Chapter 4.

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„Let me get one Thing Straight.... I'm Not!", I said with an Attitude and snapped my Finger and Pouted my lip.

„Oh shit", said Alex laughing and punched the table. Kara laughed loudly and touched my Arm. I smiled happily.

„So... how did you found out you're not straight?", asked Alex and looked at me. I blushed a little bit and a smile crept on my Face.

„It was because of Alexis that I was sure. Before I thought that I need to wait for the right Person. Without realizing that I didn't say Man. Alexis kissed me and it was the only thing in my Life that I was sure... I was sure that this... that she... was Perfect for me"

„Wait... you're Gay?", asked Kara and looked at me surprised. I raised my Eyebrows „yeah. I didn't hide it... I think you need to work on your Gaydar", I answered laughing.

Confused Kara was so cute. She was frowning and looked at another Person „and what is he?", she asked and I looked to the guy who was clearly hitting on the Bartender.

„Gay", I answered. Alex nooded and agreed with me. The Next person was a Woman with long braided Hair and a Summerdress who was Dancing with a guy.

„Bisexual... probably Pan", I said and Alex looked confused at me „No. she's Straight", said the brunette and I smiled.

„There look", said Kara and this girl with the dress came up to us. With a Napkin where her number was written on it.

She looked at Alex and Smiled. She gave her the Napkin and leave the Table. Surprised looked Alex the Girl after.

„Damn... how did you know that?", she asked and took the Napkin.

„I already said that my Gaydar is awesome. But what is with you, Kara? Do you have a girlfriend?", I asked grinning.

Kara blushed immediately. Her eyes widen „I'm not gay", she said like she has to defend herself.

I sighed „yeah. We all went trough this... and You're not Gay. You're Bi", I said like it was Fate. Kara looked at me.

She was in shock. I nipped on my Drink „is there one Time you thought of kissing a girl? Even on spin the bottle?", I asked and Kara's Eyes widens.

Alex was in shock too „I fucking knew it!", she said and clapped her Hands „we're gay sisters", said the brunette and laughed.

Kara gulped. She looked so Cute... „y/n?", Alex asked and looked at me „I don't have a Good Gaydar. But I can tell if People are in love", she said.

I raised my Eyebrow and a little smile spreaded on my Face „okay? Why are you telling me that?", I asked and Alex flinched with her shoulders.

„Why don't you tell us about Alexis", asked the brunette carefully. I looked at her and Kara. I sighed „what do you want to know?", I asked.

„Why are you mad at Raven? What does she have to do with Alexis?", now was it Kara who asked. She drank her drink.

„So. Alexis was an Alien... the Problem is... her power is reincarnation... when she dies, she's not really Dead...  she comes again... she will come until her Soulmate is dead...  For the Soulmate it can be a curse or a blessing. This depends on the Soulmate. She can come in every situation, In every age or in every gender. Since I met her... she died 8 Times already. Everytime she came as a Woman... with same Eyes, hair and Features... the Only way to break this Curse... is marriage"

„Wait", said Kara and looked at me confused „you want to marry her so you can break this Curse?", she asked and I nodded.

Alex looked at me „I thought out of love", she said and a sad smile came on my Face.

„It is out of love... I love her... but she loves somebody else... only because of the Curse she dies when she falls in love in another Person... that's why we wanted to marry... but Raven ruined everything... she told everyone that Alexis was an Alien... she told everyone that she held me captive... that she want me to turn into an Alien"

„This is impossible... or is it?", asked the brunette and looked at me. I shook my head „I thought you were the Scientist", I said sarcastic.

„Yeah, Yeah. Tell me more", said Kara excited. I smiled. She looked like a Kid with this Smile on her face. So innocent.

„We're was I? Oh right... only because Raven said those things it ruined my and Alexis life... the curse is only a blessing when both people are in love... it is only a curse when both or one loves somebody else. Only because of Raven she died the 9th Time in like 16 years"

Stunned the both of them were only looking at me. I took a deep breath and took a gulp of my Drink.

„That sucks. Onesided love is the Worst", said Alex concerned. I smiled.

„No... that what really sucks is when you're don't know if you love a person sincerely or because of a curse", I answered and Alex shook her head. She sighed loudly.

„Oh no! We need more drinks! I pay", said Alex and stood up.

We're 3 or 4 Hours here. Alex was a little bit drunk and I was very Drunk... but Kara was completely Sober. How?

Drunkenly I looked to Alex. She grinnend „Okay. Stop drinking y/n. Alex is a master in drinking. You can't beat her"

I looked at the blonde Woman. I don't know if I'm blushing because of her or because I'm Drunk. Alex laughed and this was a Challenge.

„Hell no! I... I... can do it", I mumbled drunkenly. I grabbed the Drink and Alex lifted hers up. She drank it out and looked at me. She was sure she wins.

I lifted my glass too and drank. I drank and drank but the liquid didn't stop. At the half I thought I was throwing up but it was the Drink that drips to me neck.

„Alright. Stop it. We're going home", said Kara. I stood up and fell immediately. Alex laughed at me and seconds after she fell too.

Now was I the one who was Laughing. In the Bar was nobody. Only the bartender who was already half asleep.

Alex layed down on the pool table after she put her jacket on. I looked at her „why didn't you close the Door? This is dangerous!", I mumbled and closed the imaginary Door. I lay down next to her.

(Kara/You) My Girl (in English)Where stories live. Discover now