Chapter 12.

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Supergirl POV

„Let me go!", I said aggressively and tried to escape the Chains but they are puttet in Kryptonite. My Strength is leaving my Body and it's making me so tired.

The Black Supergirl stared at me „I saw u have a y/n too", she said and I blinked. My Mouth openend „What the Fuck did you do to her? If you touched her I'm going to kill you!", I answered now with more Strength.

My heart pounded loudly in my Chest. Is y/n good? Is she hurt? What did this Bitch to her?

„Relax. I would never Hurt her...", she answered. Her smile faltetet a bit and it looked so sad. My muscles relaxed.

„I will guess and say that you both are in a relationship", she said and again i tensed up. My eyes fixed the black supergirl.

„I hope you had enough time with her cause she's coming with me"

My eyes widen. My jaw tightened „what? Why? You have your y/n so let me mine!"

The black supergirl smiled a little. She looked really creepy „my y/n is dead... and you will be dead too. But don't be afraid. I will be very gently with our y/n.

I gulped.

„What... happened to your y/n?", I asked and my Breath hitched a little. Did she felt pain? How could she die when her girlfriend is Supergirl?

Dark supergirls Eyes looked empty. She looked like a robot. Does she have somebody? What is with Alex?

„The Nazis killed her... she couldn't stand them anymore... so i had to watch her getting killed", she answered. Her mind probably wandered again to that scene.

„I don't believe you did nothing. We're both the same... I would never watch her getting killed!", I said and the Chains made again some sounds cause of my movements.

Black Supergirl looked at me. Her eyes empty of love and filled with Anger. Her smile left her face and her face turned stone cold.

Black supergirl Timelapse

„Stop it!", I Heard the Love of my Life say. My heart pounded loudly. This is the first time I felt something like that. Fear was never apart of my life.

I gulped. I saw y/n getting forced to get on her knees. Her jaw tightened. Her face and all of her Body was drained in Water and Sweat.

My fist was tightening and my Heart pounded loudly.
I did warn her... she shouldn't help this Jewish people.

But... that wouldn't be y/n. She needed to help those People... she always helped them...

„What you guys are doing is Wrong! Hitler was Jewish too! U don't have the rights to destroy those life's! Go to fucking hell you bastards!"

And she didn't know when the time we to shut up. An angry soldier punched her right in the face. My heart pounded loudly.

The anger in me was rising.

Her eyes locked with mine. She smiled when the gun was pointed at her head. She smiled so happy. She smiled like we met the first time.

„No! Stop it! Lever her alone", I screamed but Arrow was holding me tight. He knew I would do everything for her.

„Don't Go... it's already too late", said the bigger person. I looked at y/n.

„I love you", I heard her say. After that the sound of the gun. I gasped. My heart stopped beating and I fell on my knees.

Her blood was spreading. Her eyes were empty of life but her smile was still on her face. A lot smaller but it was there.

Back in time.
Supergirl POV

„However... ur gonna die", she said after snapping back of her Thoughts. Her smile faltered a little and her eyes lost every Hope.


„Why do u need me?", I asked and Dark Supergirl sighed annoyed of me and rolled with her eyes „Why are you so Curious? If you really want to know it's because I need your Heart"

Amazed my eyes widen.

She needed my Heart?
She's dying...

Her Head turned into one direction and a smirk plastered into her face „y/n's calling me", she said and her eyes light up.

She... Loved her y/n.

„When you touch her I'm ripping your Heart out!", I said aggressively and Supergirl lifted an eyebrow. She laughed a little.

„Sweetie... I'm ripping your Heart out", she answered with a little smile on her face and she left the room.

Why would y/n call her?

Who let her do that?

Where's Alex?

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