medication and doctored my Hand so good I can.

Alexis did this always for me „what are you doing?"

I looked up and saw Supergirl at the Door. I sighed silently „My Hand hurts", I answered her and she Came slowly to me.

The Taller Woman sat in front of me and grabbed carefully my Hand. She didn't say anything. She only caressed my Hand.

My Mouth opens a little bit. She looked so Concerned. She smells good...

„How did this happen?", she asked but didn't look at me. I was mesmerized by the Woman who is bandaging my Hand.

„You're Good in this... you don't even need this kind of skill", I said. Supergirl stopped and looked me in the eyes.

Her blue was so fricking Deep that I'm afraid I could fall... and this very Deep. Her blue eyes are a little bit darker so that their looking a little bit grey.

„I know. But not all of my Friends are so strong as I am... and Alex can't be always the Doctor", she answered and smiled a little sad.

„Is everything okay? You seem... a Little off", I said and Supergirl let go of my Hand. She licked her lips and sighed loudly.

„You too", she answered and I nooded. A silent laugh filled the room „I'm sorry... I thought that you remind me of someone", I said and Supergirl smiled a little bit.

„You remind me of my Girlfriend", I said smiling. The blonde woman looked interested „her Name is Alexis", I said and Supergirl raised her Eyebrows.

„Is?", she asked shocked. She clears her Throat „so... your in a relationship?", she asked and my smile dropped. I took a deep Breath „no. Not anymore"

(Kara/You) My Girl (in English)Where stories live. Discover now