Chapter 8.

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I sighed and closed for a minute my Eyes. It was strange to see Alexis. My Fiancé! Why am I feeling this kind of things towards a friend? I should feel this feelings toward my Fiancé.

„Agent", said the sister of my Crush and I looked at her. My Back straightened and I tried to not show any Emotions in my face. Not when I work.

Alex stood by my side and looked at the other Agent who still worked „How is Alexis?", she asked but her tone was a little different. I didn't know what she wanted to say with this. I don't want to know...

„Good", I answered and Alex raised a eyebrow on me „are you sure about that?", she asked and I flinched a little.

I bit in my Lip and sighed loudly „No... it is strange to have her around? I should love her... She loved me, Alex... she always loved me but she thought I liked Raven", I said a little sad and confused.

Alex looked at me and nodded a little with her head „you Should love her?", she asked and I nodded „so you don't love her?", she asked a little shocked and the other brow followed the other.

I sighed again „No... I always thought that I love her... but after I-„, I said but stopped immediately. I almost said that I have a crush on her little nerdy sister.

Alex smiled „You like my Sister", she said and my Breath hitched. Shocked my eyes widen and I laughed nervously „w-what? no... I... don't", I said but couldn't look her in the Eyes.

Alex touched my arm like a older sister and smiled encouraging „I know that already, y/n. I knew it all along", she said and I blinked surprised.

I cleared my Throat „so it isn't a problem for you?", I asked and Alex smiled „not at all. But if you make her Cry I'll break all of your bones, do you understand?", she asked still with a smile on her face.

„How can I make her Cry? She doesn't like me like that... and What should I do about Alexis? I need to Marry her but she refuses. I have to Marry her so that I can love your Sister freely without hurting Alexis", I said stressed.

I was so fucking stressed!
This whole Situation is so stressful.

Alex laughed a little „that you have to clear on your own... you have to do what is Right for you", she answered and patted me on the Shoulder before she left my side.

I sighed again. After I found Alexis my back hurts like a bitch. Even my head feels like it's bursting and I'm always hot.

After I found her the stressed increased and I'm feeling good only when i see Kara. Only when I hug her or see her smile.

I say that I need to charge my battery and Kara hugs me immediately. She knows how I'm Feeling. At least she tries to understand.

But... this Girl who she met... I still don't know who she is. She doesn't want to talk about her or even tell me her name.

She's making me Jealous and she knows it! I'm sure that she knows it... even Brainy noticed it.

Supergirl flew in the room and I looked at her for a brief second. I nodded my head and smiled a little.

Supergirl came to me with a big smile on her face and looked straight into mine.

„Hey. We didn't had the chance to talk since your Fiancé came back to life. How are you holding up?", she asked and I relaxed a little bit.

Her voice is so soothing and seemed very familiar to me. But... I still don't know why this Heroine is so familiar. Who is it? She doesn't wear a mask... how could it be that I don't recognize her?

Supergirl was frowning and licked her lips. My eyes Webtabellen her lips for only a second. I looked her at her Eyes and my narrowed a little.

„I'm sorry. I'm very curious. I'm pretty sure that I know you but I can't say who you are... I know that I should not ask you that... but I hate it when I'm being lied to... do I Know You?", I asked and Supergirl opened her mouth.

Her eyes saddened a bit and this was an answer. A little smile spread on my Face „it is okay... i'm to 70% sure who you are now", I said and the Heroine in front of me raised her eyebrows.

„You do?", she asked and I smiled a little bit. Supergirl smiled too „that we see", she said and I laughed a little bit. I bit my lip a little and supergirl looked for a brief second on my lip.

„Kara", I said loudly and knocked at her door. I sighed and knocked again. After a while the Door was opened and my Mouth dropped.

I blinked in shock. A stunning blonde Woman was standing on the Door. She had Glasses on her Nose too and she seems to be more nerdy than Kara.

„Who are you?", she asked and I returned to reality. I smiled friendly „my name is y/n. Is kara home?", I asked and the Woman opened the Door wider.

I went in „I'm Felicity", she said and I shook her hand. I blinked again. God. This woman was so fucking stunning. If I didn't had a Crush on Kara I sure would develop right now one for this Woman.

„Hey, Felicity. Could you help me?", asked another Woman and I looked at her. My Mouth dropped again. Oh god... she's stunning too.

„I'm Coming, Catlin", answered Felicity and i looked at both of them. Not long after this encounter I saw Kara and my Mouth dropped again.

She has a stunning Pink Dress on. I gulped my Saliva. One Other Woman is there on the Couch with a Glas Champagner in her Hand.

„No. I don't like that Dress", she said thoughtful and frowned a little her forehead.

„y/n", said Kara Inder shock when she noticed me. All eyes looked at me and Kara came with a big smile on her face to me.

„Do I need to charge your Battery again?", she asked jokingly and smiled so too. I smiled and looked at her „can I say that you look Beautiful in this dress?", I asked and the blonde Woman blushed a little bit.

The other woman are looking very interesting to us but they didn't wanted to show us.

„Thanks. We're only putting on dresses to look what Dress we should wear on the Wedding", she said and I nodded understandably.

„Congratulation", I said to all the woman. I didn't even know who I am talking to.

„Thanks. I'm Iris by the way", she said with a smile on her face and I smiled back. After that my eyes looked right into Karas.

„Do you want to be my Date on the Wedding?", she asked but then she looked at Iris „I can bring 2 People, right?", she asked and Iris nodded amused.

Kara looked at me again and smiled „a Date Date?", I asked and Kara smiled nervously „Of course Not", she answered and my smile Fall a bit.

I blinked a little and nodded my head „Okay... I would like to go... to a wedding", I said. I was sad... she said No so freaking fast... so she really don't want a Date with me...

I sighed a little bit and nodded my head „I should go now. Have a nice Day. You guys Too", I said and waved a little with my head.

The other girls did understand the situation and after I left the Apartment I heard loud voices.

„Are you Dumb?!"
„What the fuck is wrong with you?"
„do you Know what was Happening?"

(Kara/You) My Girl (in English)Where stories live. Discover now